Reviews from

in the past

I have now successfully been radicalized against most modern fighting games

There's a magical-girl-themed zoner character who has a comedy-sized low normal that covers like 90% of the ground so I cannot say anything bad about this game

also gordeau can lowkey get it

this is actually the most kino shit I've played in my life

You're not black or Southern enough tot understand the greatness of Kamone and his team at French Bread's hard work.

You need to be on the East Coast or the Dirty South to play this game.

Peak gaming. Glory to the French Bread team.

my favorite fighting game so far i think.


same feelings as uniclr, but with the addition of having a working multiplayer mode 5 weeks after launch

Good Fighting Game Make me Happy

Uhh idk how to review games properly so I’ll just say it, it’s a great fighting game, like every French bread game. However, the lack of crossplay and the game’s state at launch made a lot of people drop it (understandably), if you’re one of the people who dropped it I really recommend picking it up again, French bread has done an amazing job at fixing the game, tho I’ll have to warn you: you might have a hard time finding matches due to the player base being small.

deserved better than a shameless $50 re-release that launched with entirely dysfunctional online

Another fighting game I enjoy. Didn't get into it as much as the rest, but was still fun to mess around in. Cool character designs too

made me realize that i've been gaslighting myself into liking most modern anime fighting games.

its fun! i like to play it with friends

Si juegas Seth o Hilda iré a tu casa y me comeré tu cable del internet


Makes some fantastic qol updates to Under Night that make it the best version to get into from great training tools, more forgiving buffer and hitstun, and rollback netcode even. What makes me love Under Night as a fighting game is how the GRD system makes for an interesting tug of war fought during matches that influences the decision making on offense and defense rewarding both. This makes for scenarios where in other games it would look like you are in a really bad position, but winning a GRD cycle can let you steal back your turn. It also helps that you have a lot of freeform pressure options due to the reverse beat system letting you chain out of order and combo routing is incredibly flexible. One of the best fighting games ever made.

Super fun game. I need to play it more.

Amazing game, love playing against my friends or even random people who spend too much time on this game getting crazy at it so every time I play against them I get dumpstered.
But it's GREAT
Amazing music, characters got SAUCE, combos are sexy, all of it just hits different. Really enjoy this game plan to play a lot more

Wagner my beloved.

i love dual wielding gun mommy
combos are kinda hard but fun to execute, seriously i played the combos training thingie more than the online lol

I really want to like these games. I don't think I can. I don't think I'm strong enough.

They made a perfect fighting game once again I believe in French Bread world domination

Full video review:

UNDER NIGHT IN-BIRTH is back yet again. This time though, we went from changing the game’s subtitle to slapping a 2 on the name. And yeah, it’s still just as fun, and.. well, difficult.

UNDER NIGHT IN-BIRTH is basically an anime fighter along the same vein as Guilty Gear or BlazBlue. I would say it’s more difficult than Strive, but maybe on par with BlazBlue. I don’t know - that’s all subjective anyways. That said, I liked the past two entries in this series and yeah, I like this one too, but it’s not without its issues.

Starting with the good though: The movement. This is probably my favorite thing about the game. It just, flows so well, if that makes sense. You have so many options to dash, jump, and move around the screen that once you get the hang of things, it is a very fast-paced and satisfying experience. That and the characters themselves are pretty solid, for the most part. Plenty of variety there - grapplers, zoners, rushdowns, all of that - and I always like a good fighting game where more than a handful of characters click with me. That said, Merkava is still my favorite. He’s just so noodly and fun to play.

The game also does a really good job with its tutorial system. There are over 100 different tutorials, each with demo videos and a walkthrough to help you through them. And then on top of that there are character combo guides and general strategy guides for each and every character. It goes to great lengths to get you into the experience, which is definitely warranted given just how hard a fighting game this is.

If you’re looking to hop into the game and don’t already have friends to play it with - you’ll be subjected to the game’s online mode. On one hand, there’s actually rollback netcode which is super nice for a niche 2D fighter like this, but on the other, there are not that many active players just hanging out in the game’s online lobbies and when you do find a match, it’s likely going to be someone way higher rank than you. People call this series a Discord fighter - meaning you have to hop on servers dedicated to the game to find matches - and that still holds true with this sequel - even if the online playerbase is double that of the last game, averaging around 200 online at any one time.

I spent some time in singleplayer, but honestly, those modes just aren’t that great. The arcade mode is pretty standard, but comes with a boring storyline and the time attack and score attacks are just vaguely different ways to play the arcade mode basically. Multiplayer is pretty much a necessity for this one and the most fun I had was duking it out with friends locally - and this is definitely one I’ll be keeping installed for that very reason.

I’m still not a fan of how tight diagonal inputs are, it just doesn’t feel right to me, but pretty much everything else is solid. The art is just as great as its always been, the music is excellent, the stages are cool and really just remind me of the Fate series, and the level of polish on top of it all is really impressive given the size of its developer.

UNDER NIGHT IN-BIRTH II Sys:Celes is worth a recommendation, but maybe not for the general audience. If you’re not already into fighting games, definitely pass on it, and if you’re not specifically into 2D anime fighters, then probably pass on it too. It’s got quite the learning curve, but is fun to play with friends and the addition of rollback netcode actually makes the game playable online too - even if the playerbase is small. The PC port apparently had issues on launch, but playing a couple months later, I can’t say I had any issues, so there’s that too.