Reviews from

in the past

the peak of yakuza side content

Would be cool with the boss rush mode, I dont want to play through the same 15 000 HOUR SAEJIMA HUNTING TUTORIAL TO FIGHT SOMEONE SPECIFIC I WANT

Sensacional só não dou 5 estrelas pq a parte de caçar na neve com o saejima me traumatizou de tão tediosa

Unlike Yakuza 4, i dont think Yakuza 5 is a "bad game". It is a substancial improvement on 4 in terms of writing a multi layered narrative.

The individual stories of all 5 characters are actually quite good.

But once they meet. It becomes an absolute mess akin to an mcu ensemble. Actually thats the best description of Yakuza 5: its a mcu cramped into a game.

Coupled with extremly tedious gameplay sections (looking at you Saejima). A 35 hour runtime for a minimalist run. You got a game that feels like an absolute chore to get through. Even there are excellent moments, especially in the Haruka storyline suprisingly enough.

So as someone who's quite fond of Yakuza, i did actually enjoy my time quite a bit. But i struggle to say i enjoyed "Yakuza 5" so much as I enjoy "Yakuza". If that makes any sense.

If you're into yakuza already, stay away from it. If you're a 0nly, then stay away from it. If you like Yakuza, then you dont need me to tell you to play it. You'll likely enjoy it more than I did, people seem to rank it pretty high. I probably would too if not for that mess of a final chapter.

I will say through, when this game has high points. There are high, and that is what makes me think that, despite the clunkyness, this was worth it.

BEST YAKUZA GAME YET!! my favourite, huge and each character had their time to shine. every map is beautiful and every character had a side job that added a lot of playtime. truly amazing!

I rated all these games mostly so I could get to this one and say it sucks.

Alright "sucks" is too strong. The thing about being the most bloated mess ever made is that there's so much stuff in here and a lot of it is really good! I could go on for pages describing things in Yakuza 5 that kick ass and still not love the game on the other end because it's infinite. In fact literally yesterday I was talking to some friends who'd only played 7 and was like listen in 5 there's a guy who's a baseball guy and if you go to the batting cage with him the minigame is way more complex because he actually knows how to play baseball good. That rules!! If you are going to play it I would recommend not being too completionist, and I think that you could come out on the other end feeling a lot better about it if you do. I beat Amon in this one too and DO NOT! DO THAT!

But okay, other than just crossing over the barrier into too big, what are my complaints? One is the pacing. Y4 had multiple playable characters but it also felt like the main story was advancing throughout them and the stakes of each character were escalating. Y5 does not have this quality even a little. Each story goes until you're ready for a big climax back in Kamurocho and then it hits a brick wall and you're doing something cute and mundane again. Individually they're all good but fatigue sets in hard. Also Saejima's story was kinda eeeeh to me but he does get to punch multiple bears so I'm not going to go too hard on the guy.

Secondly the plot in this one is dumb in a way that did not elevate it for me. It felt a lot more like we got to the end with no plan as to how these stories should be connected at all, since none of them felt related at that point. The bad guy's big plan sits squarely in the "3. ???" before "4. profit" and makes not even the slightest bit of sense. It also just isn't thematically that interesting. There's good stuff in the Haruka Idol stuff but her suddenly wanting to be a famous idol and everyone talking about shooting for your dreams is like god shut up.

Alright I could talk a lot more about this one but since it's been so long I might as well keep it out of major spoilers I know some people who have yet to beat this one see ya once I beat LAD.

Really fucking long and I'm not sure if it earns all of that time. Probably the most Yakuza Yakuza game.

So the game has its flaws but it is Yakuza at its most Yakuza. The plot is convoluted but the actual character writing is some of the best in the series. The combat is probably the easiest one but it is fun being that OP. The new cities need a bit of work but the game has some of the funniest substories in the series (such as Santa Saejima). Music is amazing in general and this game has the most side content in the series.

incomprehensible plot, every villain has a tragic backstory, kiryu sidesteps a mortar round. perfection.

This, to me, is the heart of Yakuza

I have more than 20 hours on the taxi driving minigame alone....

This is the ideal Yakuza game, you may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like. The best side content but some of the most egregious game interruptions and story decisions. Shinada was too based for this world.

idols named haruka on their way to be freaking awesome

The disgusting way they portray the idol industry and sex industry drag down this amazing game littered with so many peaks from the Like a Dragon franchise.
Game's heavier than a honey baked ham!!!
For every moment in Yakuza 5 that lead me into thinking I was playing an untamed vortex of passion and uncompromised vision, there were two-to-five other uncomplimentary moments that felt like spinning plates and taking the meandering narrative for walkies. Spreads its roots far & wide across so many ideas and gameplay concepts that, on paper, scans as a maximalist daydream I'd love to lose myself in, but all of it feels so perfunctory and checklisty. Fifty different minigames to micromanage and level up in individually to access Harder Levels of said minigames - - - Vidcon Gospel since time immemoria but my patience has limits :(

Haruka's chapter was probably my personal standout, if only with thanks to how vastly different her story played to any character to come before. The rhythm battles were so fun albeit with the game's slim tracklist, and her substories took on a refreshing dynamic too. The combat in these games has never impressed me but I'd much rather play an unimpressive rhythm game than a brawler I've lost heart in. From a narrative perspective, it is infuriatingly complacent with the practices Japanese idol industry in a way I find legitimately toothless in a series that tends to dedicate fisticuffs to rooting out corruption and it makes Haruka's characterisation weaker as a result.
When came the Shinada chapter I was desperately hoping the end credits would finally begin to roll, which is a shame because he and Koichi's dynamic is probably my favourite spark of character chemistry in the entire series.

I in complete honesty couldn't tell you a single thing that happened in the final hours. This was a game I had started months ago and it rather hilariously demanded for me to recall with perfect clarity a cloak and dagger conspiracy that happened in the initial chapters. The overarching story was a wash for me but I much preferred when the leading cast were locked in their own little bubbles, & exploring their own vignettes about dreams lost & worth aspiring 4. Truly believe that in another world, this would have been a younger me's One Playstation 3 Game For The Month and I'd have completely melted into it - but sadly, I had to play this in incredibly granular sessions that largely felt like clocking in for community service.

This is almost perfect. If instead of Haruka singing we got shrimp Shinada singing it would be a masterpiece.

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Algum dia ainda quero escrever um texto sobre esse jogo, não é todo dia que você encontra algo tão grandioso, grandioso em uma direção de arte absurda, grandioso em quão ambicioso e corajoso ele é por trazer uma história com 5 protagonistas, grandioso em todos os temas que ele toca e aborda, grandioso em criar um combate tão profundo e bem polido e divertido, grandioso na vastidão de possibilidades e objetivos secundários que ele dispõem nas suas várias cidades para o jogador, grandioso em disponibilizar para nós o grande Shrimpnada.

É sério meu caro leitor, o que esse jogo fez e faz até o hoje deveria servir de exemplo para influenciar outros a seguir o mesmo caminho. Porém não estou aqui para trazer um texto complexo e apaixonado sobre Yakuza 5, mas sim contar sobre duas cenas do jogo que me fizeram cair me lágrimas.

A primeira acontece após Baba revelar que estava a mando de alguém para eliminar Saejima, depois de Saejima indagar sobre a relação que os dois possuiam como irmãos de juramento, Baba, confuso, por um momento considera retirar sua própria vida, Saejima então desfere um soco no rosto de Baba para desarmá-lo, logo diz para seu amigo: ''Não importa o quão dura fique a vida, você nunca deve desistir''. O sentimento de ver um personagem, para mim, tão querido, querer por um fim na própria vida, é angustiante, para no momento seguinte, ouvir de um homem que passou pelo pior dos infernos e perdeu anos de sua vida por algo que não havia realmente cometido, que nunca devemos desistir, é emocionante, para dizer o minímo.

O segundo momento que tocou meu coração, acontece depois da luta entre Shinada e Baba, onde Shinada está sentado assistindo à apresentação de Haruka, indagando que aquele era o palco onde os sonhos se concretizavam, quase com lágrimas em seus olhos. Depois disso, Shinada percebe que o estojo onde a arma que Baba havia trazido estava a aberto, Baba confuso mais uma vez, dizia que já era tarde para ele, Shinada desesperado corre para tirar a arma de Baba, a cena fica em câmera lenta e quando o disparo parece ter sido efetuado, uma explosão de fogos no palco também acontece. Por um instante, não sabemos o que aconteceu, até que vemos que a arma não está mais nas mãos de Baba, essa que foi retirada por seus amigos que conviverá na prisão, esses que estavam ali, bem em sua frente, com eles dizendo que ainda haviam pessoas esperando por ele. Uma cena muito linda, mas ainda não acabou. Shinada fica sozinho e começa a pensar sobre qual era seu plano, o que ele faria quando voltasse para casa, seu celular então toca, era Takasugi, ele não havia ligado para discutir sobre dívidas ou empréstimos, mas para dizer que todos estavam sentindo sua falta, Shinada que momentos antes quase havia chorado, agora quebra completamente. Acho que eu e você concordamos em uma coisa, é sempre bom quando alguém se sente acolhido por ter outros por perto.

Poderia citar outros momentos tão incríveis quanto, mas esses foram os dois que com certeza mais me marcaram durante minhas 35 horas de campanha. Obrigado Mestre Nagoshi, por essa série maravilhosa. E um bom Natal para quem estiver lendo.

Great game, very bloated to the point I have to take breaks and FUCK Park that’s all

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my hottest yakuza take but this is the worst one. at the same time it has some of my favorite moments, but it is SO fucking long and drags on way too much and creates an overarching plot that i still don't fucking understand lmao. Kiryu's intro is fantastic, probably the best chapter in the game, and then Saejima's chapter brings it waaayyyy down. the hunting village felt so out of place and tsukimino is just a bad city. haruka/akiyama's chapter is pretty great too, another moment of gamers don't like women and girls so they hate this one but i loved playing as haruka and navigating the fucked up industry she's in, and as soon as shit gets real Akiyama comes in to protect her bc my god she needed that. and then again for Shinada, first time I played i really hated him but since he's grown on me, it just seems like a huge diversion in the story for a plot point that plays so little in the final events that i felt like the game didn't want me to finish it. he's also kind of a fuckin loser compared to every other playable character, which since i have come to appreciate (hes just a lil guy) but at the time was super annoying. DISCLAIMER: especially at this point I think this game was wearing out on me because I was playing these games leading up to the release of 6, and 5 was taking a lot longer than i expected and this chapter was the reason so i may have taken out a bit too much on it. the finale is great tho no notes (except that Aizawa is kind of a missed opportunity final boss, i know that's part of his character that he's just a nepo baby and this is the plan laid out for him not what he actually wants for himself but. it takes some oomph out of the final fights idk)

This Yakuza game is definitely worth playing, but about half of it isn't all that great. Saejima's story as well as the new character's really just didn't click with me and ended up feeling slow and not worth playing. Play this game if you are looking for more yakuza lore, otherwise skip it

I'm gonna be real with you, I have not actually beaten it myself lol. Seems alright but a little too damn long even for this series

Even with all of it's flaws, this is my favorite game in the seires. I won't deny that the plot is nearly incomprehensible, some of the portions are slogs, and the bosses can be hit or miss in this one, but this game has some of the greatest heart and soul in the seires (AND THAT IS SAYING ALOT). In particular, Tatsuo Shinada's story is one of my favorites in the seires. This is far from being a "perfect" Yakuza game, but it will always be my favorite personally. (Atleast until I get my hands on Gaiden and 8)

é o melhor yakuza facilmente, o 2 ainda é meu favorito tho

The best game. Ever. Flawed for sure, but it captures the greatest, most definitive yakuza experience and feels like no other game. Great combat, great visuals, massive scale, so cozy, so nostalgic, so fun, amazing side content. The perfect game.

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yakuza five

eu não lembro de nada desse yakuza. apenas da divertida história do Shinada, do minigame incrível de taxi do Kiryu, e do sistema desnecessário da Haruka (mas compreensível, porque Kiryu não ensinaria sua própria filha a machucar os outros).

eu queria poder lembrar mais do que apenas isso, mas não quero me submeter a jogar yakuza 5 de novo, sendo o combate, na minha opinião, enjoativo (a troca constante de personagem pós-aprendizado dos mesmo é cansativa).

bom jogo independente.