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in the past

Los minijuegos del animus son bastante cutres, pero esta bien saber más de la historia de Desmond y Clay de sus bocas.

the only points this gets are from the story pieces and some of the environments being pretty neat. aside from that, this is really lame.

they really did choose the worst part of revelations to add to a dlc. not sure why they didnt make this better either, they really couldve just made all the segments like this better by implementing, i dont know, actual gameplay mechanics, but it ends up being unchallenging and boring.

whatever, its a short dlc. youre better off just reading the wiki for what is revealed in it if you really care about the lore and dont care about completionism or whatever.

i thought it was pretty neat

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Played as part of the Ezio Collection

The Lost Archive remains one of the most pathetic pieces of media ever conceived in a video game universe. To give you guys some backstory, during the production of AC Brotherhood, Assassin’s Creed creator Patrice Désilets was so angry at Kristen Bell for asking for increased royalties for Lucy, that he decided to haphazardly kill-off her character (why they couldn't have just recast is a rant for another day). At the time, this made for a shocking twist, but rather than ride the tide and accept it as a simple deific manipulation from Juno, the lore champions decided to go the convoluted route of changing-up Double Agent Stillman into Triple Agent Stillman! That’s right, it turns out Lucy was successfully convinced by Abstergo executive Warren Vidic to switch sides, thereby making her torturing of Subject 16 deliberate and not accidental.

I don’t know why they couldn’t have just stuck to the original script, but lo and behold, this was the nonsense they came up with. And to explain away such a big plot development in the most accessible way possible, they chose to tell it in a short, undermarketed DLC for the filler game Revelations, that being The Lost Archive.

Unlike prior AC expansions, Lost Archive has to be accessed from its own menu and apparently focuses on Subject 16 as he experiences six levels akin to the first-person puzzle sections that Desmond could access in Revelations. I say apparently because at no point is it made clear who you’re playing as on Animus Island, though I’m going to assume it’s him because who else would be doing this?

Those optional parts from Revelations were mixed amongst fans, but I personally enjoyed them and wasn’t against a greater elaboration similar to what we’ve seen occur with minigames in other titles (Captain Toad from Super Mario 3D World, Gwent from The Witcher 3, etc…). Unfortunately, outside of a trampoline construct that comes up twice, there have been no variations or upgrades made to the systems, and the level design isn’t exactly the most exemplary in the timeless platforming genre.

The storytelling, however, is where the real issues reside. Rather than just copy the template they used for Desmond by having Clay narrate what transpired to him over the course of his life, you instead get sporadic conversations played in the background as you wander amidst the corridors. Existing figures like William Miles and Vidic, as well as newbies like Clay’s father, echo dialogues of the past, and the scattershot format fundamentally fails at building-up or conveying the tragic undertones the writers are evidently aiming for. You get dashes of Clay’s troubled relationship with his dad, his descent into madness by the Bleeding Effect, and his realization that no one is coming to save him, but none of them last for more than half-a-minute at best. Worst of all is how the grand revelation about Lucy is conveyed: Ubisoft didn’t bother getting back Bell or at least a voice mimic to deliver any lines- her motivations are disclosed purely in one of several supplementary collectible files. Absolutely pathetic.

Oh, and if you want to rub salt in the wounds, the “true ending” is locked away behind another set of collectible cubes (also present in the base game)- trying to beat The Lost Archive without finding all of these just loops you back to the beginning.

The visuals are at least pretty solid. I’ve always been a sucker for techno realms, and the arthouse team did a solid job at programming those motifs into the digital architecture. Rooms also morph depending on the period of Clay’s life that he’s in, and it was nice seeing callbacks to the OG Animus Room and bloodstained walls from ACI. Whenever the DLC tries to pull in nature vistas, however, I did think it faltered, mainly because they just felt out-of-place, as did the silly attempts at generating horror through hard cuts to grainy, found-footage blasts from the past.

Sound is pretty minimal. I didn’t like that they didn’t bother crafting any new falling noises as it remains the same regardless of how long your drop is or the surface you’re landing on. Luckily, the score makes up for these deficits as it marks the first time of the AC franchise musically dipping into its cyberpunk influences. Synthwave-lite pounds in the background whenever you’re in the memories of Clay’s time in Abstergo, evoking corporate malice. It’s a shame such good compositions from Ola Strandh were wasted on this forgettable product.

Overall, unless you were a huge fan of those Desmond sections, I don’t see The Lost Archive offering much. The fact that Clay barely speaks in it should tell you all you need to know about whether it achieved what it set out to do.

Não sei pra que fizeram essa DLC horrível que só joguei pra conseguir pegar a platina do jogo, péssima.

Because of this I can't platinum Revelations, my favourite of the Ezio Collection.

Yes, I am that petty.

Fun but clunky puzzle-platforming with poorly-presented but essential lore hidden behind it. While I did enjoy this, I wish it was a bit more imaginative in its gameplay (needed to develop more on the base game Desmond segments or do something different) and gave more lore background into Clay and Lucy.

I dont know how to put this other than this shit sucks. The decision to adapt from a 3rd person action adventure game to a 1st person platforming with poor controls is the most baffling thing ive ever seen. The story is cool but the fact that it is hidden behind an absolute slog of a dlc takes away from it almost completely. This supposedly retailed at a whopping 10 dollars, but since i played it in the ezio collection it was more of a "might as well" than a must play. I beat the game in 40 minutes and that was still too long to suffer through this.

If you're like me, and you really want to experience all the lore that the Assassin's Creed franchise has to offer and you're willing to endure some unexciting gameplay, then get this DLC.

If you're not crazy about lore (so most people) and you also happen to hate the same gameplay from the main game, then feel free to skip this one. Better yet, just watch a walkthrough on Youtube.

Did not even bother finishing it. It controlled terribly, and it is baffling how the weakest part of the entire trilogy got chosen to get added content.

this was shit. clays story feels neato but it should have been featured in the actual game when you went back to the island, like checking emails in brotherhood. i dont like THAT twist it feels retcony. gameplay is awful as well.

Es un DLC que solo disfrutarán como se debe aquellos seguidores acérrimos de la franquicia, ya que entrega información importante sobre personajes secundarios que influyen en la historia principal. Se basa completamente en la nueva mecánica de primera persona y de haber sido un título diferente por sí solo, sería bastante interesante.

yeah the twist kinda poopoo anyways i wanna complain about how bad the activation is for this DLC. unlike every other assassin's creed game (which by the way, includes the base game) you DON'T activate this in the uplay launcher. you actually activate it in the main menu under "extra." this is specificized nowhere on the product page for ANY of the dlc. i have owned this dlc for almost 10 years and didn't play it cause i never figured this out. i just assumed the key was broken. does this make me a dumb dumb for never looking it up? probably but who knows maybe i would've found my answer on the old ubisoft forums that they shut down with out archiving, and then replaced with new forums. by the way those new forums are getting shut down without being archived and replaced with a discord server that will probably be shut down without being archived in a few years. goddamn i hate ubisoft.

Tragically mistreated little work of pure art.

Ok it's not the literal coolest thing ever but it is absolutely well made.

In a daring turn for such a major studio they made some indie-style puzzle poetry for a DLC instead of more straight forward content.

The desmond's journey puzzles are more overt but these still retain the visual storytelling and clever sound design that made these so compelling to me.

The twist was delivered strangely but makes sense.

the ending is heart-wrenching if you can be bothered to do the tedious collectibles for it.

TL:DR give this a try with an open mind, it's honestly pretty moving.

They took the worst part of the base game and made it a DLC. If it wasn’t for me trying to plat the remastered game I wouldn’t fucking bother with this. But it is so I have to. This shit is a joke.

Só dizendo que, por culpa minha, eu já comecei a jogar isso aí meio que com um desgosto, já que eu achei que os saves da DLC e do jogo principal fossem separados, e com isso.... apaguei o meu save principal. Merda.

Mas mesmo assim, não tem muito o que dizer: Essa jogabilidade de plataforma é um lixo, sem refinamento algum e tediosa. Pelo menos temos bastante lore do Clay, que é um personagem que eu acho incrível por o que ele passou nas narrativas dos AC do arco do Desmond, e isso me carregou até o fim.

Mesmo assim, gameplay bem ruim e eu ainda tava puto de ter apagado o save, então vai ser 1 estrela e meia, fazer o que.... Agora me resta ir de paciente 16 pelos menos erros...

Whoever came up with this concept should have been fired out of a cannon. Assassin's Creed II and Brotherhood both have fantastic implementations of the wider conspiratorial themes the series used to excel at, but Revelations' is just awful. I did not purchase this at launch, but did play it on PS4 in the Ezio Collection. Dismal.

havent completetd it but its ass