Reviews from

in the past

Great game! But was unstable on Steam on day 1 but glad it patched so many times to get it fixed. Finished the game but not the DLC

I can't believe I liked this game as much as I did. Very disappointing for the most part, but its sad to see the potential it had. They should've tried to be more original than to copy dead space. I liked the main character a lot. Sucks he got put into a shitty game. He also looks like Francis from L4D, and I like Francis. hehe

Didn't hate this as much as I expected, mostly reminds me of a bad call of duty campaign. Its high production values are nice to look at and listen to, though the writing and aesthetics aren't bold in any way. I respect Striking Distance for taking a swing with a novel combat system even though I found it shallow. This is AAA slop, and it pales in comparison to last year's Dead Space remake, but there's much worse slop out there.

Walking simulator with sometimes a couple of generic creatures.

É um jogo graficamente muito lindo, a história é muito boa, mas o que me deixou mais puto foi a como foram construindo, você praticamente só anda e bate nos bicho kkkkkk os upgrade de arma são caros e os pontos vc não acha tão fácil, teve uns bug e as vezes senti o boneco mega pesado e dificultava no combate, acho que 8.5/10 tá bom

It's rare to come away from a game and have no idea what the intention behind it was, and yet that's how I came away from The Callisto Protocol.

The desperation with which everything about the game and the information surrounding it wants to remind you of Dead Space indicates that the idea was to create a spiritual successor to that series. Yet the game never gets far enough to do anything to succeed that series or even carve out it's own identity, it's best efforts consist of reminding you of moments that Dead Space did, and at every turn Dead Space did it better.

To make the struggles to find it's own identity even worse, the elements that are more unique to this game, such as the melee system are just poorly implemented. Your first 30 minutes playing this game, is largely how the rest of the 8 hour journey is going to play out. The melee combat is simplistic and incredibly trivial and for some reason the game decided to add guns into the mix that you're constantly drowning in ammo for. At a certain point that game starts to feel unsure in if it even wants to be a melee focused game, or even what type of horror game it is. The pacing and size of most encounters feels more like it wants to be a slightly slower and more methodical horror game, as if smaller scale encounters would lead to more tension and more effective scares. Yet the game also drowns you in so much ammo and throws some absurd set pieces at you that it ends up feeling more like it's pulling from the action side of the Horror genre. Yet it's so confused that it executes neither well and just fails to be satisfying as a horror game or as an action game, it's scares are too predictable to be effective and it's action too simplistic to be engaging.

I will give praise to the sound design and the graphical fidelity, which I can't knock and was frequently impressed by. When the game was using it's audio effectively was the few moments it was actually tense or scary,. Plus, anytime I was just watching the game I was often impressed with the quality of the visuals and the animations.

I can't say I disliked the game. I was certainly baffled by the choices it made and how derivative it felt but it was perfectly acceptable, if extremely forgettable. However, if the best thing a game can offer is consistent reminders of much better games, you just end up wondering why you're not spending your time elsewhere.

The Callisto Protocol had promise. A game similar to Dead Space, a franchise I happen to really enjoy? Why not? Unfortunately, it falls at the literal first hurdle by just not being a fun game to play. The dodge mechanic controls are so obtuse & unintutive that I couldn't stomach more than a few hours before just resorting to watching gameplay on YouTube instead. Maybe I needed to "git gud"? Not sure, but if I can't have any fun engaging with the core mechanics of the gameplay, it's hard to bounce back from that.

I'm gonna try hard to finish this one but leaving this here in the very likely scenario that I don't. I went into this one with an open mind despite what I heard and... yeah. This ain't no Dead Space. It has some great qualities that make it worth checking out like its visuals, the weighty feel of the combat, the death animations, and the performances on display from the cast. However, on the whole it's not that fun or scary and leaves me kinda apathetic whenever I play it. It's way too linear and the enemies aren't very interesting.

Maybe it'll improve and win me over but so far it's just kind of okay. And also it performs kinda weird, framerate drops a lot.

O jogo me convenceu nas primeiras horas, tava bem instigante e divertido. Os graficos são de ponta, principalmente os dos bonecos, chega a impressionar em alguns momentos o tamanho realismo.

Curti a ambientação e o uso da iluminação, claro, o gore também não deixa nada a desejar. Ainda mais hoje em dia onde o mundo carece de jogos com mais sangue jorrando!

Mas infelizmente da metade pra frente o game entra num repeteco absurdo kkkkkkk. Principalmente num dos capitulos finais onde temos a apresentação de um boss, que a principio é bacaninha, até ele ser repetido milhares de vezes como os outros inimigos comuns.

O game tem outros vicios, como constantemente derrubar o protagonista de lugares altos para atrasar sua rota. Chega a ficar engraçado na reta final de tanto que utilizam desse recurso para extender a campanha.

A história é no máximo legal, e os personagens funcionam minimamente pra lhe manter o entretido. O vilão é generico, assim como o próprio boss final também. Esse é um game que abre margem pra criar umas baita boss fight inclusive, só que raramente isso acontece.

No inicio a jogatina te da uns gelos, mas em nenhum momento ele é de fato aterrorizante. Principalmente quando ele entra naqueles looping e começa a se tornar previsivel, aí que a experiencia de terror vai por agua abaixo de vez.

A gameplay também é legal mas tem seus pontos baixos. O personagem é muito lento para manusear seus itens, por exemplo o proprio item de cura é bem complicado de se usar em meio a uma luta. Já que o ato de abrir o menu de itens, escolher a cura em si e o personagem aplica-la demora seculos. Nisso os inimigos já lhe atacaram diversas vezes e cortaram a animação de cura ainda no inicio.

Pelo menos o jogo compensa essa lerdeza nos dando aquela luva que faz levitar e arremessar objetos, jutamente com o bastão e as armas que podem ser upadas pra ficarem apelonas na reta final. Se tu fizer uma mescla de todos esses itens utilizando também os objetos disponiveis no cenario o combate fica bem facilitado!

Curti pra caramba o inicio do jogo, mas infelizmente após umas 6 horas ele foi me perdendo quanto mais eu jogava. Até eu ficar absolutamente saturado no seu fim... Recomendo, mas jogue com essas coisas em mente!

Finished CP, game had a horrible launch with issues, but thank fully most of quality of life issue are resolve and its not as bad as it was before.

Good game, atmosphere, Sound design and mission design are highlights, also I do have to say the motion capture is great too, story is serviceable.
Combat and level design is mix bag can be improved a lot.
Boss fights are mid.
7/10 had good time, hopefully franchise get a 2nd chance and they improved on things in sequel

This game is currently in the Humble Choice for April 2024, and this is part of my coverage of the bundle. If you are interested in the game and it's before May 7th, 2024, consider picking up the game as part of the current monthly bundle.

Deader Space.

The Callisto Protocol is a horror game that doesn’t even try to hide its inspiration on its sleeve, it shows it on the collar. Everything about this game screams Dead Space. From the life bar on the back of your player’s neck to the inventory system floating in mid-air in the game world, The Callisto Protocol tries to evoke memories of Dead Space, which is good because that’s also how it was sold.

I can sum up my problem with the Callisto Protocol in one fact. To dodge enemy attacks you hold left or right on the thumbstick, and then if they try to attack a second time, you hold the opposite direction. Not hit it in time with the attack but just hold a direction. If that doesn’t sound challenging, it’s not.

There was a point also where you changed a club for a stun baton, and the combat didn’t feel like it changed at all. Callisto Protocol also struggles to be scary, because most of its jump scares are pre-scripted. But if you ever are afraid something is going to jump out, hold the stick to the Left just in case. See it’s kind of dumb.

Also just saying I think the third person made it hard to be scared during several of the horror moments because you’re watching actions being done to the player’s avatars, not experiencing those actions.

Pick this up if you were waiting for a heavy discount. This game got a lot of popularity leading up to release and then kind of disappeared quickly. I’m not the person to ask about a horror game, but I also just found this one to be more lacking than scary.

If you enjoyed this review or want to know what I think of other games in the bundle, check out the full review on or subscribe to my Youtube channel:

This review contains spoilers

Note: The following review of The Callisto Protocol contains spoilers for the game and the original Dead Space.

The Callisto Protocol is a spiritual successor to the Dead Space video game series with Glen Schofield serving as the game’s director. When I first heard about this game back in the 2020 Game Award’s, I was very excited to see spiritual successor to Dead Space when the series was mostly laid and buried.

Two years later, it finally comes out and it gets a pretty middling reception with very low sales. I was still willing to give the game a chance and after finishing the game in 4 hours. As predictable as I sound right now, I found it to be very underwhelming and lackluster compared to Dead Space. I’ll be doing a lot of comparisons to this game with Dead Space. To be specific the original 2008 not the 2023 remake by Motive Studios. I can safely say you’re better off playing both the original and remake over this.

The game begins with you onto a mission as something akin to a space trucker but first you’re followed by a mysterious woman who’s looking for something in a town full of dead people. She encounters a weird small cube with an anime-chibi on it. I don’t know what significance this plays but we’ll find out.
After that you’re taken to the game’s main protagonist. Jacob Lee and his co-worker/best friend Max. While checking up on things you’re ship gets raided by an unknown agency; lead by the same woman in the flashback now known as Dani Nakamura. Max winds up getting killed in the raid where I was just like whatever. Not enough time to get to know him so yeah.
Your ship crashes onto Jupiter’s moon Callisto and taken prisoner by the warden Leon Ferris and a couple of tough and big robots. The story of the game can be best summarized as. Very lacking, I couldn’t give any two shits about Max or Dani throughout my playthrough as they felt underdeveloped and uninteresting. Dani is meant to be more of the mysterious woman type but she hardly has anything that interest me in the slightest aside from the times she tried to kill me.
I can’t say that the characters in the first Dead Space were the most captivating but what makes up for them is how helpful they are in giving you objectives and their environmental storytelling that carries it throughout the game. Which pulls me in thanks to the lore and mystery behind the Ishimura. After taken prisoner and branded. Jacob wakes up to a prison cell followed by chaos and seeing prisoners brutalized by the robots and prisoners killing security guards and themselves for survival. Jacob hooks up with a man named Eli and admittingly he was probably the only character that had more screen time compared to the rest.
In my playthrough I was expecting there to be some prisoners and security guards for me to fight but It was mostly just mutant monsters. I get that this is a horror game but a lot of the mutants you fight are a joke. Once you get the hang of it, it boils down to this, dodge, dodge, whack, whack, dodge, dodge, whack, whack, rinse and repeat. The monsters and their variants never change their fighting style and do the same thing over and over. There are a couple of ones that aren’t humanoids such as the one that crawls up onto you and blows up, one that has an annoying as shit sequence where you tap triangle to shank it to death, a small leech-like monster that just sucks your face and you kill it by pressing triangle and an invisible monster that shows up a few times and fucks off until the final act. You can also levitate enemies with a pull that allows you to toss enemies in spikes or shred them. Its satisfying at first but gets old later on as you’ll just be mashing dodge and melee.

The enemy variety is very lacking in terms of variety. What makes these encounters less intense is that at some point in a callback to Dead Space via a wall of text. Is that they grow tentacles and turn into a much stronger version of it but can also be circumvented by just doing the same thing. It gets so tiresome and when you shoot the tentacle before mutation it dies instantly. Stomping their bodies like in Dead Space gives you credits, ammo and health which is always nice but not enough credits for me to upgrade my weapons which I’ll get to in a sec.
I was kind of hoping to see more personality of this prison site. Such as prisoners killing security guards, forming gangs, taking advantage of the chaos and being about as dangerous as the monsters you fight. They can dodge your attacks, parry you and would even resort to guns and killing them would give stuff in return giving you ammo and junk to sell to give the prisoners personality and story to them.
The security guards could be the deadliest as they have access to things like security drones and robots to aid them. There’s even a point where you could hack the robots to turn against them on their masters. Fighting them one on one would be scary as they have better armor and more experienced in all the training they go through.
Plus, prisoners ganging up on you and the guard which would result in a very chaotic scenario and the monsters killing anyone indiscriminately giving you an advantage.
I’m stretching as wide as I can but I just got so tired of doing the same thing over and over again. Not to mention there is stealth in the game but is hardly ever implanted. There are a few sequences that are scripted requiring you to avoid the robots. Which I find waaaay more terrifying than the monsters you fight. They’re extremely underused and seem lack a dire need of some tense stealth sections that require less combat and more sneaking around trying to avoid getting instantly killed.

What I like about the necromorphs in Dead Space is how diverse they are in terms of size and design. The common slasher that utilizes the vents to flank you and one variant that’s tougher and spits acid. The lurkers with their tentacle projectile attacks and crawling up on walls. Infectors turn dead bodies into a stronger necromorph that takes less damage. Pregnants (no that’s literally their name) that mutilate their stomachs and small parasite creatures gang up on you, twitchers being more aggressive and faster. Divider’s, brutes, leapers and exploder’s and the hunter that encourage strategies for the player to be careful of. I mean shooting their limbs off does get easy. It’s their aggression and tactics is what makes them memorable and fun to fight.

Here I can’t stand to dodge and fight the same re-skin humanoid freak over and over. Another last thing to bring up before continuing is the blind enemies you fight in the game’s third act. If you get caught by them, you just do the same thing or stealthily kill them. They’re a massive joke and easily the worst enemy of the game. There are no repercussions of getting caught and its just a normal battle.

Now that we’re done. Let’s talk about horror, horror is subjective when it comes to video games. You’ll either find yourself uncomfortable or stressed out. Dead Space isn’t a super scary game either but it has a lot of atmosphere and the sense of isolation. The Callisto Protocol is mostly just scripted sequences where you crawl into vents or gaps and followed by a jumpscare to startle you. This gets old really quickly and it’s in every single section of the game. For a man who wants to make a scary video game. The build-up, sense of tension and dread is lacking.
There is a plethora of jumpscares and half the time it gives me a good laugh. I about lost my fucking shit at one that y’know the cliché where the character is face is turned around and the character tells them “hey, is something the matter?” and followed by a scare. It’s their alright.
Despite the negativity there are a few positives. The presentation in this game is incredible with great art direction, enemy designs and style that’s very appealing to look at. I’d like the mine section and some parts of the third act did good for me but not enough to make me change my opinion of it.
The combat may not be all that good. Exploration makes it worse. There are optional areas you can explore and it mostly boils down to fighting a few enemies and chest with some loot to sell at your store for upgrades. Much like in Dead Space, allows you to sell items for more credits (dubbed ‘Callisto Credits’) and improve your weapons. You’re going to be mostly relying on melee attacks and less on your guns often. Gun schematics can be found in the game ranging from shotguns, pistols and a machine gun. The weapon variety is pretty small but you’re going to be not using them a whole lot until the final boss which I’ll also get to.

The guns are mostly good for shooting the tentacles rather than killing them outright. I need to bring this up before I forget. The inventory management is GOD FUCKING AWFUL. You have so much shit in your inventory that you’ll wind up dropping some pieces of ammo or health to pick up a shiny thing for a ton of creds. Which makes me think why wasn’t there and upgrade the station to improve your inventory space? It’s so annoying. Not only that, but the loot you also get is akin to finding only one-dollar bill and an occasionally hundred-dollar bill. It’s a little unsatisfying, the stronger upgrades cost tons and tons of money and you won’t find much if you conserve.

The Callisto Protocol is a little lacking in bosses and difficulty. Given its repetitive combat and scares. We are now entering spoiler territory.
During the mine section of the game of the third act, you fight this conjoined two-headed boss that you fight four times in different sections of the game. This and the robots are probably the best enemies of the game. As it encourages you to use your guns more and use less melee. Why couldn’t they have more enemies like this is beyond me.
After a pretty engaging fight, you stop at a place called “MidTown” (perfectly sums up the game for me) and you fight the two headed-monster again. The prison warden Leon Farris makes another appearance as this mutated-albino Thanos-esque monster. Who I’ll admit could’ve been a tough fight. Once you realize that you have to dodge four or three hit combos followed by a few whacks. He becomes a joke.
We are now in the steps of finding a doctor named Mahler. As she is working on a cure for your friend/half-villain sidekick Dani after getting infected by that small parasite thing that face fucks you.

You escape the prison, fight your way through and that town with all those dead corpses was a cover-up to test out the virus and the small cube turns out to be Dani’s little sister.
You fight Leon one last time for a cure and he becomes a giant mutated creature who much like the two-headed monster can damage you hard if you don’t dodge. You use your guns, followed by an escape sequence. You sacrifice your life for her and followed by a message saying that there is hope to stop the virus and another jumpscare by Leon in another callback to Dead Space.

That’s the jest of it. The final boss was pretty easy if you know what you’re doing. The bosses in Dead Space were only two, if not counting the brutes or the hunter. The Leviathan and The Hivemind were faaaar more memorable compared to them.
Not only that all the plot twists with Kendra and the revealation of The Marker and your girlfriend was very shocking. Dead Space’s story may not be strong, it does its job well.

I don’t know if we’ll ever see a sequel to this game but I hope Glen and his crew can do better. The Callisto Protocol can be best described as “wasted potential” there is a meat to this game. The bone, however, is missing and needs an extra spice.

One more thing to add is that there’s something about this being connected to PUBG due to contractional obligations and it just became its own IP. Does anyone even give a shit about PUBG these? Eh, who cares.

Not the worst survival horror game I’ve played but it could’ve been so much worse.

The Callisto Protocol
Playtime: 9 hours (in one sitting too mwaha)
Spoilers: I don't mention any story spoilers but I do talk about how I felt with the ending. I don't say what happened but be careful if you care about how I liked it or not.
I was looking forward to The Callisto Protocol. Ex Dead Space devs making a Dead Space like game seemed really appealing and all the trailers looked fantastic.
How did the game stack up to my expectations?
What you'll notice about this game is how much it is trying to be that feeling of when you played Dead Space for the first time. It's a horror sci fi game that throws you into a brutal situation where you stomp on enemy heads. Hell even your health bar is on the back of your neck.
The feeling is familar and they do nail that approach however it's FAR less scarier and tense than it's orignal origin.
If you're looking for something that will scare the shit of you then you're in the wrong game. The most this game does is offer annoying enemies that after a while, go from horror to just straight out in my fucking way.
The gameplay of the game is kind of like a beat em up. You dodge left or right and block enemy attacks and then counter back with swings. As well as using a small variety of weaponry to go from afar. Plus a gravity gauntlent that lets you sling enemies into spikes. I enjoyed the experience of combat when it was a small group of enemies. You feel overwhelmed but powerful enough to have fun and smash them.
This game however LOVES throwing BIG groups of enemies at you and it's outright terrible game design. The issue comes in the fact you can only dodge enemy attacks that's in front of you. Some enemies also have range attacks. So throw all those at you and an enemy attacking you from behind and you're absolutely fucked beyond all repair.
Thankfully the checkpoint system is generous as all hell but that makes it seemingly worse when you're going at it over and over again because you got attacked from behind and then spit shoots at you.
The game just isn't designed well for the enemy spawns it gives you. It feels clunky and feels like it's not YOUR fault but the game designs.
What is fun is absolutely smashing enemies into all the bloody messed up walls, spikes, grinders and fans. It's a blast to do but it wears after a while.
Ehhhhhhh. It's okay? It's decent enough that it had me theorising but it ends up answering a question that the game doesn't even seem to make you want to care about until it's revealed.
It's a passable narrative that doesn't do anything new. In some parts, it feels like Resident Evil in it's approach but not the good kind. I'm talking RE5 kinda crap here.
Also the ending flatout sucks major asshole and you can tell it's left how it is due to the SEASON PASS FOR A SINGLE PLAYER GAME (FUCK MAN YOU SURE YOU AREN'T AT EA ANYMORE?!) and it's dlc content.
The ending feels lacklustre and left me going "Wellp. Fuck you I guess"
However, up until the ending, it goes okay. It got me from point A to B without hating it.
Everything else:
The acting is great, I will give all the actors props. They all felt real good and Sam Whitwer is just always a joy whenever he gets mad at me.
The music is passable sci fi horror bits and pieces. However some music plays as tense pieces during non tense moments. Like you almost fall off a bridge that you shimmy across and the music acts like your own personal life is endangered.
When I first finished this, I had in mind a 7. But upon finishing my thoughts and including the price tag at launch.
I actually think this game is so subpar in areas and eats not-good ass in most that I hereby give the game a

Only buy it when it's like $15 and you get all the DLC ❤

tries to be dead space spiritual successor, but falls flat.

The Callisto Protocol is simply a victim of daring -- yet, somehow deceptive -- marketing... and also, having the ending locked behind a DLC.

Such practices have diminished its reputation, and also Dead Space creator's. We've been promised with a spiritual successor to Dead Space, after all.

And it is. Kinda. The issue here is that this game relies too much in melee mechanics, there are also few weapons and the gameplay might even feel clunky at times. Besides, Castilian Spanish voice acting is not lipsync'd.

However, the game looks really good, horror ambience is there and it does remind me of Dead Space sometimes.
I'd rather say is not that bad as many people say.

I have not played a lot of dead space, just one or two hours of the mobile game and like 30 mins of the original one, so I did not have the expectations some people had when going into this.
That said, the game is overall disappointing. Uninteresting villain, lore is meh, characters aren't great either, the combat gets repetitive very quickly, etc...
Graphically the game is stunning! Every location looks gorgeous.
The gameplay is fine, the controls during combat are a bit weird since you have to move the left stick to dodge. You get used to it but it always felt a bit weird. The combat is pretty much always the same thing and when there are a few enemies around you the camera is a problem, you'll get hit from behind and may lose a significant amount of health and it's annoying. The exploration is poor, there's not a lot of "side" areas you can explore and when there are they're very uninteresting.
The story is meh, has an interesting premise, but some moments don't feel earned at all and reduce the story's impact. (This is way worse on the dlc...)
Although I'm being harsh on it, TCP isn't a bad game, it's just okay but it could've been much, much better. Gameplay is ok, graphics are amazing, story and characters meh.

This is what they were crunching for?

The Callisto Protocol is a man drowning. He’s been swept out by the tides deeper than he can swim, and now I feel compelled to go and be the one who drags him back to shore. I’m not looking forward to it as I swim out there. This always ends badly. I know he’ll kick, and flail, and panic, and drag me under with him. But something compels me. I dip beneath the waves, gliding on the current. Every kick is met only with more water, never ground; it’s been a while since either of us has been able to touch bottom. I get to the man. All of the dread that I felt swimming up to him — the growing pit in my stomach warning me that he’d kill us both — fades as I get a hold of him. He’s calm. He doesn’t fight. He wants to be rescued, and he's coherent enough to tell me as much. So much worry on my end, and for nothing. We’re both going home, and my doubts were unfounded. The two of us make our way back to the shallows, and my heart swells. Nobody’s gonna believe this. I get to be the one who brings back the guy that everyone thought couldn't be saved.

We make it from the depths to a point where the ocean reaches our shins, at which point the man panics and submerges my head in about two feet of water until we both die. I knew I should have let the fucker drown.

What we’re looking at here is a bad start that leads into a remarkably strong middle, hitting an impressive stride just in time to trip and break both legs three hours before the finish line. But that middle section is good. It’s really good. It’s so good that I was ready to come in here and lord a massively inflated score over the heads of all of the doubters who didn’t get it. Reality hits hard when it hits, though, and there’s no denying that The Callisto Protocol just runs out at the end. It runs out of ideas, it runs out of money, it runs out of employee morale — it runs dry and it runs empty until the engine shears itself in half.

This is pretty, but a game "being pretty" hasn't impressed me for fifteen years now. Everything since the early-mid 2010s has given me this shrug-your-shoulders feeling of "yeah, I guess it looks good" and spurred little in me beyond that. I know it's a tired truism to trot out — "art direction is more important that graphical fidelity!", as if we don't all know that already — but even games from that era that were trying to look as realistic as the latest titles don't read as being all that different to me today. Honestly, I think the face-scan mocap shit that's everywhere in AAA games these days looks kind of bad; they're all sitting deep in that uncanny valley where everyone's head looks like it's got a video of the actor's face wrapped around it. Even with (perhaps due to an overreliance upon) all of the tech in place, some of these animations look incredibly bad. Here's a shot of Josh Duhamel's character screaming in agony as he gets an implant stuffed in his neck that hurts so bad that he has a heart attack and dies. It's silly. This is not an expression of pain. He's making a YouTube thumbnail face. Fuck, the source of that image is a YouTube thumbnail.

So, yes, this is all very technically impressive, but in practice it's all just bloom and haze and fog and I can't fucking see any of it because someone turned all the lights off. None of this sparks joy. Everything is gray and bland and devoid of life. There's nothing that even remotely scratches at iconic Dead Space setpieces like the Church of Unitology or the cryopod rooms, because the art direction on display is kind of shit. It's a just-so approximation of enough of Dead Space's elements to provoke familiarity, but it's off in a way that betrays the fact that Visceral was a team made up of a lot more people than just Glen Schofield. He isn't Visceral, and this isn't a spiritual successor to Dead Space. It's a spiritual regression.

But as desperately as this wants to stay latched to the teat of Dead Space, it isn't open to those who want the game to be Dead Space. This is a melee-focused system based around dodging, combos, and environment kills; Dead Space is a shooter based around positioning, dismemberment, and, uh, also environment kills. You've gotta meet The Callisto Protocol on its own terms; playing it like Dead Space is a losing position. You should be doing this for everything you consume, by the way. Don't try and cram a work you don't like into a box that doesn't fit it. Play the game that they designed, not the one you wish they'd designed. It took a little readjusting over the course of the entire opening hour of The Callisto Protocol, but I eventually came to understand what it was going for, how it wanted to be played. And I liked it.

Actually, I really liked it.

Combat is simple, but raw enough to be really satisfying once you get the loops figured out. Each fight will take place either as a gauntlet of enemies that pour out one after the other, or as group battles where you'll be caught between three or four monsters at a time. It's a game of dodging, waiting out the combos, finding an opportunity to strike, and then going all-out until you're forced to stop. Weave around a three-hit combo, dole out one of your own that takes the arm off of a monster, get whipped around by another, block his strike, take his legs out, get shoved, pop one with the new space you've been given; it's a wonderful little system that isn't hard to come to grips with, but is punishing enough to mean that eating a bad hit or two will send you back to your last checkpoint. The added complexity comes in the form of your GRP (pronounced as "grip") and your guns, though you'll be rocking with the starting magnum for the vast majority of the game. The GRP can pick up enemies and hazards to toss them around, and your guns are your combo enders. You can also open with gunfire if you've got some distance on the monsters; they've gotta come to you, so you can filter a group down a chokepoint and take one of them out before you're forced to rely on the melee to take you the rest of the way. Combo-ender gunshots can sever limbs, decapitate enemies, force staggers to open up rushdown opportunities, and generally just act as a major force-multiplier to make sure a crowd of monsters is never unmanageable. If you're thinking that this sounds like it's not really a system primed for a horror game, you'd be right. The Callisto Protocol sucks dick at being a horror game. As an action game, though — much like big brother Dead Space — I thought it was great.

Eventually, you'll progress to a point in the narrative where hitting the monsters for long enough will make worms rupture from their body. These worms need to be shot within a fairly tight window of time, or else they'll cause the monster in question to undergo a transformation that makes them bigger, stronger, and faster. You really do not want to let the worms make the monsters evolve. In theory, this is an interesting escalation — you can't afford to drag fights out the way that you could earlier — but as we've seen throughout this write-up, theory is distinct from practice.

In practice, the worms will always erupt from the same place; the generic guys who smack you around will have them erupt from their guts, and the spitters will have them erupt from their heads. These are the primary enemy types that you'll be fighting against for the overwhelming majority of your playthrough, so combat encounters go from frenetic punch-ups where you're desperately trying to make the right call to something that's solved by a flowchart: three or four hits always followed by a gut shot or a head shot, rinse and repeat. There's basically no reason to ever open up by firing your gun now that enemies can heal by evolving, which leaves you the options to fling the enemies with your gravity glove and hurt them a little bit, or to swing at them with the baton. The baton expends no resources, is fast, is always guaranteed to connect, is a safe option, and will open up enemies for the instakill gut/head shot in no time at all. So many tools, and no reason to use any of them besides the fucking stick. Everything was useful only two hours prior, so being boxed in to what's obviously an optimal strategy to repeat on every single monster serves only to squander a system that was working just fine before.

Where things really fall apart, however, is in the third act. Jacob, our protagonist, falls down a gutter or some shit into an underground area where all of the enemies are blind. They've got super-hearing, but they can't see. Firing a shot or swinging at one with your baton may as well spare you the ceremony of kicking off a fight and just reload your checkpoint the second you press the button; you'll get swarmed by too many monsters to deal with, and they'll chew through every resource you have before they kill you. What you have to do instead is pull a page from Joel Thelastofus's book and crouch-walk around while shivving these clicker expys to death. Unlike in The Last of Us, however, the shiv that you get has infinite uses, meaning that you can very easily just crouch-walk around and kill everything without alerting a single enemy. This is optimal. They don't hear you shivving them, even as Jacob grunts and growls and the monsters gurgle and shriek, and there's no reason to sneak past them; they still drop ammo and money and health packs just the same as everything else. If you could just blast your way through this section, it'd be over in thirty minutes; instead, you have to play the most boring stealth section ever devised by human hands and it takes upwards of two and a half hours.

You get back to the regular action combat in time for the game to end, but the damage is more than done at that point. You fight the exact same boss four times in the span of an hour, and his pattern is literally just doing right-hand swings. You hold left on the control stick and auto-dodge everything while shooting him once per dodge. It's so boring. I knew while I was going through the ridiculously long stealth segment that they were padding for time, but repeating the same boss fight four fucking times really gives it away to anyone who wasn't paying attention that they were running on empty. I went from itching for more in the middle act to wishing it would just hurry up and end by the start of the finale.

Jacob gets to the escape pods, meets a zombie warden who's managed to keep his personality (generic asshole), and then the zombie warden does the Resident Evil boss thing where he talks about having superior genetics and then turns into a big meat monster with glowing orange eyeball weakpoints. I'll take the opportunity now to point out that this game was written by two people. The lead writer has never worked on anything else in his entire life. There were five times as many employees dedicated to the face scanning as there were on the writing team. Remember that the facescanning looks like shit, so adjust your expectations for the quality of the writing accordingly. Whatever. Nobody was ever playing this for the story. It's still a weird choice for a game like this, though; with everything being told to you through audio logs and exposition from characters who have a clue what's going on, you'd think you'd want more hands on deck. Then again, the only thing anyone ever seems to say is "Jacob, go to [the place], I'll explain later", so you probably don't need to put too much effort into putting that together.

But my mind keeps wandering back to the thought that the people at Striking Distance were working twelve hour days, seven days a week — and for what? What about The Callisto Protocol demanded such brutal hours for such a long stretch of development? I can't find anything in the time leading up to the game's release that would indicate what was sucking up so many resources; all I've come up with are some vague gestures towards "new lighting techniques" and "haptic feedback", all incidentals that barely add much of anything to a work that's remarkably standard. This cost $160 million to Dead Space 2's 60 million and it looks and plays worse.

There’s an excellent game within The Callisto Protocol, and one that I imagine would have been able to flourish if made under the banner of someone who actually had a clue. Literally all it takes to turn this from mediocre to great is a better manager. Talented people were overworked and underpaid to make something that broadly isn’t good, but shines in parts; had they been treated properly and overseen by a real leader instead of an MBA meathead who stepped down the second shit got hot, they would have made something that could actually eat Dead Space’s lunch. Instead, we got this, and it’s begging for Dead Space’s scraps.

Glen Schofield can go fuck himself.

Quando comecei a jogar The Callisto Protocol, foi principalmente pela sua semelhança com o jogo Dead Space, que é um dos games mais maravilhosos no que se diz respeito a survival horror e game de terror psicológico. Lembro de começar a jogar Dead Space 1 anos atrás e a cada esquina que virava era um jump scare bem colocado... Apesar de hoje estar meio clichê tudo isso de jump scare e tudo mais, na época foi algo mega revolucionário, sem falar também no clima que era incrível. Quando vi um trailer, gameplay e etc. sobre The Callisto Protocol, não foi muito diferente.

Tudo que eu vi lá no primeiro Dead Space era bem transmitido aqui, pelo menos inicialmente sim. Callisto parecia ser como mais uma parte de DS ou uma "imitação" dele, algo como uma espécie de sequência espiritual dele, afinal o principal criador de ambos os jogos é a mesma pessoa, então ele tem meio que o "direito" de criar algo similar aos games anteriores de forma não oficial. A primeira coisa que já notei de negativo é em relação aos seus gráficos, que apesar de serem muito lindos, eu notei uma queda constante de FPS, nunca mantendo um número, digamos, aceitável nos 60 FPS. Apesar disso, como dito antes, o game é lindo demais e certamente ofusca um pouco esses pequenos probleminhas apresentados com o desempenho.

As localizações são muito bem feitas, o sombrio clima de ficção científica é mantido 100%. A solução não convencional para combate corpo a corpo é espetacular, inovadora e ao mesmo tempo intuitiva e satisfatória. Mais tarde, você pode desistir do combate corpo a corpo em favor de armas de longo alcance, e graças à sua modificação, podemos nos sentir cada vez mais poderosos.

A história é ok, sinceramente não notei nada demais e, de certo ponto, me agradou; me surpreendeu bastante. Não esperava muito, mas recebi 20 horas de gameplay. Acho que muitas das críticas feitas a este jogo são infundadas, talvez a história seja um pouco simples, ou pelo menos mais do que eu gostaria, mas não é uma história ruim, em todas as outras áreas eles fizeram um trabalho excepcional. Joguei o remake de Dead Space antes de Callisto Protocol e não vejo muito de diferente, sendo bem sincero... Então, não vejo muito fundamento em algumas críticas nesse sentido. Apesar de tudo, é um game mais que recomendado.

Pontos Positivos:
- História interessante
- Visualmente lindíssimo

Pontos Negativos:
- Quedas de performance

Versão utilizada para análise: XBOX

é um bom jogo, porém com diversos problemas de performance e a história é bem descartável

Esse jogo me deixou com um sabor meio amargo, é difícil não tentar assimilar Dead Space com The Callisto Protocol sabendo da presença de Glen Schofield na produção do jogo, mesmo assim, tentei imergir na prisão de Ferro Negro de TCP com a mente aberta mesmo sabendo de suas críticas.

O combate do jogo é interessante, o sistema de esquiva traz uma boa sensação quando bem aplicado pelo jogador, mas logo nas primeiras horas de jogo você percebe que a arma corpo-a-corpo vai ser a ferramenta que você vai usar pelo menos 80% do jogo inteiro, tornando a armas de fogo desse jogo um complemento de dano, e não o foco primário, o que não seria um problema, se o combate não fosse extremamente repetitivo.

Os cenários de Callisto Procotol são lindíssimos, toda direção de arte é fantástica, é inegável o trabalho envolvido nessa parte, mas não posso dizer o mesmo de seu design de mapas, que pouco recompensa o jogador por explorar, praticamente todo seguimento é linear, sem nada que o jogador possa pegar no meio pelos cantos do mapa, e em raras ocasiões vai haver algum tipo de backtracking, e não tenho o que dizer do sistema de save desse jogo, simplesmente uma das piores ideias já feitas.

A história demora muito para engajar, personagens custosos de criar algum vínculo e quando de fato o enredo quer provar o contrário toma uma decisão minimante duvidosa que pode ter sido o último prego no caixão para muitos jogadores.

Ну это просто пиздец. Сюжет говно, геймплей говно. Я говно

8 hours for the story and the dlc. Short and sweet. Definitely way better than the internet would lead you to believe.

The Callisto Protocol: A video game designed to teach people the concept of “hurry up and wait”. It's very flashy with excellent textures and lighting effects, but it's a hollow and boring game experience barely worth it even while heavily discounted.

You're Jacob, a cargo transporter and maybe smuggler. You and your pal are hijacked by terrorists, so you give them a fat middle finger and crash your ship back on Callisto, a prison planet. Only you and Dani, the hijacking ringleader, survive and the two of you are immediately arrested and thrown into Black Iron Prison. Jacob wants out, but warden Duncan Cole may be up to some scientific buffoonery.
I feel like this game is in a rush to get wrapped up before I ever got a chance to get interested. You're rarely given any sense of scale for the prison and you see zero prison life; Jacob gets arrested and when he wakes up next, he's escaping. He was in prison for 30 minutes, apparently, talk about timing.
The scale of where the plot goes is just embarrassing. The Illuminati shows up when they absolutely did not need to and visually they look like they got off the set of “Squid Game”.

A lot of The Callisto Protocol is made up of time wasters like crawling through vents, shimmying through crevices, or climbing ladders. In areas where Jacob can walk, often something like grime or entrails will impede him so he cannot run. This game is comically paced to a point where I cannot help but suspect these are no longer “hidden” loading screens but rather padding to make the short game feel longer and more deserving of your money. In other games such as God of War (2018), when Kratos and Atreus are climbing a wall (time waster), they at least have a conversation to help with worldbuilding and deepen the relationship. Striking Distance Studios just puts Jacob in vent after vent with nobody to talk to. Seriously, why?
When you're not wasting time in vents, you're fighting very easy enemies with a repetitive melee system or guns that can hit weak points and kill them in one shot. The "exciting" stuff is pretty lame, too.

There are plenty of problems with this game, stuff like motion blur making me want to vomit, melee combat following a very boring pattern, needing to tediously stomp every corpse to get necessary supplies, environmental effects (like lights turning off or ceiling panels falling) replay when you leave a room and return, there's no map system, enemies can grab you and easily get a free hit in, the ending is locked behind paid DLC, you're rarely rewarded for going off the beaten path, and probably more I'm missing.
Good things? As previously mentioned, the graphics are insane. The game looks great, but since it looks SO good and plays SO bad, this just seems like poor time management or focus and a waste of manpower. The DLC mission does some hallucination stuff well. The stealth sections with Jacob killing blind enemies worked okay, though maybe it was too easy (the whole game was). They just lifted some stuff right out of Dead Space and what worked well there works kinda well, here.

It's only $20 for the “full” game right now (again, the ending is in paid DLC... outrageous) and I still don't think it's worth that. There won't be a Callisto Protocol 2 and that's a very good thing. I've read people saying this game is some kind of hidden gem that wasn't given a fair shot and that's a load of horse shit, it's just bad. I feel bad for Josh Duhamel, a sentence I never expected to say.

I do not recommend The Callisto Protocol. If it ever goes to $10 for the whole thing and you far-too-passionately LOVE Dead Space, sure. Otherwise, this can and should be avoided.

The worst AAA horror game even worse than RE6. The combat is so clunky and the game itself is too linear.

The combat was designed for 1v1 but it keeps giving you mobs and the mobs can become a more beefy version of themselves if youre not precise which is insane cause the combat is mostly melee focused

The worst golden pathing Ive ever seen in a game in general Exploring is rewarded with basically nothing. The plot is wtv

Most importantly the games not scary like at all its just humans chasing you around play manhunt if you want that.
The jump scare is the worst thing of this game however when an enemy ambushes you out of the corner and forces you into a QTE and it happens way too often.

One of the worst High Budget/60$/"AAA" games i ever played, the only good things are the actor performances, graphics (for the most part) and some sound design, everything else is so bad, boring and bland.

From the awful weapon switching, stealth and 2+ enemy melee combat to the bad lip syncing, bland "story", dialog writing and boss fights.

The game is pretty much a much shittier Dead Space in term of everything, where the only original design is the melee combat that could have been better but it can pass for the most part. I get that the creator of Dead Space made this game but c'mon give us something new, anything, doesn't even have to be original in terms of sci fi, just don't copy paste the same fucking game again just worse.

I'm sad that i didn't quit after the first couple of hours and happy that i pirated the game and didn't buy this piece of shit.

In fact, the game is much better than all the reviews about it. If we consider it conditionally as a spin-off of DeadSpace and do not expect anything grandiose, then the game is clearly above average. This is the very case when you need to form your own opinion, and not read other people's comments. This will take a couple of leisurely evenings.