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Altogether pretty decent for a short game with a low price if you get it on sale. It lacks polish in certain aspects of the design here and there - an overreliance on invisible walls in the environment design, some repeat bosses near the end to pad the game out a bit. The Snake Queen boss is also a ridiculous difficulty spike out of nowhere and much more difficult than any other boss encounter. It also doesn't have the budget for cutscene animation, but I don't really mind that too much.

One thing I have to mention is that while you usually have control of the camera, in some encounters the camera fixes position in a way very similar to NieR. However, Ultra Age doesn't seem to understand why the NieR games do that to give a certain pacing, and it ends up just feeling like it's copying NieR's homework.

The combat mechanics / animations and enemy and boss movesets are decently well-made. The durability system for weapons is a nice unique gameplay hook without feeling like you have to scrimp and save for resources. The invincibility dash is very generous and I feel like the game would be significantly harder and probably not as enjoyable if it were less so. The progression and upgrades of your weapons and tools is constantly going up, which feels great and works well for a short game like this.

Ultra Age (2021): Tiene un núcleo jugable más que sólido y el sistema de combos es bueno, pero lo demás es mierda. El diseño es mierda, los jefes finales son mierda, la historia es especialmente mierda...Tengo ganas de ver su próximo juego, pero este no lo puedo recomendar (4,55)

[European Portuguese - Nintendo Switch - Dated 27/09/2021]

"Elaborado por onze pessoas e à venda por 29.99€, Ultra Age é um Devil May Cry da loja dos trezentos decente. Tem um combate muito divertido e interessante, mas vários aspectos como uma história demasiado convoluta, trabalho de voz simplesmente horrível, gráficos que magoam os olhos e problemas no desempenho fazem de uma recomendação tarefa árdua. No entanto, para ser honesto, se procuras algo dentro do género, nada como experimentar a demo disponível na eShop."

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A decent stab at a DMC style action game from new developers. Does surprisingly well, but it is surrounded by so much fluff

Very cool, a very fun game in general, I liked the combat and also the design of the whole game, in addition to the graphics that are not bad either.

I also felt a pretty blatant inspiration from Nier Automata. I really enjoyed it.

It's like DMC and nier but without buffer input

Not a big fan of the story but that gameplay is nice. Very solid spectacle fighter for an indie.

Indie developed action games are a weird beast. For every Assault Spy or Aztez, games that show that even minuscule teams with budgets of half a Happy Meal and a dream, can make combat every bit as satisfying and enjoyable as your Devil May Crys, Ninja Gaidens and Bayonettas, you've got RWBY Grimm Eclipse, Mitsurugi Kamui Hikae, and Ultra Age.

At its core, Ultra Age is a competent enough core of an action game, surrounded by a hellscape nightmare of RPG mechanics that feels like it was made explicitly to spite me. On its face, the combat is okay at best. There's some decent variety between weapons and move sets, even though the light-heavy dial combo strings mesh together a fair bit. But the combat overall feels incredibly weightless in both animation and sound design. Combined with the constant enemy habits of attacking offscreen with little to no buildup, as well as a seeming lack of invincibility frames after taking damage, and you've got gameplay that's way more annoying in the most important moments than it is fun. But that's not even the worst of it.

Let's get this out of the way first and foremost; I hate RPG mechanics in action games. This isn't a slight against action RPGs, not in the slightest. I love Xenoblade, I love Dragon's Dogma, and I'm sure I'll love Kingdom Hearts, Nier, and FF16 when the time comes to give them their dues. What I mean when I say I hate RPG mechanics in action games, is that I hate when they're hastily stapled onto the core of an action game for no real rhyme or reason. God Of War 2018 added armour and RPG stat buffs, Bayonetta 3 added skill trees in place of its original, traditional move list unlocking, Gungrave G.O.R.E piled on pointless stat increases upon most of its individual moves, and Ultra Age... Jesus Christ.

Ultra Age features weapon durability, in an action game, for some ungodly reason. It's annoying in combat, where every hit you land brings down your total durability, obviously. In a cue seemingly taken from Nero's Devil Breakers in Devil May Cry 5, you can at least pop them when their durability is low enough to get one last burst attack out of it, which is real neat, but the inclusion of a system like this in an action game is completely pointless at best and an active intrusion at worst. But it's out of combat where the mechanic's true ugly face is shown. Enemy drops are completely RNG, meaning you might get that weapon you're running low on, or you might get the same two weapons you've already hit the cap on because the game doesn't remove them from the drop pool after the fact.

Your weapon also durability doesn't regenerate upon death, meaning that if you keep losing to a specific boss fight from the midgame that doesn't give you any way of getting new weapon drops aside from backtracking through the empty desert area, you could potentially wind up in a dead game if everything shatters on you. and the game's focus on certain weapons exclusively breaking the defenses on certain enemy types means that losing a weapon can be the difference between a fast and enjoyable battle, or a glacial slog. It's DmC's already horrendous colour-coded enemy mechanic, now mixed with the RNG of whether you'll even be able to get the weapon you need at all.

But out of combat, you need to grab materials in order to gain extra durability to each weapon, as well as swapping out your current buff gems. This means, not running over the items from the enemies you killed, which the game does for the currency you get, but slowing right down and holding the B button for a second to pick it up. It's pace breaking as hell, even if I understand that it's done for the purpose of not overwriting your current gems accidentally. And that's on top of skill trees that include upgrades to critical hits and durability. The long and short of this entire section is that I wish RPG elements would fuck off out of my action games.

What doesn't help the game is the boss fights, which only further compound my issues. Absolute damage sponges that aren't satisfying to fight and only bring out the worst of the game's lack of telegraphing and camera issues. The final stretch of the game, requiring you to go through multiple mazes before allowing you another shot at two bosses you already fought before as well as the penultimate boss was an almost mindnumbing experience, and easily the low point of an already aggrivating game.

In all honesty, it kinda feels bad having to come down this hard on Ultra Age. It's made by a small team who were clearly passionate about what they were making. Hell, I dug a lot of its si-fi aesthetics. But goddamn, the game's potential is absolutely crushed by its almost reluctance to just be a traditional action game, and that fucking stinks. I can stomach some RPG mechanics, but when they start getting to be a major interference with the game, on top of a dozen other issues? It all gets a bit too much. Dial the RPG mechanics way the fuck back, give us a saucier combat system with less damage sponge bosses and off-screen enemy attacks, and we might be in for a good sequel, but who knows when or even if that day'll ever come.

Ultra Age es un juego que, a diferencia de muchos otros indies, no quiere abarcar más de lo que podría.

Es un juego que cuenta con un sistema de combate muy entretenido y bien elaborado, pero ahí acaba todo. Posee una historia casi nula, una ambientación demasiado inspirada en Nier:Automata, poca diversidad de enemigos, mala actuación y una casi inexistente banda sonora. Además es tremendamente repetitivo y el 80% del juego consiste en recorrer los mismos pasillos una y otra vez. Por suerte dura solo 4h.

Ojalá el pequeño equipo de desarrollo que hay detrás aprenda de este juego y en un futuro nos traiga un título más pulido.

Mechanically, it's a fine game, and can be fun sometimes. But that's all the praise I can give it.

Lets start with the enemy and boss designs. Visually, the enemies are uninspired and they only have one or two moves each. I can tolerate that, but what about the bosses? They're also bad. Some of the bosses are literally just normal enemies, but enlarged with an additional move, and thats it. The bosses that don't follow that trend, include a bull you chase back and forth across the arena, with the only attacking move is charging at you. The other one is a big snake where you hit its tail from one side of the map, go to the head and hit him there. Neither of them are too fun. That being said, there was two bosses that were enjoyable, which were the second last boss and the last boss. HOWEVER with the second last boss, if you die, you have to start the entire pre-boss section again, which contains 3 waves of the same boring enemies. But this is especially egregious because of my next point: the difficulty balance.

I played this game on hard because I'm pretty good at action games generally. What this game does right with its difficulty is make enemies and bosses more aggressive. That would've been fine, but they also had the audacity to crank the attack and HP all they way up. So now, not only do you have 10 enemies, with 5 of them spamming gun moves, 2 big guys chasing you down and 3 robots drilling you all eating up a quarter to half your HP (if not one shotting you or comboing you into oblivion), but they take a really long time to kill. Around one breakable weapon, maybe half if you have it all upgraded. This also applies to the bosses, so the two bosses I said were kind of fun, were absolutely ruined by the HP bloat. And before you ask, yes I'm doing a playthrough on normal, but the game is wayyyy to easy. None of the enemies attack you like at all.

Level design is pretty uninspiring which is complemented by the lackluster visuals, with a story that is pretty boring. Getting weapons from crystals and enemy drops was a useless mechanic, as was the day/night cycle.

Overall, this game has a fine base for an action game, but it gets too lost in poor design choices with ideas that don't quite fit together. Despite my rating though, I did have some fun with the game.

Poor man's NieR May Cryomata V.
Not terrible, not great, somewhat better than average.

Was really hoping that the actual launch would differ more from the demo that introduced me to this game.
Yet you unlock weapons just as fast and you can quickly notice some reused weapon combos, not to mention lack of weight behind them.

Story didn't appear interesting enough either. Perhaps it gets better further in, but I could not bother paying attention to it.