Reviews from

in the past

When people ask me what the worst game I've ever played is, this is the one that always pops in my head

played this when i was 6. i did not understand it, i did not get more than a few missions in. but damn i love charlie's angels

This game isn't even so bad that it's funny. Well it might be for the first two levels, but after that it's just an extremely boring, repetitive, soulless and ugly excuse of the game you'll ever encounter.

My parents bought this for my sisters, I hated every second. What a horrible game.

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This game is unenjoyable garbage. The Story is that the angels complete many tasks 1 at a time to get an ending to this game, it's worse than the films, because of "read the rest of the review", and the ending doesn't even make sense when the villain should have been crushed to death, and why would Charlie reveal the vacation well the Angels are in a bad place to be. The Characters feel the same as the movies, which means they suck and are annoying. The Graphics are awful, you can barely make out what it going on, the cutscenes look ugly, the girls also look 2 feet taller than they should be. The Gameplay has you switching between the angels, and fighting your way through bad guys that luckily don't have any guns, and doing stuff to allow the other angels to continue, and do it over and over again until the game let's you finish, it's garbage, the movements feel slow, hits are delayed thanks to preparing punches and kicks, the moment in the first level where you climb the ladder takes longer than it should, your character is not even grabbing the ladder by the way, the dialogue sucks, fighting is harder when the controls make hitting a target in a 3D environment harder, collecting reels are pointless and not fun, doing it all over and over again makes the game repetitive, naming enemies are pointless, points are too high for elevation, if you don't move the models for enough seconds, they dance on their own, you can break the game by jumping into undone areas. The Music is generic and only match the game's tone in how bad this all is, and Voice acting is on par with the films and miles below par in most. Charlie's angels lives up to it's expectations, and that clearly wasn't enough.