Reviews from

in the past

would love to see this in an arcade. as a game you purchase though, it could stand to have a little more variety

An endless arcade top-down typing of the dead. Really fun visuals and engaging combat. Don't buy the game looking for some overarching meta-progression, but great fun for a short session from time to time.

Wanted to play this more, but it's just not for me. Well made though, and I am sure there are people out there that this is The Game for.

Typecast is a beautiful three-axis chimera born from Nuclear Throne, Vampire Survivors, and Typing of the Dead (or, if you prefer a more comedic choice, "Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing").

Toying with the keyboard as an input mechanism is genius. Fast-moving enemies frequently require reaching far-away keys. Boss enemies require you to type the entire alphabet in order while fending off smaller foes.

Shooters were designed for the mouse, but few videogames have ever truly been designed for the keyboard, let alone both the keyboard and the mouse. I'm glad to see Typecast take another seat in that miniature pantheon.

The worst game ever made, it will ruin your life. You should play it and add me on Steam and try to beat my score it will keep me motivated thanks

Eu adoro como jogos de digitação podem assumir todas as formas e temas, mesmo que seja integrando uma atividade que não é necessariamente lembrada como "divertida" muitas vezes. TYPECAST não só consegue fazer isso de forma primorosa e bem mais natural que outros títulos do gênero, mas acaba tornando a experiência de bullet hell ainda mais focada em precisão e raciocínio rápido. Eu não esperava tantas camadas de mecânicas e tanta profundidade de gameplay em um joguinho de digitar, mas sempre estamos nos surpreendendo. É uma pena que o foco total na experiência arcade afaste um pouco quem não liga tanto para pontuações e rankings, mas ainda vale a pena conferir.

mais: (em breve)

Typecast is a pretty unique game and it can be quite addicting, with a high skill ceiling at that. You control your mouse cursor as you have to avoid ennemies which you can kill by hitting the right keyboard key if they're within your attack range, and from then on it gets more complicated.

The concept is surprisingly fun and really allows the player to try and progress. The leaderboard is a really nice concept I love seeing in a game like this, it really pushes you forward and encourages you to beat your score. The only other game I played that did this was Killbug.

The presentation is also really nice, from the visuals to the sound effects it's very pleasing. I especially like the main menues and the voice over which reads some of the options like START!

I suck at this, partly due to my eyesight, but it's pretty fun and I like the visuals and music. The "meta progress your own brain" description is godlike.

I thought I would play a nice relaxing game in between Cuphead but mistakenly picked this. This is fucking wild and really addicting to try to beat your best. There's no meta progression, and there's only a leaderboard to climb. I will definitely keep playing this here and there, just trying to get better and farther in the later loops.

exceptionally fun game to pick up and set down whenever you choose. for its low price it's exceptionally worth trying; you won't regret it

best typing game since typing of the dead ;)