Reviews from

in the past

En lo personal, la ultima expansión de WoW que disfruté tanto, complete todas las raids y mazmorras, la historia es excelente y ofrece algo interesante para cada clase en particular, Suramar es una ciudad que hasta el día de la fecha Blizzard no puede replicar, si bien comenzó de forma regular respecto a la mecánica de "Power artifact" esta expansión introdujo mecánicas increíbles como "Mazmorras+" y las invasiones. La ultima gran expansión de wow.

When blizzard decided to fight power creep with borrowed power

cool raids
class halls (the best feature added to modern wow, immedietly abandonned)
legendary rng, i geniunely hope whoever made legendaries luck-based steps on lego.

Nice expansion.
Interesting story, but a bit generic content.

Legion is great in many areas, but it would go onto influence the game in the most cursed way possible for the next two expansions.

Suramar was fun, legendaries were fun... once you had them all (and you didn't get dicked by sephuz' secret) and having something to do every day after the walking disaster that is WOD's world was refreshing. The beginning of the expansion was the worst of it, with the artifact power grind to get the 5% damage bonus being so profound and the legendary gap being so huge made the roulette of gear feel terrible.

But, it introduced M+, something that would go to be a huge pillar of the game going forward, the raids were all great (emerald nightmare is.... less great) and the classes were as much fun as they've ever been. A solid expansion that was a needed shot in the arm.

they ate this one up i fear...

The MMO equivalent of comfort food.

Probably best "modern" expansion to World of Warcraft so far. Good dungeons, great raids, story makes sense, class order halls gave a lot of immersion for every class, Mythic keystones was a great new feature added to the game, which allows to play with smaller group of friends.

There were some bad stuff, mainly way to obtain legendaries was random, which was harsh when we look on how powerful they were. Also I didn't liked Suramar, while story was ok, moving around this city was tragic.

My guild fell apart at the start of this expac due to edating drama.

Teve coisas ruins, mas no geral foi muito bom e eu adorei jogar.

Still to this day my favorite WoW expansion of all time. I loved everything from the zones, to artifact weapons, to the order halls, the STORY oh man was all so good. Also got serious into raiding during this expac and had a lot of fun pushing heroic and mythic Emerald nightmare. Highmountain is still my favorite zone of all time in wow. Overall flawless expac imo. I agree the legendary system wasnt ideal but I wasn't a min-maxxer so this didn't bother me much (I got my legendaries too)

Last good expansion. I miss you, Dalaran AFKing

fuck mythic+ for killing mythic raiding

revival after bad expension

devuelvan las armas artefacto ultimo aviso.

Has the best art design and narrative among all expansions

Me lo pasé bien unas semanas, pero no quiero volver nunca más

Historia profunda y muy buen construida, personajes con una evolución interesante, grandes cinemáticas, unas mecánicas de expansión divertidas, jugabilidad compleja, buenísima BSO, raids y mazmorras brutales. Una expansión increíble.

pre-nerf fallen avatar incident

historia ficou completamente maluca e o revamp no pvp foi um LIXO total mas como sempre é divertido, porem foi quando o jogo começo a decair pra caralho

Legion had some of the coolest shit in the history of the game in it. The entire intro questline, really the whole levelling experience, was epic. The dungeons were mostly awesome, as were Demon Hunters and the unlockable allied races like Nightborne and Void Elves. Artifacts were the coolest part until they were inevitably ruined for the storyline.

This fits right in with Wrath and BC in my opinion. Legion was a breath of fresh air after WoD.

the expac that almost saved WoW

Legion was my first wow expansion, and man do I wish anything that's come out since was as good lmao.

Una de las mejores expansiones del WOW. Difícilmente igualable.

Took a swing at Wrath's crown and ALMOST got there.