Reviews from

in the past

Never I thought in my life that they would make a VeggieTales game.


this tomato is not the way --

Esse jogo é dificil PQP
mas é legalzin ate...

very few things in video games feel as horrible mechanically as trying to walk through doors in Tomato Way.

(PC - Steam)

What i liked :
-the aesthetic is so cursed it goes around itself and becomes good.

- they put music around to make it sound like a epic tale.

-this is bad, this is horrid, but its a great experience of what not to do. definelly recomend for developers to check this one out.

- explosions are edited reverbed fart SFX.


- i wasn't expecting it to have more than the first level, which is the only level all youtubers play, believe me, it gets soooo much worse.

- there is creativity here, i can see a spark of a vision but thats the extent of it.

- thank god its short, i managed to beat it in 69 minutes, that is not a joke.

What i dont like :
-everything else

-this game wouldn't be as horrid as it is if at least it ran decently. there is no optimization here.

- every enemy is in the walls. if you play it you will understand.

-you will get stuck in everything.

- bosses either die in 2 hits or take all your resources to go down, good luck fighting them at 20 fps btw.

- if you have cinetosis, don't play this game, worst mistake of my life.

- the game mocks you if you get lost, not like the fov will help you.