Reviews from

in the past

Great sequel to Arkham Asylum. Enjoyed the open world approach to the game and felt the combat was even smoother than Asylum. Also appreciated the expanded roster of characters and villains in this game. Short but sweet, which is in the game's favor considering the combat isn't too complex. The ending was just extra icing on an already great game.

I like the open world stuff and thinks it gets a bad rap. But also this game has the same art direction problem as Asylum, and the script employs the word "bitch" like the writers just paid $1400 for it at the store and need to use it as much as possible to justify the purchase.

Just. Wow. Do yourself a favor and play this game. You'll thank me later. If you'll pick just 1 game to play in the Arkham series, pick this one. You're welcome.

Probably the sweet spot for me as far as the Arkham series goes. Not too big, but never felt lost in a maze. Mr. Freeze and Ra's Al Ghul fights are standouts.

From what I played and have seen in letsplays I love it. I had to abandon the game when I could not beat the Mr Freeze fight though. Tell me to 'git gud' all you like if a game makes me rage quit I'm not going to waste my time going back.

i remember nothing about this game lol

Brilliant gameplay and storyline. Definitely a must play for everyone.

This is a hot take but I think is the weakest game in the Rocksteady Arkham games. The open world isn't fully developed and its the main thing that drags this game for me. The combat is still great, the story is actually compelling for a super hero game but navigating the world never felt natural to me. Also the riddler stuff just being peppered everywhere is a little too much for me.

Arkham Asylum but improved! Great batman game. Influenced many action games with its innovative combat.

Everything you could ask for in a great Batman game is here. Damn near perfect.

Una secuela impresionante que me metió de lleno en el mundo de Batman, los videojuegos, los cómics y muchas cosas más. Increíble lo bien que se siente casi 10 años después.

Worse story then Asylum but gameplay wise is probably the best of the series with the City having the most content and interesting side quests.

A lot wider than the first one x

takes everything good about asylum and dunks it in a toilet

The ultimate Batman game, action and history are better comparing to its predecessor, altought i like Asylum a lot more, this is the greatest thing of franchise.

The best superhero game, and the second best "open world" game after Breath of the Wild. A bright star in the wasteland that was gaming from 2010-2015.

The Mr. Freeze fight is the greatest feat of game design of 2011, and elevates it beyond Arkham Asylum all by itself.

man I hate capeshit and triple A gam- OMG is that Batman: Arkham City

You can jump on a guy's head and then another guy goes "it's da freakin Bat!"

Batman is cool, enemies are well fleshed out, open world is super great to explore

Writing: 4/5
Gameplay: 4/5
Art Design & Visuals: 4/5
Voices & Sounds: 3/5
Atmosphere & Immersion: 5/5

I marathoned this game since I borrowed it from a friend --> linear story chefs kiss

My favorite game of the Arkham series. A game I look back to so fondly I'd say I've ran through and beaten it about fifty times. And that's one of my personal favorite things about this game. If you're a new player you can take things slow, partake in all of the available side quests and be the batman. Or you can blaze through the games story and finish it in around four or five hours. The lack of needless tutorials helps this as well and gives this game a more open feel then others in the genre. I love spiderman ps4 but it gets bogged down for me personally due to its forceful tutorials laced into the story also the Mj and Miles section, but that's a story for another time. Long story short, this game is amazing and you should do yourself a favor by playing it either on the Playstation 3 or as part of the return to Arkham ports for Playstation 4, I've personally played both and the original is less buggy, but the ports incluse all of the dlc and Arkham Asylum which is in itself the amazing game that started this whole series. Thank you for reading.

"really makes you feel like batman"

you can always tell your'e playing a game that was made with passion from one that wasn't. this one was made with all the passion there is

My personal favorite adaptation of the Batman mythos.

Als Dunkler Ritter über die Dächer Gothams schwingen macht einfach Laune. Dazu gibt es ein Who-is-who der Batman-Bösewichte und -Helfer - was will man mehr?