Reviews from

in the past

There's really nothing inherently wrong with these DS/Handheld COD ports, it's just their existence becomes more and more difficult to justify the further into the series you go.

and ps3? wtf. What do the numbers mean Mason? 10/10

os cod que estavam sendo lançados eram mto bangers

People did too much in multiplayer
but this had the best sound design out of all of them

fond memories playing this. my dad went to the midnight launch for it. zombies was awesome. could play as JFK and kill zombies what more do you want?

I'm on House, I'm on House, Everybody look at me 'cause I'm pissing on the touch screen.

no, i picked the right version

The definitive way to play black ops on a ds

It was okay, but funny to play. Zombies was great.. if it wasn't on the DS. The atmosphere and gameplay was never touched on again in the series.. to DS hell it stays.

We want the numbers, Mason. That's all we've ever wanted.

Again, didn't play MP in it's prime, but Campaign is great and while I think the zombies is overrated, it does have some gems like Five

wav zombies veterans flex their masculinity by expressing their disappointment for 3hit down and m o v e m e n t while ds zombies veterans stand in the darkest of corners, with their black hoodies, no contact with any homo sapiens species whatsoever, for they've seen perpetual torment, in it's purest form

"Oh, God, that wasn't bad at all. That was... that was just depressingly okay..." - Scott The Woz

truly epic story mode and amazing gold skin on multiplayer

Zombies mode genuinely horrifying I peeded everywhere

why was this made, why was the zombies impossible to play and just.. idek.