Reviews from

in the past

Ugh, WWE 2K16 is a frustrating mess. The gameplay is decent enough, and the huge roster of wrestlers will please fans, but my god is it buggy! Weird glitches happen all the time, the career mode is boring, and the online play is super janky. It has moments where it's kinda fun, especially if you're playing with friends, but honestly, unless you're a die-hard wrestling fan, you can probably skip this one.

I made a booby lady but her boobsdidn't bounce. Lame.

As a mid 30s dude, WWE (we all know it's WWF really) games hold some form of nostalgia for me. I was a kid at the height of its popularity and loved wwf warzone and attitude. If you go back now, these games are almost unplayable. The controls are mental and you need to remember a bunch of random button combinations. The later WWE games on the system realised this and have simplified things a great deal. You now just need to grapple and use the right thumbstick to pull off a variety of moves, which personally I think is a good thing. One nice thing I will mention about 2K16 is it has a stone cold story mode, where you play out scenarios from stone cold's career. As a fan of this era, that was a nice touch and it has been done well, feeling like a quality package. Aside from that, there are not a great deal of differences from the other WWE releases around this time, and unless you are a big stone cold fan, you can probably also look at 2k15 or 2k17. I quite enjoyed this one, but I'm not a huge WWE fan so take it with a pinch of salt.


bir wwe oyunundan ne bekliyorsanız hepsi var

Just feels like another WWE game in all honesty.

I haven't seen a franchise have such a leap in quality apart from 2k15 to 2k16. They go from a visually pleasing but cut-down half-game to a well made, stacked, proper wrestling game. My only issue is the 600,000 variations of Steve Austin, couldn't all the late 90's ones just be condensed into one character?

Mainly for Showcase.
Played ot alot with my brother so is special to me

i don't even really care for wrestling


ümidi ailesine selam çakıyorum paige e çakıyorum

Another WWE game I played on the last gen and had a great time with it.


Was my first WWE game so it's very sentimental to me

Very fond memories of this game as a teen. Got it on Christmas with my first Ps4. Spent countless days on Universe Mode and thoroughly enjoyed the Showcase Mode. If I played it today I would definitely rate it lower so I'm just not gonna play it again

Controls better than the predecessor, but still nothing super innovative to this bloated genre

I feel like the quality of these kept dipping just a bit more each time.


Always gonna be underrated. It brought back so many features, had a wonderful showcase, models, game play, and I must've spent weeks in real time playing universe mode with my brother. Love it.

Definitely the 2nd best WWE2K game

I have a soft spot for this one, it's one of my first wrestling games and I went to town on the Stone Cold Steve Austin showcase mode. A stacked roster with some great DLC to boot.

It was fine. It looks great when compared to 15 tho.

Melhor que o jogo anterior. O modo Showcase é muito legal, mesmo usando lutadores menos conhecidos. O modo carreira é bacana até você tentar o WWE Champion, ai o jogo buga e começa a puxar a mesma rivalidade várias vezes. Fora que as promos são monótonas e existe um sistema punitivo se você tentar burlar o ranking atacando o campeão. O jogo simplesmente vai virar um Dark Souls onde o oponente vai dar reversal em TODOS os seus finisheres/signatures, e se você perder, perde também a rivalidade com o campeão.