Reviews from

in the past

jogo que acaba com amizades mt bom amo

يا عيال اقدر احط 4 فوق 4؟

It, in fact, did not come with my Xbox

It's uno, but it's BUGSOFT UNO

I refunded this one in 2018 cause I couldn't play. I tried playing with friends and everything went wrong. You'll need uplay (ubisoft launcher) and probably will have A TSUNAMI OF CRASHES AND BUGS. And when it wouldn't crash on a high-end pc, it would disconnect everyone on the room. Also: there wasn't a "go back to desktop" button ON THE MAIN MENU

Yes, it was years ago, but trust me, get the tabletop simulator instead of this piece of garbage

como que corno tem coragem de cobrar 30conto nisso
legal, mas toda partida alguém caia

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made my family and friends leave me to rot in a ditch

I really wish I didn't buy the ultimate edition on Steam for $12 when I literally own the physical copy and have 0 digital friends

You can't stack cards. What is the purpose of an intended way to play, if it provides less fun? It's that simple. Everyone plays with stacking cards. Everyone knows this. Everyone knows this but Uno.

Would be better if I didn't have to download ubisoft connect just to play the game I GOT ON STEAM

how to lose friends simulator

muito bom mas eu odeio todos os meus amigos

It's UNO except you need an extra shitty launcher and you can have bullshit rules and funny Rayman cards. It's alright I guess.

Oui bah c'est le Uno quoi.
Le fun repose principalement sur le fait de jouer avec des amis, c'est à dire comme sur le jeu de cartes, et la retranscription en jeu est nickel avec pas mal de variations de règles possibles et un habillage leché.
Si possible privilégiez la version Switch comme moi, c'est pas sur Uno que vous souffrirez de la nullité du Nintendo Switch Online et ça épargnera de subir Uplay et les bugs de déconnexion à chaque partie.

Leider start Probleme, welche aus unerfindlichen Gründen behoben wurden, indem ich mein USB Kabel herausgenommen habe, aber sonst spaßige Abende mit viel Geschreie

I love Uno with all my heart, but I hate UPLAY.

I'm torn because this game is fun as hell, and the modes and settings add so much delicious chaos, but this game runs like ASS and Ubisoft Connect is a dumpster fire.

I love playing my Ratonhnhaké:ton +2 cards and skipping my friends with a Edward Kenway at 3 am, What a fantastic game.