Reviews from

in the past

I was really getting into The Hip Hop Dance Experience, trying to nail some tricky moves on the screen. I was so focused that when I messed up a particularly difficult sequence, I shouted, "fuckerballs!" My 3-year-old, who was watching me play, immediately parroted back, "fuckewbaws." Dumb kid. Now it's been a week, and the little shit keeps repeating it over and over again. Every time I try to play The Hip Hop Dance Experience again, he chimes in with his new favorite word. My wife hasn't figured out what he's saying yet, but if she does, I'm dead—no joke. One time, when we were younger, she almost strangled me to death for splashing her with beer as a joke at her dad's funeral. The bitch is crazy. I need to figure out how to get my kid to stop saying it before she catches on and I get in serious trouble. Any tips?

Still, despite my recent mishap, I'd give The Hip Hop Dance Experience a solid 8 out of 10. It's a fun and engaging game that really gets you moving and challenges you with its dance routines.

A fairly crappy dance game with very few features. Hip Hop Dance Experience is saved by being full of bangers. There's a real lack of game modes, a seriously terrible training section and the body detection is basically broken. I mean you can stand still and the game still seems to think you are dancing. I also felt like the game did a pretty poor job at telling you if you are doing a well or not. You feel like you have done great in a level, every move you do is getting positive feedback but then at the end of the level you end up with a 58% rating. Really not sure what I am doing playing this. It's saved by the track list though. Bangers. Love me some 00s hip hop. Just get the song list and stick it on Spotify.