Reviews from

in the past

EASY PLATINUM BABY!!! FUCK. YES. LET'S BOOST THAT GAMESCORE UP. EASIEST PLATINUM I EVER GOT! at the time of playing, i actually was #1 on the leaderboard for easy mode without even trying. if you ever think i'm a fake gamer, remember that.

É um jogo bom pra caso você queira perder uns 30 minutos do seu dia de bobeira.

Stinky Platinum obtained in 14 minutes. Very quick and easy, but confusing.

Everyone on here only talking about the easy PlayStation trophies… well I played on Switch with NOTHING in return so take that suckers. This game is basically a flash game that would be fine if it was free. It wasn’t free though.

Most of the reviews on this game talk about how easy it is to get trophies for it on PSN. Okay, cool don't really care, ANYWAY.

This game is a bit of a unique twist on the shmup genre where you control two paddles with your triggers. You catch hearts and crush dust bunnies to damage the boss on the top of the screen. If either of them hits the floor, the ceiling lowers to obscure your field of view. You also gotta avoid skulls that will instakill you (unless you have a barrier)

The game is only 9 stages long and it doesn't sound like it'd be too hard to play, but it ramps up in difficulty pretty fast even on easy mode, it really tests your hand-eye coordination reflexes. To counter this a bit the game has several princesses that have different attributes from each other, so you can pick who bests suits your playstyle. (I beat the game with the Barrier Princess)

The music is solid chiptune stuff and I really like the designs of the bosses. Not much else to say. It's a very hard game, but it's a solid one.

Free plat, seems like a newgrounds game.

More like All Achievements In 10 Minutes Mode.

Nice weird indie game with a very easy platinum trophy.

it's really boring I only played it for a platinum trophy


Super Weekend Mode is a very simple game. Its sole purpose is to entertain and for that, it ditches things like plot or character development. If it's true that a good plot and involvement with the characters can make a masterpiece, it's no less true that not all games need them, and Super Weekend Mode, in its extreme simplicity, is an enjoyable game, even if not an in-depth experience.
👉opencritic SUMMARY

Super Weekend Mode on the Nintendo Switch seems to suggest it is a fun experience for some weekend gaming time, and that is absolutely correct. With its unpretentious and unambitious ways, Super Weekend Mode is competent enough to allow for a few fun hours. It doesn't venture into a complex experience but that's hardly a deadly sin.
👉 metacritic SUMMARY

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ M I S C

◻️ ⚠️ Review originally written for FNintendo (defunct website) and published on January 20th, 2020. Full review is currently unavailable. Expect restored written piece translated into English.
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◻️ ✍️ in European Portuguese (Main body of text translated into English with A.I.)
◻️ 📜 Review Number 18

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ F I N

I'll admit this recent run was - quite obviously given the platform - a triple-down on an easy platinum trophy. Unlike many of the other people on here who played this solely for PSN points, I can see many admirable qualities behind this simplistic yet fun arcade game.

Super Weekend Mode doesn't do anything groundbreaking per its genre confines, but it offers up enough fun to make it an enjoyable pick-up-and-play kind of experience.

I'll leave with a gentle reminder to Backloggd users out there that simple doesn't automatically equal bad.

Only got for an easy platinum

Full Review + Trophy Review and Tips Below (Easy Platinum)

Played on PS VITA. You have two paddles and as hearts fall you just need to place the paddle in the path all while shooting the big boss in the middle. It is, like ... a rhythm and pong shooter game all in one. The early levels are easy but it challenges both hemispheres of your brain the further you go along as hearts change places making you have to move paddles separately.

Difficulty: 2/10
Time: 30 Minutes
Trophy Guide: Not Needed
Trophy List Score: 6/10

Just beat the first 3 levels (choose the princess and put the difficulty at its lowest) and all the rest of the trophies should pop. Afterwards just beat the first level on the hardest difficulty and that's it.

Happy Trophy Hunting!

This is the kind of game you would have played on Newgrounds back in the day. Charming pixel art and chiptunes and nice simple arcadey gameplay, but nothing really stand out. Probably would be better if it didn't give you a platinum trophy for doing basically nothing (you don't even have to beat all stages). The name and pixel art charmed me to try it out but it was just alright, but it only costs like a buck anyway.