Reviews from

in the past

live the graphics but this game is actually only playable with a snes mouse, super scope, and controller suck ass in this game and you won't get pass day 3. not that bad though.

Always been a personal favorite of mine on the SNES, and I don't really know why. It can be very hard, yet very charming. Not a must have, but still very fun.

Western light-gun style shooting game but your character is often on the screen and moves around and everyone is a robot. Some levels have you fighting duels and others have play more like a traditional light-gun game and have you defending a town or bar patrons. Nice cartoony art style. Fairly long for the genre, can go on a bit too long. Jokes aren't really funny. Works with the mouse or Super Scope.

Peak 90s cartoon character designs — twisted wetlook robots with jutting chins and curves — makes me ill.

Como eu amava esse jogo mas jogando de novo percebo que esse jogo peca nesse sistema de atirar que provavlemente era com a arma mas ele merece 3 estrelas devido a essa trilha sonora magnifíca como eu amava a música da primeira fase