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in the past

|/|- This review has two versions, one in English and another in Portuguese (Brazil);
|\|- Essa review tem duas versões, uma em Inglês e outra em Português (Brasil).

In an unknown world teeming with colossal titans of various kinds, our small protagonist embarks on a journey to defeat them.
Initially, the objective of our character in defeating all the titans is not clear, nor is what existed previously in this world. This becomes apparent as we notice that we are just a small being with a simple bow and arrow (which returns to the player when pulled).

Each of the nearly 20 colossal titans has its details (some better, some worse), and all of them present a design that reflects their original environment. A small issue is that many of the titans are not memorable as we progress through the story, as some are extremely easy to defeat, which diminishes some appreciation for them as the story progresses.

Its soundtrack is quite remarkable; I would say it's one of the best features of "Titan Souls". It contributes greatly to each environment's atmosphere and to our character's battles. Therefore, the theme it produces is very well matched and worked out in various aspects, whether in calmness or apprehension.

Our character dies when hit once; however, when our arrow hits the "target" of one of the titans, it also dies (depending on its type, as some have another "phase"), so we need to shoot and hit it too before it regenerates. I'm not a fan of this part, to be honest, I don't like it at all, as sometimes I defeat a titan out of nowhere, and it just ends there, without even having the "grace" of having battled with it. It's somewhat frustrating to repeat it again just to see where its weak point was.

One of the main criticisms I read about the game was about the downtime, evidenced by the small loadings that occur, where we are stuck for about 5 to 8 seconds without being able to take any action. It may seem trivial, but for a game that has a "speedrun" characteristic, it's quite pathetic.
An idea to reduce this loading time would be to have our character respawn in the titan's room when defeated by a titan, instead of just respawning at their scene checkpoint. This would make gameplay much smoother.

In my opinion, it should have focused more on a skill system (upgrades), considering the vast world it has. However, I feel that something like this was missing to give it a "boost".
Why do I say this? Simply put, with the vast world the game has created, full of scenes of various types (ancient ruins, tundras, underworld, and night forests), but little of these parts were explored. I think they could have a significant spotlight with a career of improving their skills throughout the game. It could be something basic, like a little more speed, speed when pulling the arrow, rolling, among other things.

RATING: 5.7/10
Review in Steam:


Em um mundo desconhecido e repleto de titãs colossais de diversos tipos, nosso pequeno protagonista parte em sua jornada para os derrotá-los.
Inicialmente, o objetivo de nosso personagem ao derrotar todos os titãs não é claro, nem mesmo o que havia anteriormente neste mundo. Isso fica aparente se notarmos, que somos apenas um pequeno ser e seu simples arco e flecha (que retorna ao jogador quando puxado).

Cada um dos quase 20 titãs colossais tem seus detalhes (alguns melhores, outros piores), e todos eles apresentam um design que reflete seu ambiente de origem. Um pequeno problema é que muitos dos titãs não são memoráveis à medida que avançamos na história, pois alguns são extremamente fáceis de serem derrotados, o que diminui um pouco da apreciação por eles à medida que avançamos na história.

Sua trilha sonora é bastante notável, diria que é uma das melhores características de "Titan Souls". Pois ela contribui demais para cada ambiente da atmosfera e nas batalhas de nosso personagem. Sendo assim, o tema que ela produz é muito bem combinado e trabalhado em diversos aspectos, sejam de calmaria ou apreensão.

Nosso personagem morre ao ser atingido uma vez, contudo quando a sua flecha acerta o "alvo" de um dos titãs, ele também morre (depende qual o tipo dele, pois alguns têm outra "fase"), então precisaremos atirar e acertar nela também, antes que se regenere. Eu não sou um fã dessa parte, na real, não gosto nenhum pouco, pois às vezes eu derroto um titã do nada e meio que fica por isso mesmo, sem ao menos ter uma "graça" de ter batalhado com ele. Tem como eu repetir novamente, mas chegar até ele novamente só para ver onde era o seu ponto fraco é no mínimo um tanto frustrante.

Uma das principais críticas que li sobre o game foi sobre o downtime, evidenciado pelos pequenos loadings que ocorrem, nos quais ficamos presos por cerca de 5 a 8 segundos sem poder realizar nenhuma ação. Pode até parecer algo ingênuo, mas isso para um game que tem uma característica de "speedrun" é bem patético.
Uma ideia para reduzir esse tempo de loading, seria fazer com que nosso personagem ao ser derrotado por algum titã, renascer na sala dele, em vez de apenas renascermos em seu checkpoint de cenário. Isso faria a jogabilidade demasiadamente mais fluida.

Para mim, ele deveria ter se concentrado mais em um sistema de habilidades (upgrades), considerando o vasto mundo que ele tem. Entretanto sinto que faltava algo assim para dar uma "complementada".
Mas porque digo isso? Simples, com o vasto mundo que o game criou, cheio de cenários de vários tipos (ruínas antigas, tundras, submundo e florestas noturnas), mas pouco foi explorado dessas partes, acho que elas poderiam ter um grande destaque com uma carreira de ir melhorando suas habilidades ao longo do game. Poderia ser algo bem básico, como um pouco mais de velocidade, velocidade ao puxar a flecha, rolar, entre outras coisas.

NOTA: 5.7/10
Review na Steam:

Game with a pretty good soundtrack and pretty nice graphics, but with average gameplay. I like the gimmick of one shot, one kill, but some bosses are really annoying with this idea in mind.

If you like a short game, where you figure out, how to find bosses weak points, give it a try. Oh and do yourself a favour and play on controller.

si ammazza qualche boss qua e la

The bosses are all unique and designed well for the one-shot kill premise. However, even on a replay I was surprised by how short the game is. Definitely could've benefited from at least one more hub area. Pretty fun overall though.

An incredible game to play in one seat.It is challenging and fun it has some awesome bosses and a incredible ost and a very hard platinum. You can get it for 1.50 EUR and I absolutely recommend it

Decided to give this game a try since I enjoyed deaths door a ton, not a lot to say about this game except there were a couple of fun puzzle bosses. I did find the achievements to be pretty enjoyable to get.

cara, titan souls é uma experiência bem doida
o jogo é difícil, mas é só pegar a mecânica de cada um dos bosses que as coisas facilitam.
os desafios são bem irados, a dificuldade é balanceada, os gráficos são bons e a música é perfeita.
a minha única crítica são glitches, que aparecem demais.

Another game from my PC game pile, Titan Souls is a game I heard about ages ago, got free on Twitch Prime fewer ages ago, and then finally decided to play yesterday. I knew it was a tougher game, but I really didn't expect it to be so short, as I finished it in just a little under two hours. It's another PC game you'll absolutely want a controller to play (I used my Xbox One controller), and despite its length it still manages to be a worthwhile investment. I played it on normal mode and killed 17 of the bosses (which I thiiink is all but one of them, but I couldn't find the last one ^^;).

Titan Souls is a game that clearly has some fairly strong inspirations from games like Shadow of the Colossus. You play a little person with only a bow and arrow, and you're in a mysterious land to fight and kill Titans and take their souls. Why are you doing this? It's quite unclear, but the point is that you're here to fight these giant monsters. This is another game that drops you in media res but gives you very scant context even up to the final confrontation, and it's a game that largely leaves you to your own conclusions about whether this quest was justifiable or worth it. Like in Shadow of the Colossus, these large beasts are just minding their own business until you come along to kill them, and unlike in even that game, you don't even have a person you're obviously trying to save. The only things in this land are you and the Titans, so you'll have plenty of time to ponder the nature of your quest as you wander from dwelling to dwelling of where they call home. If you REALLY wanna know a little more of what's going on (and fight an extra secret boss), you'll need to play the game several times on harder difficulties (which I did not do because the normal game was hard enough for me ^^;).

Titan Souls is a fairly difficult top-down, Zelda-like combat game where it's not just one hit kills on you, but it's also one hit kills on the bosses as well. Granted, they'll likely have a much easier time killing you than you will killing them, but that element of "just gotta land THE hit" makes it feel almost more like a puzzle game than an action/adventure game. The bosses are quick and tough, but they have patterns you can learn with enough patience. Heck, there were a couple I even managed to beat on my first try. They're not unbeatably hard (at least not on normal mode), but they provide a really nice challenge.

The method you have to beat them is with your bow and arrow, but you only have the one arrow. But that's not a problem, since not only can you pick the arrow back up when you miss a shot, but you can also hold a button to have it return to you. However, to draw back your arrow also means to stand still, which can quite understandably be a death sentence if you aren't careful about when you do it. But even upon returning to you, your arrow is still a weapons, and skillfully drawing it back towards you at the right time can be the key to defeating certain bosses who'd rather have their weak point facing away from you. You can also do a dodge roll and run, but other than that this is a fairly simple game mechanically that will have you needing to get quite good at those mechanics if you're going to see its conclusion.

The presentation is fairly melancholic in how quiet the world is. The music for the boss fights is fairly pumping, but the non-boss rooms have either fairly subdued music or no music at all. All the better to leave you alone with your thoughts with. The pixel art graphics style is nothing super unique, but it's all very well animated and the bosses all look cool. It's clean and crisp and there's very little danger of ever losing where you or the boss are on the screen due to how frantic things can get, which is an excellent quality for tough combat games to have (yet so many of them seem not to have regardless XP).

Verdict: Recommended. I think the asking price for the game might be a bit much for some people, but especially if you plan to do the harder modes, this game has more than enough content to justify the asking price. It's a cleverly crafted little action/puzzle game that is very satisfying to fight bosses in, and if you're looking for a challenge to go through over a weekend then this can be just the ticket.

"You have paid a high toll indeed
For the abomination in your quiver"

Fairly short boss rush game with a fun gimmick: you die in one hit, but so do the bosses. You can only hit a boss in their weak point, so every fight becomes a puzzle of finding out which attacks leave windows of opportunity, or in some cases, of how to expose the weak point in the first place. I had a lot of fun figuring each boss out, and they all held my interest long enough to ever give me a chance of getting bored or frustrated before the fight was over. This game can be quite challenging, but every death is fair.

There isn't much of anything to explore in the overworld other than a couple puzzles here and there, meaning the world is pretty empty aside from the bosses themselves, but that's not something I personally had an issue with at all. There's also some sparse but neat lore to learn throughout the game in certain areas, stuff like murals on walls. I'd recommend checking out a video on it if you're interested but didn't understand too much. The game looks quite nice visually too, and David Fenn does a great job of giving each area and boss a unique identity with his work on the soundtrack. The area themes create a somber tone to accompany the downtime that comes with exploring the overworld, and some of these boss tracks really kick ass.

I've heard a lot of criticism from people about how the game has respawn checkpoints based on the area you're in instead of right outside the boss door, leading to extensive runback downtime that can sometimes be longer than each attempt at the boss itself. But this criticism has always confused me, as I never experienced this problem myself; the longest runback I personally experienced was... maybe 30 seconds tops, I'd guess? And very few of my attempts were super short. Maybe I ended up being too good at the game to properly understand where they're coming from.

The only real criticism I can give this game is that I found a few bosses to be disappointingly easy or uninteresting. Although that criticism can be given to pretty much any game, it ends up being a larger detriment than it would be otherwise since this game specifically focuses on nothing but the bosses.

All in all, Titan Souls is a short but fun and interesting experience, and I can confidently recommend it to anyone who enjoys a good challenge. As a bonus, if you're ever unsure, it goes pretty cheap on sales.

FAVORITE BOSS: The true final boss

I have very mixed feelings about Titan Souls.
On one hand I found the world pretty bland and the lack of an actual (explicit) story felt like a missed opportunity. Additionally, the gameplay loop of constantly dying in one hit and having to walk back to the boss can get tedious and annoying quickly.
On the other hand, the small team of developers had some great ideas for the boss fights which often felt rewarding to complete and the obscure lore has its charm (on this topic I recommend this video by SolarPellets ).

But I must say that I'm glad they made this game especially after playing it's spiritual successor Death's Door which takes a few core elements from Titan Souls to make a much more complete experience (and one of my favourite games)

bom dmsss. dropei a primeira vez por nao ter paciencia de ficar procurando, mas hoje em dia eu amo esse tipo de jogo. mistura de shadow of the colossus (ambiente) com dark souls (batalhas e lore)

é tipo dark souls soq sem dark sem souls

Fun, but incredibly hard top down boss only game. Couldn't get really far due to the absurdly high skill floor, but I can see it being an amazing game further in

Maybe my perspective is skewed because I'm playing this after Death's Door, but honestly, it's amazing that the team that made such an amazing game as Death's Door started with... This.

The aesthetic is unique, soundtrack is good, but as a game it's just boring or outright annoying. Shadow of the Colossus largely follows the same formula (the game even pays homage to it), but SotC does some things that Titan Souls doesn't:
1- Eye candy. As unique of an aesthetic as Titan Souls have it, you're just less likely to stop and admire the scenery. There's very little here to incentivize you to stop and wonder.
2- Bosses aren't as complex. In fact, some of them have achievements tied like "kill in 5 seconds". Imagine riding Agro for all that time only to reach a Colossus and finish the fight within the minute...

Titan Souls is disproportionate. It's a game that, for every 10 seconds you spend walking, you get 1 of actual, engaging gameplay. And when the entire thing offers around 3 hours of content, this means that you have 2 and a half hours of nothing and 30 minutes of gameplay. It's even worse if you go for a completionist run because this game is downright unfair at times. The dodge isn't as responsive as you'd expect it to be, and the attacks patterns sometimes feel like they're meant for a higher move speed that the one you're given.

All in all, this game doesn't offer much. Has an somewhat interesting idea while it fumbles on everything else. If you're not the type of person with a speedrunner's mindset to run the same things over and over again until you perfect it, then I can't really recommend this game.

It's feels weak at its core. The presentation is really good, great atmosphere, a simple but nice art direction and an accordingly good soundtrack, but the main gameplay loop is just alright. It wierdly ever flows nicely, for very long chunks it would be just either boring or frustraiting, it's not easy to find a good sweetspot in this game, or at least for me. It's decent if you're looking for something short to play.

É um bom jogo, mas não jogue se você preza pelos seus bens materiais.

finally, a Souls game that's actually hard.

Uma experiência única!!, sério mesmo, um jogo onde todos os inimigos são bosses? Que conceito interessante, me fez passar raiva as vezes, mas da pra zerar, agora platinar é outros quinhentos. Jogo bom que rendeu até uma série completa meu canal.

Uma boa e curta experiência, alguns poucos chefes memoráveis

Maybe the real treasure were the titan souls we got along the way?

I was actually quite far into the game, probably fought a difficult boss and gave up? I really liked the atmosphere and especially the music. The idea of being able to fight with only one arrow is definitely interesting and the battles were also very varied and innovative....

Years later I tried it again and I've spontaneously finished the whole thing and defeated the last bosses. I quickly realized why I put the game down back then. Some of the boss fights are simply very random. You have to find the right tactics, which is cool, but the execution depends on so many random factors that a victory hardly felt like a success to me. Having to walk long distances to the boss when you've been defeated is also a flawed design decision.... So overall I was rather disappointed. The music is nice and I like the graphics too but the gameplay is frustrating and as I said partly unfair and random....meh.

It just didn't really feel like it had its own flavor I guess. art style was to heavily reminiscent of hyperlight drifter. music didn't really leave an impact. Its a nice first project for a game dev though.

Visually, I love this game. Gameplay wise. Eh. It would be like 10x better by just letting you use right stick to aim the bow. As it is, it has some bosses that are fun but mostly has bosses that end up being shorter than the runback and kill scene or end up being a waiting game. Not for me. But I could totally see this game being for certain people.

Divertido mas não o suficiente pra eu fazer o final verdadeiro do jogo.

beat it in just under 2 hours but it was fire

A hard, fun and incredibly frustrating little game that doesn't seem to offer much more than a boss rush and certain moments of moderate satisfaction. We have seen better.

Simplistic in all the right ways

Titan Souls takes its concept of one shot one kill and fully explores it, pushing you and your Mjölnir-esque arrow to the very limits.

Um soulslike apenas na flechada