Reviews from

in the past


This felt like one of those old PS2 games you'd play on an old dusty fat PS2 at a rundown daycare behind a supermarket. Yes that did sound super specific and no I didn't play this game growing up.

Believe the hype, this game really does suck.

And it didn’t have to. A Barbie horse game on the PS2 could have actually been charming and fun, like a cross between the Chao Garden and the riding segments in Crash 3. Instead, girls had to settle for yet another janky pink POS.

Divertido, é tipo red dead redemption👍

le meilleur jeu de cheval de tous les temps


I made Teresa eat my protagonist dust, proving the theory that blondes have more fun, which is really sad for Teresa considering how unfun this game is. Everything aside from the horse racing is either glitchy or dull, making it a pretty dry experience outside of dominating player two.

This game may be absurdly boring and shallow, but value can be found in how it captures a specific mood. The soundtrack consists of these surprisingly calming, soft songs, which, coupled with the natural soundscape and admittedly pretty scenery, make for a lovely audiovisual experience. The gameplay demands almost nothing from you and does very little to be engaging, so it’s easy to dissociate from your inputs, letting the pretty colors and peaceful sounds take center stage. Barbie’s constant babbling interferes with this vibe, sadly.

On a jamais réussi le dernier labyrinthe du coup j'ai jamais pu voir tous les poulains qu'on a sauvé... des heures et des heures de gameplay intense pour récupérer des petits poneys qui arrivaient à se bloquer dans des grottes et au fin fond des montagnes, mdr. Mon père jouait avec moi je crois que c'est aussi un de ses jeux préférés ou alors j'arrivais pas gagner tous les défis :'))