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in the past

something eerie about the timing of the loss of hope for britain in 2019 and the release of a true game as art in British LAds Hit Each Other With Chairs: A Bitsy Retelling

Me ha costado pasarmelo 2 veces para saber de que iba esto es lo mejor

It wasn't that the lads flew too close to the sun, they knew exactly what they were doing when they decided to hit each other with a chair in the back.
They just wanted to feel.

wow.. british men can actually be pretty cool when they try hard enough..

British Lads Hit Each Other WIth CHair

Lo mejor que ha salido de esta infame isla de endogamia

This happened to someone I know

Fiquei uns 5 minutos pensando o que o mito de Ícaro tem a ver com esse jogo, até perceber que era só por meme mesmo...

Bro get out i'm shidding