Reviews from

in the past

Rainbow Six Siege is the ultimate tactical shooter that really embraces the tactical side of FPS games. It's nearly impossible to carry a team by yourself and each game keeps moving and is filled with tension. Each operator has a different gun loadout and makes use of different gadgets to help them in the game, ranging from crossbow bolts to cluster grenades. Each game and map feels separate from each other, which is nice for variety in a multiplayer FPS.

In-game character models look kinda silly, but those don't really matter all that much. The only other gripe I have is Uplay itself, which sometimes feels like the servers are held together with duct tape.

Super fun game and actually forces you to play tactically and get good at aiming and shooting in general.

Ranked can suck it, I live for the clusterfuck that is quickplay. Game kinda sucks without friends though.


muito legal, muito bonito, só que meu jogo no primeiro tutorial bugou e eu não consegui passar nem fudendo na parte de apertar TAB para ver os controles do jogo.

only fun to play with friends, trying to play solo is very unfun

It's alright but the crashing is horrible
ubi pls fix

I rather didn’t like the game, it takes a very long time to launch, probably because of the anti-cheat, but still, the slow animations of drawing weapons are constantly annoying, the interface resembles a mobile game, which is not good, even in warface the animations and speed of the weapon are many times better, problems with servers, the ping is constantly high, there are technical problems, the vulkan mode may not start, there are crashes, in general the game is a complete disappointment at the moment.

I'm not here to give this game a rating or review, I'm here to give a warning.

I picked this game up because a friend told me to, and it was on sale for only 6 dollars. You want to know what I learned? This game crushes your soul and brings out the worst in people. DO NOT make the same mistake I did. DO NOT give in to any temptations like friends or sales. DO NOT play this game if you value your sanity. You've been warned.

I'll still hop on if they ask me, though.

An okay game, I do really like the shooting and the like, unfortunately there is no room to have fun due to the toxic community built up in this game. Even if you are doing the best on your team you'll still be beat down for any mistake you make in comms.

It truly says something when I say this game physically pains me to play.

2000 horas, não recomendo.

The game is actually incredibly fun, despite taking a while to learn. You can even get a great skin for every character and gun for free, which cant be said about a lot of competitive games. There are lots of fun strategies to try and characters to play.
Why the mediocre rating? I want to give this a 9, but the technical issues are so bad that I'm considering quitting.
-Half the people in my stack crash every other game during comp matches despite having strong PCs.
-Random features of the game wont work for some people like voice chat or Ubisoft Connect.
-Peeker's advantage is so bad I almost refuse to believe that the game actually has dedicated servers.
-small shield characters like blitz and fuse are very frustrating because what you think you are blocking is rarely what you are actually blocking, and killcams expose the most ridiculous inconsistencies.
-Game takes eons to load, which is really painful when you crash during a competitive match and are trying to reconnect.
-guns wont load in after using abilities, good luck aiming without a scope or any model to indicate anything.
I really do think the game is fun but it is completely soiled by technical issues.

ive given this game more than a chance why do people like it

Good shooting mechanics, but difficult to get good at. Toxic/competitive community make for an unpleasant experience. Basically the League of Legends of shooters.

This game's a living hell of shitty balancing, toxic communities, and glitches.

Would not recommend, as someone who's been playing on a near daily basis for years \:

i despise this game yet I fkin love this game
everybody has their favorite shooter , and this is mine
r6 is just a different breed bro
on 1 hand this is a tactical fps with a lot of thought put in it , on the other hand the servers sometimes barely work the hitbox is bs ''ou warden is op .. lets nerf sledge ''
i m playn this shit tornado of a game since the end of year 4 with breaks cuz I care about my mental health (a lil) and I can't faking hit diamond
but this shit is one of the most entertaining games if u have some friends to take with along this torturous ride (or maybe im just hating myself ...prolly if u have some friends who like piu piu games give it a go)

The most awful game in existence, but I will continue to play it until I die (most likely from killing myself due to this game)

For a tactic team shooter this game is great! Although, originally I got into it for the tactics, but at the end of the day it’s a more realistic overwatch :/

Game is fun when you are good at it, however the game has one of the steepest learning curves when it comes to getting into it. It’s also a very competitive environment in the casual game modes which is a turn off. Games alright but I never have an urge to play

I fricking love this game so much like when I want to play a close quarters online fight shooter this is literally my go to

Year's 1-3 were all great until they started reworking maps that didn't need to be. If it wasn't for Jynxi this game would be dead.

Only good ubi's live service.

I barely played R6 but the times I did it was quite nice, one of these days I think I'll get back into it (because Arknights keeps doing collabs with them lol)

divertidao, ainda mais com amigos

Almost a decade later and I don't think I'll ever get pass Silver. Whether on console or laptop, I'm not good with the "sound queues", and guess I am more used to the "no tactics" Call of Duty type games. Even if I was good though, not a game for me. Very repetitive.

Didn't like how it works. Not for me