Reviews from

in the past

It was pretty funny at times, I remember laughing my ass off when they were joking about Jeremy's pubes being green or him nonchalantly saying he wanted a belly button piercing. Other than that, the characters were mostly very unlikable, which I guess was kinda the point but it just doesn't work well in practice. I can dig a character who's unlikable as a person - in fact, they can often be very fun to watch - but they have to be acknowledged as such in-universe or else it's just lazy writing. I know the rule of trusting your audience but there are only so many blanks they can fill in. The closest we really get to that here is "they're such obnoxious jerks, isn't that just adorable? <3". No, no, it is not. I don't want to play as an MC who treats everyone like crap and makes them feel uncomfortable because then I start feeling less like the MC and more like the people she's bothering.

The only LI I really wanted to go for was Jeremy but guess what? He's locked behind a DLC paywall, which is fucking stupid. Maybe don't include that character from the beginning as a seemingly dateable option if you're just gonna rip people off for over half the story content (and I say over half because only three of the six guys are dateable in the base game, plus the DLC makes three other side characters dateable. It's ridiculous). Granted, the base game is free but it's still pretty scummy. I'd rather just get the full game from the start. Really, though, I just wanted to date Lynn but at the same time I knew it'd be unfair to subject him to that. Why would you make one of the only undateable characters arguably one of the nicest, sweetest and most attractive ones there? Again, maybe that was the point but it just doesn't work, instead leaving the player with a feeling of frustration and a thought of "what were they thinking?".

Besides that, the art was nice and the music was unremarkable. I remember precisely one song from the OST and it's very repetitive.

gb patch i love you but what is this... what is going on...

I love GB Patch and I'm constantly quoting "You Big Baby" but I can say they stepped up with future games.

XOXO is fun, the characters are quite heartwarming and the events are all fun, but at some point it feels way too repetitive and grindy for a dating sim, with the amount of routes and extra stuff you can do, it'll be difficult to see the same exact conversations every time, but the main events are mostly the same... which gets really tiring after the 8th time you're playing.

The boys are great, though, I love them all and had the hardest time ever picking my favorite (its Pran. It's definitely Pran.)