Reviews from

in the past

This game gives me eye strain headaches in a good way

My introduction to the franchise and has aged well for me. Switch release please?

ehhhhh i dont see why people love this game. sidequests feel cheesy but the main game is really cool. might replay this and see if my opinion changes but i have no desire to do so for at least the next 5 years

My favorite zelda game of all time, from the opening sequence of herding cattle, to meeting midna/turning into a wolf to all the way to the snow temple. this game had me gripped and still does ever since i picked it up.

Esse jogo é lindo, ambientação incrível, e marcou minha infância.

This game has the same fucking awful color palette of modern super-hero movies

Classic zelda format at it's peak, in my humble opinion.

dont glaze it too hard now its not better than ocarina or majoras

A childhood game of mine that is very dear to my heart. It is a slow burn in the beginning but it's all worth it the moment the story starts picking up because it is a very different story from what the series was used to and the overall production is some of the best in the series ( shoutout Midna's lament )

genuinely a masterpiece. extremely fun to play, beginner friendly for new zelda players, all in all a great game!
the story never fails to get me in the feels lol, midna's character arc is so important, the development of her and link's relationship throughout the game is one of my favorite aspects of it.
the only downside for me was the lakebed temple (fuck you lakebed temple) because i struggled so hard on it LMFAOO /j
anyway 10/10. would easily play again

The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess delivers a darker, more mature take on the beloved Zelda formula. As Link, you'll explore a Hyrule shadowed by an encroaching Twilight Realm, transform into a wolf with unique abilities, and solve intricate dungeons filled with ingenious puzzles. While its opening hours are somewhat slow-paced, Twilight Princess builds into a grand adventure marked by memorable characters, epic boss battles, and some of the most creative puzzle design in the series' history.

While I'm not as fond of this game as others, it's still phenomenal. A great dark and gritty atmosphere, an awesome story, and some of the most unique dungeons and items in the series really makes this a standout.

i am unable to give an objective review of this game cuz i love it too much

Vaya juegazo, recuerdo tener una guia que fotocopio mi madre con la que nos estabamos pasando el juego y de un dia para otro dejamos de jugarlo

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This is The Legend of Zelda formula perfected.
Twilight Princess is a game that fans can't agree if they love or hate it, but if you love Ocarina of Time I see no reason why you would say this game is bad, though I could understand saying this game is just ok. TP is OOT and MM blended together beautifully, it takes the monumental formula made in OOT and the dark creepy tones of MM and combined them.
From the cozy start to the heart breaking ending this game is a joy to play. While it has its lows with the water temple like all Zelda's do, it has its highs with some of the most memorable characters.
The phenomenal artstyle being ugly and gorgeous at the same time is a perfect choice from the team to match the theme of the light world vs the twilight world, The music being some of the best blending the epic orchestra and synthesized sounds to show the difference between worlds,
Having one of the best supporting characters in Zelda history with Midna's amazing character development and fantastic character design, Even the wolf segments, while get old towards the end, force you to play the game slightly more strategically than just spamming B over and over with an arrow thrown in, make this game a phenomenal experience that I wish I could experience again for the first time like I did in 2006.

The story is a good change of uniqueness while keeping that normal hero story there, with the twists and stakes being so high the story never loses steam once it gets going.
Zant being such a creepy and disturbing villain only to be a massive dork, Ganon showing up and just destroying a guy is cool as hell, and the ending of Midna destroying the mirror was one of the first times I cried at a game like I did.
I wish Nintendo made another Zelda even remotely close to this feeling but unfortunately it seems that will never happen.

this is when princess zelda is at her most slay

This game is too damn long. That might seem like a weird complaint considering this game has the same number of dungeons as ocarina of time, but the first half of this game goes by so slowly. It takes about 2-3 hours to reach the first dungeon in this game compared to like the 10 mins it takes in ocarina of time for example, and the entire first half of this game is at that slow pace. They didn't even fix Hyrule field being a giant, boring, empty ass place you have to run through for the first half of the game. It just feels like such a slog. Once you get the master sword the game picks up in speed significantly and you finally feel like you're moving from dungeon to dungeon.

The dungeon themselves are pretty good with a couple of exceptions. Goron mines, Temple of Time, and City in the sky are all so fucking slow. All three of them have gimmicks that just make the dungeon take forever. The slow ass iron boots magnets, the slow ass statue moving, fucking everything in city in the sky, its all so slow.

So many of the dungeon items in this game feel super underused. You use the top, the rod, and the ball and chain like twice outside their respective dungeons. Why do we even have a slingshot? Alright, who at Nintendo thought taking away an item wheel slot was funny? Who put collectables you can only get at night and then didn't add a way to change time?
Also this game's color pallet fucking sucks. Everything is tinged piss yellow.

The best things in this game are Malo and Midna. Just play Ocarina of Time instead.

se podrian haber ahorrado las 10-15 primeras horas, bastante malas, luego la cosa sube, las mazmorras de los trozos de espejobastante buenas aunque no al nivel de ocarina o majoras, y la historia bien. El modo lobo un poco mierda eso si.

Hyeeeeh kyaah hyaaah ha hyet haa jum jum haa - Link.
Try playing this on a wii and you will instantly want to jump off a building other than that pretty good game,

Too easy to my liking, but really good.

first third a 2, rest a 5, it is what it is

Muy GOD, una gran evolucion conforme a Ocarina of Time, aunque no llega a ser tan bueno por ese ultimo por detalles.

This was pretty much the first and only GameCube title I picked up brand new back in the day. Thank god I did since now this is a pretty rare game for the gamecube for some reason.

I just have a lot of nostalgia for it. It was cool playing this as a the first new zelda for me. I was to dumb to beat it myself as a kid. Even with guides I just watched my cousin and brother play and beat the game.

Hopefully they bring that HD remaster to switch since it's a pretty expensive Wii U game now. I would never have guessed that it would end up being such a rare game. It sucks that despite being 1 of 5 Wii U owners I waited on buying it thinking it would be dirt cheap or ported to switch. Oh well