Reviews from

in the past

Adiciona algumas coisas, mas não é nada tão espetacular quanto o jogo base.

Not a single good mission, all either really frustrating platforming with bad checkpoints, or tedious fetch quests. Chore work.

So the Arctic Cruise was underwhelming. It's not horrible, but each level has their own pros and cons, though I'd say the cons outweigh the pros. The main issue is how huge the map is for how cramped some areas feel. The first level takes a long time when you're unfamiliar with the map, the second level has markers and arrows that show you where to go but don't really work well sometimes, and the third level has a different version of the map that can be annoying to navigate. The Time Rift was genuinely painful and made me stop playing for a little bit. Death Wish is a mixed bag for me as well. The main missions are fine, but the bonus missions ramp up the difficulty to a point where I wouldn't want to continue the level. Truthfully, I didn't actually finish Death Wish; I gave up when I got to "Wound-Up Windmill" and "Rift Collapse: Deep Sea." I think the saving grace of this DLC is that it still has the charm that A Hat in Time always had, so it wasn't super painful to play. I feel like if the game wasn't as naturally fun as it was, I'd rank this DLC lower. Overall, I would say this DLC is only worth playing if you're okay with challenging missions that can really test your patience.

Idk how to do the funny dance :(

Trop court mais cool, juste un niveau chiant

I'll call this finished because of the Arctic Cruise world more than the Death Wish challenges. The challenges suck ass and purposefully waste your time by hiding bonus goals behind completing reused levels from the base game, forcing you to replay already frustrating levels multiple times for no good reason for cosmetic rewards which while cute, aren't worth wasting my time over.

Arctic Cruise is okay, but the second act is far too overtuned for a level entirely based around RNG objectives alongside a straight up broken objective arrow that lies to you. I think there's a part of me that's also a little bothered by how kind of overly mean-spirited the brief story is here compared to anything in the base game. While Hat Kid is a crazy force of pure chaos, she never really actively does something as straight up mean as intentionally crashing a ship just for a time piece here. There isn't really a great resolution for the Captain which is probably what makes it bothersome for me, he's a bit of a grumpy character but he's never antagonistic towards you like say the Conductor is in the base game.

It's $5 bucks and could be worse, it's still more A Hat in Time, but some of this frankly should've just been a free update. There's still charm to that extra world but it's far too short, and the challenge stuff is only going to appeal to veteran players who really want to grind for the rewards.

Dificil, mas extremamente viciante

O titulo é basicamente o que eu acho da dlc mas se você quer uma resposta mais longa eu digo.

A dlc consiste em 1 ilha/capitulo novo (que é "curtinho" mas valeu a pena) e também missões do Snatcher (que é basicamente o bixo ruim KKKK) que são algumas missões dos outros capitulos, mas com alguma coisinha a mais como timer, obstaculos, desafios, requisitos e entre outros que diferencia das missões normais, e que precisa de habilidade (e tentativa e erro) pra passar, e por conta dos motivos acima e entre outros, a mesma merece um 9/10.

Put the seals in a blender pls

Easily the weakest content of this game

the absolute shortest, most frustrating chapter of the game, and a giant band-aid over the base game's (lack of) difficulty. I offer my condolences to those who paid full price for this

Incrível como eles fazem o melhor mundo do jogo ter só 3 missões
E as fazes de Death Wish podem ir pra pqp

You can either be a fun seal stage or a ball busting extra mode. Your move, liberal.

I'm really not a fan of this DLC. Almost every mission is annoying in some way, and the Death Wish part of the DLC is too frustrating to be fun. And this is coming from someone who has beaten Getting Over It over 50 times. Difficulty is good, frustrating difficulty isn't. I know there is a fine line and it is different for everyone. But for me Death Wish doesn't feel fair and when it does it is still really aggravating to play. I typically stay away from this DLC when replaying the game.

hey guys what if we made a level that was impossible to navigate and had the 3 worst stages in the game

death wish saves this dlc cuz hoooooo boy the artic cruise sucks, always dread it when i go for 100 percent

The first Arctic Cruise mission is lovely and the third one is, fine. The second one is offensively bad, one of the worst things I've played in a 3D platformer. This is pretty bad, because there's only 3 new missions in the DLC, + one time rift.

The level design was fine for the first mission, but doesn't suit the second one at all. Some areas are so cramped and small, you end up wall-running where you don't want to or can't move the camera to see the character. Combine it with time limits, markers that could tell you the name of the area but instead use colors and poor symbols, the world's worst guiding arrow that constantly changes its mind on where to guide you and the fact that Hat Kid becomes harder to control the more things she carries, and it makes for a REALLY frustrating experience, unlike anything else in the game. So much would be solved if you just had a map on the menu screen but the game doesn't even use the physical ones you used in the first mission. I would've honestly dropped the game right here if not for the fact you need to do this for Nyakuza Metro, which they say is the best level of the game.
Death Wish I didn't touch much because it has a bad structure and expects you to redo the one challenge you have from the start at least one time to unlock the others, though you can unlock them by just playing workshop levels too, as long as you complete the missions, but I think this isn't available on consoles so, another miss.

I sure am glad this was free when I got it, otherwise, I'd be really pissed.

I'll preface this review with that I have barely touched the Death Wish mode included. However, I have played The Arctic Cruise chapter and it is not very good. All three of the acts require you to fetch things and only get worse the further you get into the chapter. The final act is extremely infuriating to play because it exemplifies the main flaws with A Hat in Time, the camera in tight spaces and janky clambering (especially with sloped surfaces). Don't bother with this DLC if all you are interested in is the new chapter.

Ah, what a great time to be alive. Help out a depressed, old man seal that runs a cruise ship, or help Snatcher with more wishes and prove to him that you can never die!

As someone who can be a bit of a perfectionist, I completed every single death wish and all the bonuses. Was it worth it? Kinda. I mean, I spent a year doing so since I had school to deal with and would sometimes burn myself out, but the levels were actually so fun. Difficult at times, yeah. I hated playing and myself whenever I was having a tough time with a level, and I'm excited to torture myself again since I have the DLC on my computer! Yay!

Here's a little story, so spoilers: The switch version can sometimes be such a pain. Mustache Girl EX was really hard for me, but I was finally able to make it to the last phase on the last hit when my game crashed. The pain I felt was so great I had to draw it out.

casual koopa be like "ooh yeah baby inject that challenge mode content directly into my veins" until it gets too hard and then suddenly he goes "mm. im good actually." most of it was my JAM though. improved from main game for sure

Not my favourite DLC, I completed it, but Death Wish is extremely grueling sometimes

The Artic Cruise is cute but incredibly short and the deathwish challenges are incredibly frustrating and unpolished.

I absolutely love the base game but even I will admit that this DLC doesn't provide much incentive to complete its difficult challenges.

Artic Cruise is also probably my least favorite level when compared to the others. Not based on its design, the cruise ship is really fun to explore! But there are only 3 chapters and only 1 of them actually capitalizes on this exploration.

But even with that the platforming is still superb so you won't feel that your time is wasted by giving this a go.

Its kinda mid but the seals are adorable so <3

I'm super mixed on the dlc. It introduces a brand new chapter and an entirely new difficulty option (Death Wish) with remixed levels. The new chapter Arctic Cruise is probably the weakest chapter in the game since it only has 3 main levels and I hate level 2. But overall, it's still fun. However I did not like most Death Wish mode. It takes a bunch of levels in the game and remixes them to be 100 times harder and most of them were incredibly frustrating. I probably put about 50 hours into completing this mode and I really enjoyed about 10 of those hours. The remixed boss fights were a huge highlight and were a ton of fun to learn and master. But most of the other levels felt poorly designed and frustrating. I did go for 100% and managed to do it but I don't recommend anyone doing it. Not fun but Arctic cruise and the remixed bosses make the package a little better.

Completely garbage that it requires 35 time pieces, many more than what you complete the game with, and the only way to get more is to find those god forsaken time rifts

The cruise ship is an awesome new map! Sure wish there was more to do on it...

Hat in Time is a fun game. Otherwise this dlc was just ok. I love the characters in it and the story for the most part.

A fun setting to explore, until the fetch questing starts. The squish seals are adorable. A bit of a nice surprise that the ship captain's face is animated in 3D Squash-and-stretch; it makes it jarring to go from the main game, where half of the characters don't even have animated faces.