Reviews from

in the past

I like this game more in theory. It's an endearing little puzzle game that unfortunately gets pretty heavy on trial and error. The basic conceit is that the levels get a little jumbled so you have to sort out the actual order of things in order to make your way through the game. I like the way the game challenges your spatial awareness, that's neat, but it doesn't keep it from getting a bit frustrating. There are some cool moments, but nothing too exciting. The game is very okay.

Hravá a vizuálně sympaticky "gameboyovsky" stylizovaná variace na FEZ koncept, která však tvrdě naráží na svou délku a obtížnost; respektive jejich naprostou absenci. Pokořit oněch čtyřiadvacet levelů i se všemi achievementy nezabere více než hodinu. A je to škoda, protože zdejší puzzle mechanismy jsou natolik dobře vymyšlené, že jejich nevyužití v pořádných mozkolamech zamrzí o to více. Takto je to hra určená čistě pro malé děti. Což není žádná urážka či výtka, ale prosté konstatování faktu.

The core idea is simple and fantastic: fractured windows on a contiguous world. A gentle puzzle-platformer that is all parts, no whole. Your characters traverse cohesive spaces; your eyeballs do not. A return to wholeness may be the thematic arc of the game, but it’s also what’s required of your mind to navigate each level.

Where Is My Heart? never quite follows through on its ideas, though. Only one character has an ability uniquely related to the fragmented landscapes, and the game seems content to follow the usual videogame trajectory of recombining elements towards increasing convolution. Thankfully, it is brief.