Reviews from

in the past

Look, WWE 2K17 is kinda rough around the edges, and the older graphics are starting to show. But the core wrestling is still fun, and hey, if you miss the era of Brock Lesnar and John Cena dominating, this one has a great roster. MyCareer mode is grindy as heck, and some of the new stuff like promos just doesn't work that well. Still, if you're mainly in it for a decent wrestling game with a ton of superstars, it's alright for the price.

Everyone played this game for Aj styles.

This was my first WWE game in a videogame system, so that was especial for me, but it doesn't seem like it's gonna change my opinion.

First of all, the lack of story in this game makes it boring at one point. WWE games were known because even if these are yearly sports games, they include on it features that makes you come back to them such as 24/7 mode, Road to WrestleMania, Showcase... But this game have no story at all! In PS4 and Xbox One you were able to download DLCs to get showcase mode, but for PS3 and Xbox 360 forget you'll see any kind of story.

The game gameplay is the same since SmackDown Vs. RAW 2011, so nothing changed here. Also the bugs are glitches are common and sometimes could be similar.

The creations are good, you can create a good looking characters with the options the game gives to you. This is why also WWE games are so popular, you can create almost everyone.

Graphics were decent. Some wrestlers such as Seth Rollins, Roman Reigns or Becky Lynch have really horrible looking models, while others such as Finn Balor, AJ Styles and Paige had some good models.

I am not going to talk about some online features. The community creations was a great thing but now you cannot access to it. So I am not going to count this for the review.

At the end, WWE2K17 for PS3 and Xbox 360 was a decent game, but if you already had 2K16 for those platforms, you already own the game just without the wrestlers at that moment. Differently to SVR 2007, SVR 2011, WWE 2K14 or WWE 2K19, this game does not have anything for make you comeback. As a standalone ignoring its a yearly game? Good. Knowing it is a yearly game that is literally the same that last year without anything new? Soulless and not worthy.

At least I got to play as AJ Styles

This was played exclusively online with friends and was a blast in short bursts but alas a shutdown made the best parts of this game unplayable. No need to ever go back to this or even buy it but I still enjoyed the portion of the game I played.

In Summary: R.I.P WWE 2K17 custom wrestlers :(

Weaker than I remembered. Roster/Graphics were great but there was no substance to the career mode (not having VO for your character was a big hit), the Universe Mode changes were cool at first but grew to become unneccesary, Creation Suite was expanded on PERFECTLY though, so a weird oddball of a wrestling game

One of the more forgettable entries in the WWE 2K series. Regrettably got rid of showcase mode and had a weak Hall of Fame DLC. Had some major glitches too.

The baton mechanics really make this game

3* for the first appearance of AJ Styles in a wwe game

Had more fun making characters than actually playing the game.

Man these games actually do get better a bit. Though I do miss the Showcase mode (why was it removed again?), its still a fun game to play. Probably one of the more stronger games in the 2K Era of WWE Games.


I have so much nostalgia for this game, but the numerous bugs and bad aging make it repetitive and difficult to enjoy and sometimes, even play. Despite this, it added some game-changing mechanics for modern WWE titles.

First wrestling game I've played since WWE SmackDown! Here Comes the Pain. Severely let down that the career mode had no storyline. I miss the storylines being specially written for the games.

Su creador de luchador me encanta xddd

Didn't have this game growing up so it's kind of estranged to me

All these 2K games just blend together.

I forget what this one even had, just gonna assume its like the games released around it.

Incrivél como esse jogo consegue arrumar erros dos jogos anteriores e criar novos haha.

Não tem showcase, somente modo Universe e Career Mode.

Criaram tintatron para deixar a experiência mais imersiva (na verdade é pra disfarçar enquanto carrega), mas que depois de 20 lutas você não aguenta mais. O modo ranking agora pra subir, você sobre uma posição a cada 50 lutas, fora que o jogo não cria mais rivalidades espontâneas e se cria, você vai para em um PPV com um cara aleatório. Fora que tiveram a preguiça de não tirar o som da titantron da arena.

Agora tem um esquema de promo, mas que advinhem não tem som nenhum hahaha o jogo anterior seu personagem falava e agora não mais, mas o que?

Vale a pena jogar mais pelo Universe Mode, o resto é so reciclado dos jogos anteriores. Engraçado não terem pensado em nada inovador nesse jogo além da parte gráfica dos shows e screens das lutas.

Jogar o MITB match é uma das experiências mais frustrantes de todas porque colocaram um minigame pra quando vc cai fora do ringue (você será derrubado inúmeras vezes, mal vai entrar no ringue) e um minigame pra pegar o briefcase/cinturão no topo da escada, você só tem que levar a bolinha 6 VEZES pro espaço vazio enquanto outros 5 caras te espancam ou te derrubam da escada hahaha até o do SvR era mais de boa que isso.

Um dos jogos mais fracos da WWE, e é fácil entender o porque. Após a era "Smackdown vs Raw" os jogos da WWE evoluíram positivamente em todos os quesitos, principalmente nos modos história do jogo (desde o WWE 13 até o WWE 2K15 os jogos da WWE tinham ótimas histórias).

Mas o WWE 2K17 vai totalmente na contramão dos jogos anteriores da série, não tendo nenhum modo história ou algum modo "Showcase" como vinha tendo os jogos antigos da série. Ele apenas tem um modo "My Carrer" que funciona como o modo história do jogo (isso pra versão de Xbox One, pro 360 não tem nem isso). Digo com tranquilidade que os jogos ruins da WWE começaram aqui.

Tirando o roster atualizado não tem NENHUM MODO HISTÓRIA para Xbox 360. Chocho, capenga, manco, anêmico, frágil e inconsistente.

spent tons of hours, finally had fun in a wwe game but still i dont understand why they wiped out all content from the first 2k game lol, at least here you have enough things to do and this is genuinely fun

Not exaggerating when I say I don't think this changed anything at all from 2K16. Indistinguishable.