Reviews from

in the past

I bought this game to play when I'm bored in my downtime and don't feel like an action heavy game I have to pay a lot of attention to, and it was exactly what I was looking for. If you enjoy management games and boxing, this one could be for you.

Sign your boxers, build their stats, manage your money, and build your gym up. Take your fighters through the ranks and attempt to create champions.

The story mode is okay, nothing special. The career mode where you start with nothing is truely where this game thrives.

If you like management games, I recommend it.

Not all I hoped it would be.

This game boils down to doing two things: Managing your money, and managing your fighters stats. Obviously there are much more intricacies that go into it, but that's really all the game is.

This becomes extremely repetitive! With your fighters opponents all feeling exactly the same and your fighters all feeling the same, every fight is just a stat war with some RNG thrown in. It is just very dull.

The voice acting is lackluster, as are the visuals. The audio is also just very average, nothing about this game is noteworthy honestly.

I really wanted this game to be more and scratch that fighter manager itch, but it's just a dull and repetitive experience that should've had more mechanics at play.