Reviews from

in the past

Lo estaba jugando con mi padre en cooperativo, pero se buggeó a casi el final del juego y no nos dejaba continuar, pero divertido.

Mediocre twin stick shooter with four playable characters that each have their own ranged and melee weapon and special attack. Technical issues and the poor camera can occasionally make things slightly difficult or might make it nearly impossible to see. Some people are experiencing frequent crashes, I had to reinstall the game to get it to pass the developer logo. Next time I played it crashed when I started it, then froze again forcing me to reinstall the game again to play it. It wouldn't even be worth playing even if it did not have the frequent technical issues.

Even if this game wasn't called Kill Team it would still be a disgrace.

Very nice effort but not executed right.

Warhammer 40k - Kill Team is another effort to leech on the success of the franchise. It is a third person shooter indie game where you can play solo or co-op on an Orc cruiser. It has five story missions and five survival missions.

I must say that all the Orc and Tyranid units look good and reminds me of Dawn of War II, the way it is supposed to. The sound effects are nice, the classic weapons are all there and the bullet cases stay on the ground when you shoot.

But despite all this, the gameplay is horrendous. Cheap deaths by sudden pit falls and Orc Shoota Boyz that kill you faster than a Orc Melee Nob. But that is not the worst, oh no sir, the worst thing in this game is the camera. The game camera is so freaking bad, it made me cry. It is always in a awkward angle, does not rotate with you and sometimes glitches so you get your ass handed to you by enemies of the screen.

One other thing that made me furious is the unskippable cutscenes. There is a lot of them and they take forever. They show you a certain switch you must activate and then the screen stays locked on that switch for 10 seconds. Also, when you die, you need to watch the whole movie again. It made my skin crawl, i pressed every damn button on my keyboard and hoped it worked but no.

So in conclusion, the effort is nice, the Warhammer 40 000 theme is there, the units, weapons and bosses are nice but the way it is played with the drunk camera and the cutscenes you can't skip made it a real chore to finish for me.