Reviews from

in the past

almost 10 years it stll isnt done hang it up

The idea of what is basically anime Hitman is funny and genuinely a great idea... too bad the guy who made it is an awful person AND an awful dev.

I'd love to see a more competent dev or team pull off the idea, because there's some potential here.

Give it to some other dev and I'll rate higher

give the game to some other developers. please.

la idea es buena pero ya sabemos lo que pasa con este juego

Someone shoulda monitored my 12 year old ass

Why is the dev not in jail yet.

This is discussing.
my friend dared me $20 to play this, not worth it at all

A maior canalhice dos vídeo jogos

childhood game but bro it ain't worth it at all

hitman for people who don't wash their ass

This game is terrible to be honest.

The creator is a gross, lazy, and horrid person, a genuine pedophile too.

The game includes MULTIPLE of his gross fetishes, including:
Panty Shots as a feature (pictures of girls underwear)
the 6th and 7th rivals in the game are adults hitting on a minor
many excuses to make things be "okay" (the characters are NOT fucking 18, he said so himself)

In general, if I could give 0 stars, I fucking would.

You're telling me, a guy who made a game where you play as a high school anime girl going around killing other girls, ends up being a degenerate weirdo. This is like watching a movie and you saw the twist coming from the very beginning.

As a video game this is terrible, but it's fascinating playing it and reading into the mind of someone who's both a disgusting person and clueless on how to make a video game.

A good reference point as to why some indie devs need a team behind them...

A game that heaves and quakes under the stress of being played normally.

I used to like this game when I was cringey eleven year old child with unlimited internet access

no le doy un cero porque no puedo, vaya putisima mierda de juego, yanderedev eres un putero y estafador

One of the worst games ever

(Eu joguei Yandere Simulator há 8 anos, mas eu nem preciso dar uma review atualizada porque o jogo não mudou nada em 10 anos mesmo)

Yandere Dev já é o melhor motivo pra não jogar essa merda, mas mesmo que passassem mais 10 anos e Yandere Simulator fosse finalizado, por que diabos eu jogaria isso?

Por que eu jogaria um jogo cujo apelo é refém de clichês de anime medíocres e mal explorados e aproveitados? Um jogo que explicitamente tenta imitar outros jogos com histórias e personagens melhores? Eu nem gosto de Persona, mas por que eu jogaria a imitação barata e merda se o original é melhor?

Por que eu jogaria algo cujo marketing é baseado no quão atraente são personagens que estão no ensino médio, sendo que eles se parecem com mil outros personagens de anime ou jogos mil vezes melhores e bem mais interessantes que esse?

Por que eu jogaria um jogo que não é nem divertido de jogar? O que diabos eu faria nesse jogo que seria diferente das coisas que foram apresentadas nos últimos 10 anos?
Eu só mataria NPC's aleatórios, descobriria easter eggs, e droparia o jogo porque nem a história é interessante o suficiente pra justificar jogar.

Enfim. Yandere Dev devia tá na cadeia

The most contribution this game has made on society are some funny Markiplier moments

This game has been in development for almost 10 years.

It isn't being developed

I wish I could completely relinquish all knowledge of this and everything connected to it. The Chris-chan of video games.

Yandere Dev really outdid himself.

Cursed game, honestly. Haunted, almost bereft of commentary. Okay, actually I think this really feels like someone trying to make a Hitman ripoff but also occupies this chasm of being simultaneously an inane shitpost and something with high-flung pretensions of "exploring the darkness of a Yandere who must appease senpai but hide the dark side of herself; eliminate her rivals." and stuff like that. Basically a stalking simulator but it's also like unfinished and broken and it feels like with what John Kricfalusi did with the adult Ren & Stimpy series where it just kind of exists as a bunch of his own ruminations which are perverse but ultimately way less interesting than the creator would have you believe. Also is strange how popular the "making of" videos of this game were and just how it inevitably wound up existing as a document of the creator's slow breakdown - as absurd as it is just outright depressing, like something out of a Todd Solondz film.

There's games where I outright believe you shouldn't play them because they'd leave a stain on your soul and this is one of them.

Silly game with horrible bugs