Reviews from

in the past

I really respect what Gearbox was trying to do with this title, it just happened to release at the worst possible time. The comparisons that this drew to Overwatch were both unwarranted and unfounded. I firmly believe after having played both extensively that the only similarity this game holds with it is in art style. Yes, they are both shooters, but this game is much more like a MOBA that happens to center around shooting as the shooter elements are fairly light in comparison. At best I would possibly consider classifying it as an arena shooter, but the MOBA roots are so deep on this one that you would still be misrepresenting it as such. I dug the hell out of this game, but it was far from perfect. It remains one of those special titles that I love it almost as much for what was broken rather than what was fixed. RIP.

imaginate ser un pendejo de 18 años yendo a laburar en un deposito con olor a meo de rata 12 horas por dia de lunes a lunes por 2 pesos y un dia ves que sale un juego llamado BATTLEBORN y es de la empresa que hizo Borderlands y se ve muy bien y se ve divertido y tiene ONLINE entonces vas a un reseller porque tu pais todavia no existia (pero no como ahora sino como antes de que pongan metodos de pago en pesos) y pagas con la plata que tanto te costo conseguir. cuando por fin llegas a casa despues de haberlo dejado instalando 1 dia entero porque tu internet es una mierda resulta que nadie esta jugando al juego, te quedas 1 hora buscando jugadores pero nadie aparece. "debe ser mi internet" pensas, pero despues ves las noticias y entonces ves los memes, barely born and already dead.

Gearbox comeme bien los huevos y de postre el culo

should have been more, released a game the same week as overwatch jeez

A lot of wasted potential here, could have been better than overwatch if it's ideas

During the beta phases I actually prefered Battleborn over Overwatch and ended up playing both at release.
However, Battleborn died off super fast due to Overwatch just simply overshadowing it to a point where it was nearly unplayable, which is unfortunate, as this game was actually a lot of fun and had some cool mechanics to it.

There are some good-looking characters on the roster and the intro movie is cool. Nothing else good to say

Real shame this one died before it had a chance to get good. I found it charming and unique and is probably one of my favorites in the genre. Rip battleborn.

Really unfortunate that this game came out before Overwatch. I think it had the makings to be a great game but was overshadowed immediately by the Blizzard giant.

I received this as a gift after the servers went down, so I now have a $5 PS4 game to use as a paperweight

Battleborn was a fantastically written title and the only FPS MOBA that existed (while holding any sort of relevance in the genre.) It had spectacularly funny writing that kept matches and campaign missions fresh with each character. Every character was distinct not only in visual design and gameplay but personality with even the two COD Parody characters being some of the most charming in the cast. If you get the opportunity to try this game somehow in the future I would say it is worth a shot if only for the voicelines. They also have characters for those not accustomed to FPS shooting like the mage Orendi.

It is sad that this game is dead now and a large part of that death was its direct competition to Overwatch. Mind you I bought the game mainly because I tried OW and despised the experience, but this was made up of everything I was missing from OW. It had a singleplayer campaign with a decent story attached to it. The characters were actual characters and not just generic archetypes that are better described as placeholders than anything else. The multiplayer was designed to be a MOBA which is a nice mix of PVP & PVE (rather than the PVP arena/hero shooters of the time) with the devs taking into consideration how to change around the map design to suit an FPS game. It was just what I was looking for but it didn't pick up the playerbase and had some really bad marketing (I didn't even realize it was a MOBA until it was out and I watched gameplay).

The one that got away. This could have been GREAT

Eu queria mt um jogo assim na época, e msm assim ele n foi capaz de me prender por mais de 20 partidas, acho q era mais complexo nos sistemas que deveria.

No one is brave enough to admit that this game was actually so good it's just these stupid fuck devs tried to challenge overwatch for some god forsaken reason so they released a game that could have been better polished and not the same joke the entire time but maybe that's asking for too much. Either way this game was sick as fuck and didn't have designs like overwatch that made me wanna spoon my eyes out and fling them to my dog's food bowl

In it's hayday, which was shortly lived, it was my all time favorite game. I love FPS games and also really enjoy the competitive style of MOBAs. It was a perfect blend. Plus the humor of Gearbox, which at the time I loved but can definitely admit that it can be a lil grating. It had some the my favorite character designs from Miko the mushroom sage, to Kelvin an iceberg monster that is actually a collective hivemind, to Benedict who was a bald eagle who sounded like Matthew McConaughey. It was real fun and real creative. Sadly the game is no longer playable so I can only look back to it via memories. It was abandoned by the player base long before it died though.

Never got a fair shake due to being released alongside Overwatch.

I think it's unfair for most of these reviews to say something along the side of "It lost to Overwatch". I personally was really interested in both games, and loved the idea of playing both at the time for my main FPS games.

The issue I would say this game, was the marketing department. This game tried to be everything all at once, and it really failed spectacularly on both ends.

For the single-player, it was extremely barebones with only a couple of mission formats, along with some characters being completely unfeasible unless you had a full queue of friends playing with you. Which, this game never had too many players to begin with, so of course that was a challenge, but a lot of the characters just never really fit well with the meta as a whole. I remember a ton of sword wielding characters couldn't just get close to enemies without having a pocketed healer. Whoever designed this element of the game was just obviously not thinking, and my main time had with it was playing base characters like Oscar Mike, suffering through the exposition to say at least I "beat the game".

For the multiplayer, this seems even less Overwatch-based, so I still can't believe I see people making the comparison. It much more operates within the Dota/LoL MOBA structure than the Overwatch 6v6 objective modes. Which, I think that confused a lot of people too, who expected kind of a simplistic PvP because they kept marketing this game closer to Borderlands (loot rarity, class systems, skill points, etc) but, it really was just a complex MOBA in the vein of those other games, who already had HUGE playerbases and tournaments. It was hard to make the case to switch over to Battleborn when Dota and League had huge tournaments and could be not only gratifying in gameplay, but also financially.

In general, the Marketing team butchered this game by trying to make it everything it wasn't supposed to be. It tried to encapsulate Borderlands fans, MOBA fans, and be a looter shooter all at once, but none of it really mattered when no one played it, and nothing about it really made a difference in how you played the game.

A spectacular failure, that believe it or not, was 2k's biggest investment. Yup, this game had more spent on it than all of Borderlands 2. Yikes. Regardless, I think they earn a half-star for creativity on the designs of the universe, but other than that, this game is dog shit.

RIP Battleborn. Despite everything this was one of my favorite multiplayer experiences ever and I will forever be sad that it got the short end of the stick.

Literalmente injugable. Los servidores no funcionan.

In 2021, my friends sent me Battleborn for Xbox One as a birthday gift.

A dead game, for a console i don't own. I love them.

I miss this game more and more everyday... Wish I played it more while it was still around.