Reviews from

in the past

A vibe é bem diferente do primeiro, não que isso seja ruim, pelo contrário.
O jogo é bem descontraído e a cidade é muito bonita, não da pra exigir muito de todos os aspectos de gameplay ou pedir muito detalhe no jogo pq afinal de contas é a Ubi
Mas ele me tirou muitos sorrisos e tardes que passei me divertindo jogando.

só curti o fato do mundo aberto ser melhor q o do 1, mas a história é bem rasa

I basically grew up with this game because as a kid I wasn’t allowed to play GTA so I bought this alternative instead and managed to trick my parents into buying it. And I remember playing this game with my brother and a few other friends who I would invite to my summer cottage and play with in summer 2018 when my country was struck by a massive heat wave, extreme drought and rapidly spreading forest fires all over the country. Feels weird feeling nostalgic about that.

Anyways about the game I think it’s a very fun game and it got lots of tools you can experiment with. You can play the game in stealth or guns blazing it’s your choice. You can also almost hack everything. As goes for the story it is really good and as you progress the main crew becomes almost like a family where you play a very important role in. Also San Francisco is a fun city with lots of things to sightsee and there’s even gangs operating in certain areas and they are fun to piss off. Don’t got much more to add than that. My only problem with this game is that there’s not that many guns to choose from and way too many cars to rent (yes you rent cars in this game). I also think that the HUD is boring and would be more happy if Marcus had another weapon instead of the yoyo.

(Also bought the game both for my pc and ps4)

More fun than the original but with a much more annoying cast.

Expandiram as mecânicas, mas pecaram na história. A dirigibilidade melhorou, mas ainda é um problema.

Watch Dogs 2 is a massive improvement over the first game. Hacking San Francisco is a blast, the characters are way more likable, and the whole vibe is just lighthearted and fun. The story's a bit silly, but the missions give you tons of freedom to tackle them with goofy gadgets or straight-up firepower. If you like open-world chaos with a hacking twist, Watch Dogs 2 is definitely worth checking out.

They should've just made a proper sequel

Better than the original in all things except for story. Great dlcs and all aorund fun. "Got the game on lock like we changed the keys!"

A massive improvement over the first game. Although the characters are too over the top the city is more vibrant and the overall hacking mechanics are more in depth. This is what the first game should have been.

Esse jogo é como as pessoas pensam que a geração Z vai ser se pintarem a unha e tomarem corote com leite condensado.

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I played this game a few months back and i thoroughly enjoyed it up until the ending.

The gameplay was absolutely fun and tedious (in a good way! Although I admit I’ve been using a lot of guides..), the characters are so charming and unique I became fond of them, which made me excited for the finale.

Well, I did have high expectations, but the ending was absolutely unfulfilling to the point it left a bad impression on me, and don’t get me started on horatio’s death :pensive:

Overall 7.5/10, good game, great mechanics but sometimes the story feels underwhelming.

Hackers (1995) by way of Silicon Valley (2014). One of the best open world cities not made by Rockstar, with gameplay and storytelling that's leaps and bounds ahead of the first game. Shockingly high effort, Ubisoft was really on to something here.

i still consider this a nice and fun little game to this day, 7 years after completing it :D

Game Is Really Amazing So Good at Gameplay But in terms of story and overall Gameplay Watch Dogs 1 Is Better

Watch Dogs 2 also had a very entertaining storyline. Not as dark as the first part, but Ubisoft does everything well here too. Good story, good handling and a promising map. However, monotonous in some places. But also an absolutely good game in the Watch Dogs series.

The last kinda decent game Ubisoft ever made can we bankrupt that company already

It’s much better than the first in lots of ways, from the hacking, the setting and the variety of content. The story's kinda bad. Watch Dogs 2 is a fun to play and very good looking game. It's not perfect, though, especially when it comes to driving sessions. Overall, we have a very nice new entry in the free roaming genre.

Muitooooooo superior que o primeiro, mas que vacila na história e dirigibilidade

I probably prefer the first but this one is cool too, nice online mode

Man I really love this game the characters are so good and gameplay is so fucking fun. Ubisoft really fell off after this game :(

GTA DE HACKZINHO KKKKKKKKK, capaz esse jogo é muito legal e divertido, passava horas trollando os npcs e a história é bem bacana também por mais simples que seja

Best Watch Dogs game, for me personally miles ahead of GTA and way more fun. Loved all the characters and the story to take down surveillance companies, plenty of fun!