Reviews from

in the past

The combat system is a bit crooked and the appearance of the turtles does not cause sympathy, but overall the game turned out to be quite good.

Сделана немного кривая боевая система и внешний вид черепах не вызывает симпатии, но в целом игра получилась неплохой.

O jogo mais divertido das Tartarugas Ninja, infelizmente o jogo não existe mais nos consoles atuais.

It was the game with big ambitions, bad advertising and low sales. Mutants in Manhattan came at the wrong time and was overlooked by players.

Funny game to play with friends. Very underrated

Yeah, it's not good. I actually have the platinum trophy for this on PS3 too. Played it with some friends for a while. Usually left it on the highest difficulty. A lot of that is just spamming cooldown moves and items to increase DPS to get it over with since the enemies are worthless to fight. The objectives are just the chores you do to get to the boss, and are the worst part of the game. Getting the parry off on the bosses is cool though, so it gets an extra half-star for that.

Hay momentos donde se nota que es un juego de Platinum pero rodeado de ciertos problemas. Una IA que funciona regular, habilidades con recarga por tiempo o una esquiva que para cuando te acostumbras a usarla casi has terminado el juego.

Pero los jefes son muy divertidos, es desafiante, el alternar entre personajes y darles roles únicos en el combate es genial, la banda sonora tiene temazos. Hay mucho que valorar aquí.

La peor Platinum puede ser mejor que muchos otros estudios.

Hack and slash con estética curiosa. Cumple.

platinum cant even make a tmnt game with good combat

I hate to say this, but this is definitely one of the most phoned-in licensed games of recent memory. Platinum games has some serious, well-earned pedigree achieved through some of the greatest action games of the past decade, meaning their interpretation of the TMNT could lead to something exhilarating and immensely replayable. What we actually received is a by-the-numbers, stale action title filled with copy-pasted levels and mission structures, terrible bosses, incomprehensible gameplay, and a real lack of uniqueness in playstyles/super abilities amongst any of the turtles.

It's the only bad Platinum game.

i had a pretty awful time here. i was surprised at how barebones and boring the combat was considering this was a platinum game. boring ass levels do not help the lame combat, there's like 10 stages but only like 4 maps they reuse. they're not particularly interesting to explore and have the same like 3 or so missions throughout. they all end in a boss fight which unfortunately also kinda suck! pretty boring patterns, and way too much health. the items and health mechanics are all weird and feel pointless as well. it looks okay though, the environments and character models are pretty cool but I don't love the turtle models, I do like that they get white eyes in combat that was a cute touch. i liked the voices the turtles had, but the lines weren't particularly good. raph does literally say "Well that's a thing that just happened." at one point to give a vibe of the writing.

maybe it'd be okay co-op and utilizing that aspect but single player it was just not very fun at all. expected and hoped for a lot more from a platinum games ninja turtles game and this unfortunately was a massive let down.

O Core do Gameplay é bom, mas o resto que o cerca é fraco. Tipo uma pizza bem recheada só que sem molho e com massa ruim.

The game's ass, but I have slightly more appreciation for it than Korra i guess

I wish, I REALLY wish this game was good. I wanted it to be. Instead it's...boring with little variety in enemies, levels, and missions. The combat is almost fun, and it really makes me wish this game was better. I did like levelling up the skills that you could use. I think it would have been more enjoyable if it had couch co-op, which feels like a glaring oversight. I was excited to see the IDW turtles come into the video game world, but this is one of the worst letdowns I've ever experienced.

I went into this under the impression that it was Platinum's worst game and walked out not hating it. It's repetitive, sure, but aren't the classic Konami arcade games exactly that? If anything, this game offers even more gameplay variations than those do. It's certainly not the studio's most impressive outing, but it serves its purpose as an arcade style co-op beat 'em up.

Not great but it gets way too much hate

good, but repetitive. Too bad it is deslisted from digital stores, it removes the coop online experience.

Platinum I am appalled. Out of all the studios that should know better I'd never thought of you stooping so low as to make crap like this.

You're lucky that Nier: Automata came out right after this otherwise I would have lost some respect for you.