Reviews from

in the past

playing this again in 2024 and it was ahead of its time. Still buggy at times but really is a good game. Please give it a shot.

cara o jogo até começa legal mas puta merda é só a mesma coisa

Um jogo muito subestimado mas as vezes é por culpa dele mesmo. Por si só nos vemos um escopo gigantesco, em um playground tático que evoca a bolivia (colombia sei la) de maneira surreal (uma das poucas coisas que a Ubisoft é imbatível). Só que esse extremo tamanho de mapa acaba gerando a problemática da mesmice, vazio, generalismo e outras coisas.

Stealth is very fun although the game can be a bit buggy at times. Most importantly this has a good story.

Pô o jogo é massa. Caguei pra história mas a jogabilidade dele é divertida pra caralho, principalmente, se for jogado com amigos. Como joguei sozinho a experiência não foi a melhor possível. Mas é um ótimo jogo de operação tática

This game is so unbelievably bland and boring its insane. The fact this is in the same series as GRAW pains me

El gameplay termina por ser no necesariamente repetitivo o aburrido sino reducible a lo mismo. Al menos el prota está bien badass y la historia no es horrible. Probablemente de lo mejor que habrá sacado ubisoft en estos años

Get the drone bomb and you've won.

It's unfortunately not MGS:V but multiplayer, which was what was advertised before launch.

Can’t give it much higher than a 6/10 as it’s fairly boring overall, and has a generic story, but I liked it nonetheless. Could’ve been rated higher if played coop. I played coop but only briefly.

jogo bonito mas com mecânicas super interessantes mas é muito paia jogar solo

Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Wildlands

é muito repetitivo em alguns momentos, mas racho de rir com a radio com o dj perico kkkkkkk e o foda é q o "cerebro" tava na nossa cara o tempo todo, ou melhor, o dj perico falava na radio o tempo todo

Wildlands has one of the biggest open worlds ever, and taking down cartel bosses with your friends in Bolivia is a blast! Sneaking into bases, planning your tactics, and watching it all go down (or hilariously fall apart) is super satisfying. But, the story's forgettable, missions get repetitive, and driving those vehicles is rough. Still, for those epic co-op moments and the vast playground it offers, Wildlands is worth checking out if you can find a squad.

It's incredibly fun but man I could not get through it, it started feeling like a slog for me eventually. I did enjoy my time with it though.

Pedro nos n pagamos 400 reais nesse jogo

Once again Ubisoft bugs force me to abandon a pretty fun game :/

Damn good coop fun. Interesting setting and fun gameplay loop. But the enemy ai is predictable and easy on everything except the highest difficulty

I have 500 hours in this game from when I was in middle school and I loved it but replaying it now it's kind of generic and I don't really care about the characters. The game is most defiantly gameplay driven because the story is so boring you can't really invest yourself in it along with all the characters being flat and devoid of personality the gameplay really saves this title. Personally I do enjoy it but I am also biased because of my time spent and memories I have playing this game with my friends and by myself.

All in all I'd say its like a 7/10

A paisagem desse jogo é incrível em contrapartida a física é totalmente desastrosa, o mapa e maior que o necessário, as missões são repetitivas e a IA dos inimigos são muito estranhas.
O que salva este jogo é o coop.

Solid game overall but can get boring and repetitive. Good game mechanics, graphics, and it's cool to take down the cartel.