Reviews from

in the past

I played Apex at launch for a handful of weeks, throughout "Season 0" and into the beginning of Season 1, and ever since then I had this itch in the back of my mind to go back to it because it's very fun and I really enjoy the cast of characters they've built. Finally, upon adding the goth trans mommy I decided that this character is laser targeted at me, specifically, and I had to jump back in. I played for a few days and had fun despite being terrible at it. And then one day I didn't play but I still felt this itch as I was getting ready for bed that night that maybe I should pop on real quick to check the dailies and that was when I knew I had to uninstall. It's just not how I want to engage with games - even ones that I really enjoy playing! I don't want to be thinking about daily quests and weeklies and what tier of the battle pass I'm at vs. what tier/rewards I want to get to. I've got enough Brain Problems going on, I don't need a video game to take advantage of me and make me feel worse. So, despite how much I do genuinely enjoy the movement and the gunplay and even the whole battle royale mode, I have to quit playing this because I can't stand the way the bits around the edge make me feel. Maybe if I were playing this with friends instead of solo and it had a more social element to it then I'd be willing to go back and play more. But I guess until then, I'm done with this game? Kind of a disappointing and depressing way to quit a game but I gotta do what's best for myself, y'know?

Catalyst is a 10/10 character tho, love her to death.

i played apex a lot in season 11/12 but i didn’t have the same interest in playing it in season 13/14. this season however i’ve played so much more and have really enjoyed the game. i’ve been doing ranked mainly which i haven’t done in a while and started using other legends (vantage, fuse, seer) instead of my usual main loba.

Catalyst isn't half bad for once, Broken Moon is by far the worst map, and stickers are a horrible decision.

The ranked RP changes really suck the fun out. Being forced to grind Bronze for hours isn't fun.

The first season i chose to stop playing. Broken moon is mid and no one plays catalyst