Reviews from

in the past

I bought this game on release exclusively because WayForward gave it immaculate pixel art and a Jake Kaufman soundtrack

Looks good but plays poorly - the WayForward guarantee!

Beat' em Up simple, demasiado simple sobre el universo del Thor de Marvel. Aunque tienen la estética de la primera peli, no tiene que ver con esta, y toma enemigos clásicos de los comics para los bosses. Si te gusta el Thor de Marvel y los videojuegos un mínimo, está entretenido, pero lo dicho no es ninguna maravilla. Por suerte es corto y se pasa en 4 horitas como mucho.

Simples e minimamente competente em todos os seus aspectos, com exceção da Pixel Art que merece destaque ao meu ver.

I've heard this called a "hidden gem" and I don't really agree. It's better than one might expect, and certainly looks amazing, but it's a pretty plain beat 'em up. Also, the final boss is really intense out of nowhere.