Reviews from

in the past

I was slightly terrified of what to expect going into this game… (つ﹏⊂).

✓ FINALLY, an Otome with some deeper lovey-dovey action. All you adults out there with the craving to get a little more from your game, this is it. Now, do take that with a grain of salt because I played the Switch version and I’ve heard the PC one contains way more explicit content, so I think depending on where you play it, the scenes and CG’s may be a little different. BUT, that said, I think I got a lot out of the Switch version too. (⁄ ⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄ ⁄) And this emoji is enough to sum up this point.
✓ Ummmmmmmmm Shiba. Shiba, Shiba, Shiba. Wow… Listen, I have a spot in my heart for Yandere LI’s and honestly the entire Otome scene has kinda been lacking on those dudes. No idea why, but I don’t see as many of them, or if they do exist, they don’t really have that true yandere intensity I like. Many review guides recommend completing Shiba’s route first and honestly I was kinda deciding against it during the prologue but then some things happened and yeah um. Anyways!~ ( ❛ᴗ❛ ) Yandere lovers you have been welcomed.
✓ The CG’s are beautiful, and very unique in terms of their artistic direction. I just want to applaud the artists behind the CG’s for this game because they are seriously stunning!

✕ One thing that frustrates me is that all the routes are required in order to unlock Majima’s route. To be honest, I just am not into Kyoko’s story or life or anything whatsoever, and I would never play her route. I personally don’t think any of the routes should’ve been forced on the players to unlock one of the best routes (so I’ve heard). Honestly though, because of that I will probably just never get to play Majima’s route which kinda sucks.
✕ I get that there’s some taboo factors to this game, but the execution of them is not… the greatest? For reasons I won’t spoil, one of the LI’s has a very taboo relationship with the MC, and the execution is actual crap. The entire story is rushed, MC’s ideals and morals basically shift in the matter of 5 dialogue boxes overnight, and it’s just really poorly executed. I wish they did better with it.
✕ Not sure I’m really getting the full experience of the story and the world with this game honestly. Some games do a phenomenal job setting up the world, the characters, and the overall context to the story. This game is running reallll short on that. For one, the routes feel small and unfinished at the end. I was like “wait there’s more right?” everytime I came up on the ending. It was packed so densely together and I was left wanting… more. I really wanted more to the stories, more to the plot, more to the characters. By the time I had an idea of the world the MC was in, the routes were already over.

Overall, I did enjoy what I was able to play of this game, but I'm not sure I'd recommend it to everyone. I think if you have a palate for darker themes, taboo relationships, and uncomfortable subjects, then sure go ahead. But honestly, there are a lot of things that I'd need further improvements on to give this game a higher rating- starting most importantly with adding more details, choices, and dialogues to the routes themselves as well as letting the readers choose their routes (not being forced to do them all just to unlock one person).

will probably be finishing this game this week, but i REALLY LOVED it. the writing is seriously incredible. i was taking so many screenshots because there were times the writing would seriously floor me. i think i liked Hideo's route the most, but Fujita is a close second. im fascinated to learn more about the plot as i continue. this game is certainly not going to be for everyone, it gets pretty heavy with content popping up all over the place that can be triggering. just look up CWs in advance if youre interested in playing it. also, if you didnt know, this was originally an R18 game, and you can find videos (with full voice acting) of the cut content for the western Switch release online. ;-)