Reviews from

in the past

peak. in every sense of the word. don't let the haters convince you.

I loved this game back in 2016 😭only if I knew....

Je vais mettre le dĂ©veloppeur de cĂŽtĂ© mĂȘme si j'en pense beaucoup.

Le temps de dĂ©veloppement du jeu est bien trop long pour ce qu'il peut offrir, le jeu est incroyablement bug, c'est pas du tout mon type d'histoire. Je m'ennuie au bout de 10 min đŸ€­đŸ€­

Dans mes souvenirs il y a mĂȘme pas vraiment d'histoires intĂ©ressantes Ă  dĂ©bloquer Ă  part l'histoire de la daronne de yanderechan qui n'est mĂȘme pas rĂ©flĂ©chi. Rinse and repeat comme dirait les anglais.

Hot garbage. The person who coded this game is scamming his followers, and will never release a full copy of the game. Has a ridiculously long and poorly written code, which causes the game to be slow frame rate and also unnecessarily large. Asset flips and reused assets, can be somewhat fun on some of the assassination heavy modes, but I don't think it's worth it to play unless he releases the full version, which he probably won't.

es mil veces peor saber que el juego es medio fetiche del creador

Le dev Ă  reussis Ă  ruinner un bon concepte en fesant de la merde, plus personne ne pourrais avoir la mm idĂ©e sans ĂȘtre lier Ă  cet enfer

What's bad about this game that hasn't been stated already? Absolutely nothing, every other review on this page sums up clearly the issues this project faces.

Allow me to give you a TLDR.

-Incompetent developer
-Janky gameplay
-Poor optimization
-Bad animations
-Boring. It's just so goddamn boring.
-Incomplete and it's going to stay that way. This man is never going to complete anything ever in his whole life.

I feel sorry for all of the unpaid volunteers that tried to help this game get finished and that poor outside developer that quite literally REWROTE the spaghetti code this game had only for the main developer to kick him to the curb because he didn't understand it. just get good bruh or hand it over to someone else you're just not good enough swallow your pride your fans are more important than your ego you asshole

also are we all really that surprised the developer has accusations against him this game literally has a panty shot mechanic for its HIGHSCHOOL characters and two of the rivals for the teen boy are teachers WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON?!

anyway the concept for this game is good if anyone can do it better please do it better and dont set it in highschool leave teenage girls alone bro

The two hardest problems in computer science are naming things, cache invalidation, and off-by-one errors

i hope this game stays in development for another 3-4 years so it can have a longer development time than duke nukem forever

i know you're nostalgic for when you were in 7th grade but man, you don't have to hurt yourself like this.

when the cum chalice incel guy gets exposed for being a pedophile (no one is shocked)

...yep. It's not going to complete development at this rate.

You've fucked up big time Alex. Well done.

Wait the creator of the game that’s about sexualizing high schoolers is also a pedo? Who knew?

cum chalice

Would've given it 3.5 stars but YanDev exists

it's not that bad but it's still a 4chan version of an Hitman game

Haven’t even played it, I’m just a YandereDev hater. Fuck that perverted, degenerate piece of shit.

me when I else-if all over a 14 year old (I'm yandere dev)

while waiting for this game to fully release I have (in no particular order)
-hit puberty
-been to a psychiatric hospital
-lost my virginity
-had a nephew and a niece
-started developing games of my own
-joined a cult
-left a cult
-had about 11 boyfriends, girlfriends and other partners
-endured intense psychological trauma
-become a completely different person
-shaved my head
-grown dreadlocks
-shaved my head again
-grew my hair out
-read the entirety of Homestuck
-watched Evangelion
-watched lain
-played chaos;head
-played subahibi
-got really into denpa
-become a horror movie collector
-grown out of whatever phase i was in when i was into games like this
-learned french
-started learning japanese
-learned the banjo
-learned the ukulele
-learned the guitar
-learned the violin
-learned piano
-learned python
-learned HTML
-learned how to draw
-learned pixel art
-moved house 6/7/8ish times
-learned how to sew
-aged about 9 years
-played AA2 (which is basically yansim if it was good)
-played Daigaku Gurashi (which is basically AA2 with less boobs)
-seen several attempts at remaking yansim come and go
-been hospitalized
-drank alcohol for the first time
-smoked a cigarette for the first time
-been to a party for the first time
-been 2 years clean from SH
-seen the fnaf movie
-made a backloggd account
(and that's just off the top of my head)

how the fuck am i supposed to say anything if the game won't open

I feel bad for anyone who's genuinely excited about this game being finished.

well. i hate that i enjoy the concept, a girl killing her "rivals" to try and date the boy she likes (who does not like her back in the slightest) can be a fun idea. you just need to remove the dev, remove the curse around yandere sim games, remove the sexualization of minors, put them in a university setting, remove the questionable "rivals", and basically start from scratch. cool idea, bad execution.

wait hold on where are the tractors

could've been a really good satire on anime tropes and archetypes but nah this game is just the creator's barely disguised fetishes

wooowww good job yandev 😐😐😐😐