Reviews from

in the past

Weird title, weird logo, weird game? Unfortunately, Witch Rise is just another first-person dungeon crawler without any fresh ideas.

+ nice retro look and old-school feel
+ enemy sprites are cute
+ not too challenging
+ difficulty scales naturally
+ a quick and breezy experience

- close enemy attacks lack hit feedback
- even when upgraded, mana refills too slowly
- weapon upgrades make no difference on the gameplay
- upgrades are too expensive
- boss fights lack depth
- breakable walls are too hard to see

Playtime: 2 hours, with the entire map explored and almost all chests opened.

Blagic Moment: Entering a shop for the first time to realize you are never going to afford all of their stuff. Just like real life!

Witch Rise is a perfectly okay entry to its genre, but also offers nothing new or exciting that would make me recommend it.

If you yearn for the look and feel of old-school, first-person dungeon crawlers with sprites, I would recommend Eldritch instead, witch does a lot more with the same ingredients.

This is a perfectly cromulant retro shooter that you can 100% in about an hour. It's tiny and cheap and a bit janky, but it's also pretty fun.