Reviews from

in the past

At the time of writing this the game is very pretty and innovative. It's still the classic clear room per room but theres a bunch of neat lil mechanics that make it stand out. The bosses in this game are godlike and the highlight of its gameplay imo. As it's only in early access still i won't bash on it but it has performance issues, aswell as impact sfx just not sounding good or powerful when you land them. Great potential

Beautiful game visually and mechanically. Two player is also lovely I've been playing both single and doubles and both are rewarding. Impressed by how well this roguelike does two player.

Also impressed by all the different dialogue depending on what player character you choose.

Been playing this so much alone and with the spouse and it's become a staple for me so quickly.

Astral Ascent no inventa nada nuevo, es un popurrí de ideas cogidas de otros juegos y mezcladas para ofrecer un roguelite que, si bien es bastante robusto y hace bastante bien casi todo lo que se propone, da una sensación constante de "esto ya lo he visto antes".

Tiene muchísimo potencial, pero creo que lo lastra un poco lo tosca que es la interfaz para cambiar los hechizos y que es, en ocasiones, tan caótico que es difícil saber qué está pasando. En otro tipo de juegos que no implican perder todo tu progreso en runs que pueden alargarse a cerca de una hora no sería un problema, pero aquí resulta algo frustrante.

Es un buen juego, pero no creo tener la paciencia para dedicarle el tiempo de aprendizaje que se merece. Al menos no ahora mismo.


Astral Ascent isn't reinventing the wheel, it's a hodgepodge of ideas cherry-picked from other games and mixed around to offer a roguelite that, albeit robust and quite good in everything it attempts to do, gives you a constant feeling of "I've already seen this before".

It has a ton of potential, but I think it's a bit held back by how clumsy the interface is when managing spells and how chaotic it can be sometimes, which can make figuring out what's going on a bit hard. It wouldn't be an issue in other games that don't make you lose all your progress in runs that can be up to an hour long, but it can be frustrating here.

It's a good game, but I don't think I have the patience required to invest the learning time it deserves. At least not right now.