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Fine little scenarios, but it's really insulting when you see what any of it amounts to in season 2

even though it shows the backstories of characters that don't even matter in any of the games (besides bonnie), it's still pretty fun to play! kinda goofy at times 💀

Un episodio especial que me agradó, ya que cuenta cinco mini historias que al final se conectan entre todas. Se siente fresco e incluso se ven personajes de la historia original que cuentan hechos que quedaron inconclusos en esta misma. Lo mejor de todo es que este episodio no es de relleno ya que se verán el la próxima temporada.

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400 Days is the latest addition to Telltale Games' The Walking Dead series, where you play the role of 5 different survivors. You select the character order to act out, and the choices you make in the individual stories impact portions of how the other stories act out (at least to a degree). Ultimately the characters all come together, and are offered a proposition by an outsider.

As with the previous 5 episodes the experience is a mixture of rich story telling and engaging decision making. There were definitely a few gritty moments where I was shocked (in a good way) and would cringe at what had just occurred (but again, in a good way). Seemingly missing from this specific episode are the simple puzzles that I enjoyed in episodes 1-5, leading to a much more linear, and simplified experience.

I am a huge fan of the 5 episodes that proceeded this installment. In fact, it's the best iPhone game I have ever played, however I am a bit disappointed in this particular release. While the stories are interesting, overall the experience was very short lived. After completing the episode I was left with more questions than answers, which may prove to be a good thing once the second season of this game is released. Also, I felt somewhat cheated to spend 5 dollars on an episode that now gets packaged for free with the bundle that I had previously purchased, a purchase made before this episode was developed.

But more problematic than the length and the price was the disconnect I felt from all of these characters. The reason being that the stories, of which there are 5, are spread too thin. By the time I start to connect with a character or understand a fraction of their background, their story comes to an abrupt end, and we move on to another brand new character. Again, my hope is that Telltale Games continues to expand on these characters, but as it is right now, just getting a taste of the intro to a story, with an inevitable wait until the next release, leaves a bitter taste.

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A nice enough addition to the main game, but pretty forgettable. Literally, I've forgotten most of it. I remember one of the characters in it shows up in the second season, which was cool. Also I replayed the 'rock paper scissors' bit like five times just to make sure I got all the achievements. It's more Walking Dead.

Can we just talk about how there are 11 goddamn seasons of the walking dead tv show. Who the actual fuck is still watching that pile of shit.

This bridges the gap between the players choices with Lee Everett in Season 1 and the events of Season 2.It was an ok 1 hour and something game, it's just an appetizer for season 2 of walking dead. You control 5 people that live in the early days of the apocalypse. It's not as good as the season 1 game but it's still enjoyable

This is an hour long experience or so of different characters in the universe and some of the tough choices they make in this dire world. I enjoyed it and would suggest playing it. It doesn't really add to the main story but helps you understand the stories of others in quick bites. It has the great music, story telling, and tough choices the original is known for. But you don't really feel a sense of connection or impact with any of it because the characters are introduced quickly and story is resolved as quickly.

Eh... I didn't necessarily need these, but I appreciate the extra content.

It's interesting having 6 different short stories with a unique playable character for each, but in the game the choices you make really have no bearing at all, and practically mean nothing outside of this dlc.

achei a história dos personagens meio meh, mas pra um especial ficou ok

Didn't care about any of their stories besides Bonnie to be frank

cmon it's pretty fun

Short 5 mini episodes(around 20-30 min each) of different characters showing different scenarios of zombie apocalypses. From surviving by your own, to dealing with all the crazyness in the groups.

It's like they wanted to show a lot of stuff without much of unnecessary bullshit, and I fuck with that. I think they succeded. But also, because of that, you kinda don't spend a lot of time with the characters so you care less, but still, in 2 hours you see quite a lot of stories with understandable ideas and they are cool.

Good addition for the TWD, not a must-have, but if you want a little bit more zombies, go for it, it's fun.

This was essentially a DLC chapter to tide fans over while they waited for season 2, with suggestions that it would serve as a prologue to pivotal characters down the road. The vignette style of the storytelling works really well since this title gets to be action-packed all the way through and only needs to tell us the most riveting parts of each character's backstory.

Unfortunately, the promise that we would see more of this group in the future fell flat. Most of them relegated to tiny cameos in Season 2 and only one character becomes part of the ensemble cast of that game for a short while. I really wish Telltale had followed through in making this standalone chapter connect more with the overall experience.

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This DLC is a great build up to season 2. There are 5 Stories with 5 different protagonists, showing a big event that happened to them during the apocalypse, each story is fun to do and gets you to know these characters better, and the ending is great any way you played the previous events. The Characters are great, Wyatt can be a bit annoying, but he's good too. The Voice acting is as great as the first game, apart from Lee and Clementine, it will be a miracle to find performances that good. The Graphics are the same as the main game, and they have the same benefits of its quality as well except for less beautiful moments since Lee and Clem aren't in it. The Gameplay is the same as last time, but shorter and with only 1 big choice per chapter except for Shel's which has 2. The Choices are all great, helped by the little room for errors as well, they don't change the characters positions before the ending, but they can affect the ending where, previous and current choices come together to decide which characters will join you or not, except for Bonnie she will join no matter what, hint at she will be important to the next game. The Music and sounds are the same as last time, just with less moments to show off how good they are. 400 Days is a well done DLC worthy of following the first game's path.

A horrendous, utter waste of money. The game claims that the events that happen here will affect the characters in Season 2 but all that really happens is that the characters featured in this make a minor cameo appearance. An utter waste.

Stephanie looks like the babysitter from 'Monster House' (2006).

pretty fun but it could have been a lot more. I love the anthology style and how they all tie together. Honestly could've made a whole season out of this but what can u do.

i know i played this but have retained nothing past the rock paper scissors gimmick


The Walking Dead: 400 days is the prologue to The Walking Dead Season 2. In 400 days the player controls 5 different characters and experiences a short story of their experience in the early days of the zombie apocalypse. The Walking Dead: 400 days isn't as engaging or well written as season one but it still is an enjoyable experience. 400 Days usually comes packaged with season 1 now so it's worth playing at least once.

Ties into Season 2 decently enough, for what it's worth. Each of the individual segments probably would have had more impact if they'd been given an entire episode's worth of time to explore their characters and dynamics. As it stands now, it ultimately feels a bit shallow and slight.

Fun DLC great addition to the beautiful game that is TWD Season 1

gameplay maçante e enredo irrealista, tem personagens no máximo ok, mas tenho que reconhecer que teve uma concatenação até que boa na medida do possível

This is fine I guess? I mean, it was entertaining for what it was, but it really adds nothing of real value. It's just more Walking Dead, and for that intention it serves its purpose well enough. You're not given nearly enough time with the characters to even remotely care about them, meaning its hard to get invested. I wouldn't really recommend getting it as it really doesn't add much to the world nor is it a great standalone experience in and of itself. If you own The Definitive Edition though, I guess its worth a shot.