Reviews from

in the past

A great graphic adventure game that could hold its own with Sierra and LucasArts. The voice acting is a little hit or miss, but the visuals, sound design and puzzles all more than make up any of the minor issues here.

A laugh track was the perfect thing to add to this high fantasy setting.
Thank you, Joss Whedon.

This isn't as bad as the first Kyrandia game but it is disappointing nonetheless.

The pacing, which was one of the issues the second Kyrandia fixed, went back to being frustrating and tedious. The game is just mean with its riddles, and the very lately introduced RPG elements don't do much.

Nice closing credits though.

For the French I wrote a review -

Easily the worst puzzle design I've seen. They take forever, they're boring, they rely on dice rolls and random drops, and they're recycled and reused a million times over.

Malcolm's revenge is ambitious in its somewhat non linear/multi solution puzzles that leans in a very early morality system.

It leads to an incoherent experience with a barely functioning plot.

Who is this Malcolm? Why is he so radically different from the first game?
Why is there a laugh track?

What the fucks happened?

The only reason to play this is if you have an affinity for 90s aesthetics.

Music slaps though.

I wish I like this more but after how good 2 was, this returned to the frustrating and tedious puzzles of the first. It's definitely a lot more ambitious though