Reviews from

in the past

I told this story over on my Letterboxd but your getting the free DLC here on Backloggd.

After I watched the new Super Mario Bros. movie I recounted my memories of my late father and how he helped mold me into the giga nerd that I am today. My earliest memory of my life is of my dad playing the OG NES Super Mario Bros. on the Wii’s Virtual Console but the second one I have is of him playing this game. What’s special about this game is that I couldn’t figure out what the game was for many many years. Mario was iconic and easy to remember but Zuma was something I only remember through the gameplay and I wasn’t actively searching for it so it kinda just lingered in the back of my head for years. I remember quite recently I was looking at PopCap DS games after I had purchased the DS version of PvZ and I stumbled upon Zumba’s Revenge. I immediately recognized the little frog guy and was able to connect the dots from there and thusly I pieced together another long forgotten memory. That’s why this game is special to me. It’s no Peggle but it reminds me of my dad so that’s kinda nice I think.


fuckin' balls in a row, in'it bruv?

It's fuckin Zuma man, what is there to say. The Xbox 360 version is kinda weirdly unsmooth. I think I heard somewhere this game is stolen. Besides that, it's mindless Facebook game fun. Not particularly engaging or deep, not boring though either.

Esp: Mi nota se basa en la nostalgia, la mecánica simple pero adictiva hace de este un juego bastante disfrutable y ameno.

Eng: My note is based on nostalgia, the simple but addictive mechanics make this game quite enjoyable and enjoyable.

A cool puzzle game that lacked real depth.

This was fine for the most part but felt like luck at other points. Didn't finish it but may try again at some point. Not that it wasn't fun just wasn't fulfilling.

It's fun and a bit challenging, but not much depth honestly, wouldn't mind replaying though

the title that single-handedly convinced my mom that video games are art

Very fun and requires lots of focus. Reminds me of old arcade games in a great way

them old popcap puzzle games be hittin different sometimes

Fun little game, if a bit repetitive.