Reviews from

in the past

Really didn't like the core game, which was frustrating more than it was scary, but liked the DLC a lot more. However, the subtextual subject matter is handled in a very mixed way, to the point where I struggle to recommend the game, even though I can see its strengths shine through in places. 2 stars for the core game, 3.5 for the DLC

era bem legal na epoca, ja repararam que ngm mais fala sobre furbys

A DLC deste jogo foi muito estranha para mim quando eu estava no quarto-quinto ano e este jogo estava em alta.

Probably my favorite horror game. Very short but a fun challenge that I would definitely recommend,

Esse jogo é muito esquisito vsf kkkk

furbys were already terrifying now i got a big mama one on my ass