Reviews from

in the past

i like this game but god damn i cannot get into it for some reason

Juegazo. JRPG que todos deben probar, buena historia, buenos personajes, banda sonara espectacular, combate muy bueno, poca cosa mala que decir por no decir que no se me ocurre alguna.

Steam Version.

Ought to give this another try someday.

It didn't really capture me, unfortunately.

En 1995 alcanzamos la cima de la montaña de los JRPG y por alguna razón decidimos no quedarnos ahí a vivir.

A great version of this game. The combat is still some of the best in JRPG history, the music is fantastic, and the story still holds up really well.

The Lost Sanctum content feels like a pointless content grind, with you having to go back and forth, over and over again, between a small number of screens. There are some really good items, but this section of the game is extremely tedious and without a lot of care. Thank goodness it's very optional content and has little bearing on the story whatsoever.

Dimensional Vortex is fairly interesting, in that helps to try and connect to Chrono Cross. It's a weird tie-in, and I can see the appeal, but it really wasn't for me.

The extras section is still a nice feature, but I miss it gradually unlocking, like it did in the PSX version. As well as this, the extras menu music from that and the DS version is missing (at least from an initial playthrough unlock), which is unfortunate, because they were really nice songs. I also would have like the combo section, but that's something that can be looked up, so I can't complain too much. Still, it's nice to have what's here.

The base game still is what you're going to be here for, and it still does deliver an enjoyable experience, whether it's your first time playing, or your 50th.

i have no idea how it took me this long to play this game but i do not regret it in the slightest, amazing game

It was going to be impossible for this game to live up to expectations given how much people have talked it up over the years, but it's good. A well-paced time traveling adventure that keeps you engaged with that's happening in the plot. Does its table setting not through cutscenes but through strong environmental storytelling in its setpieces and NPCs.

My main gripes are that the combat is a bit dull and the character writing is a little thin, but it's an old game! Games were different when this came out. RPGs have come a long way since but I can see how this game influenced the genre for years to come.

Pretty much a perfect game. Does everything it sets out to do, is consistently fun and engaging, and an all around great experience.

Gameplay: Very good
Story: It has a great story about time-travels
Music: Really good
Replayable: Yes to know the other endings
Streamed: Nope

this is one of the best video games ever made

bom pa carai... joguei pouco no ps1 mas agora parei pra zerar pra valer e ainda quero fazer todos os finais

Best jrpg ever made by far. No grinding, active battles, interesting story, great characters, replay ability, 13 endings, new game+, dragon ball cutscenes, time travel. Everything you could ever need in a video game.

The JRPG from my childhood, love it :3

After listening to secret of the forest for years I finally got around to playing and beating Chrono trigger and I can see why after all these years its still considered the greatest jrpg of all time. Holds up extremally well and like every other person on this planet I can't recommend playing this game enough especially if you're even a slight fan of jrpgs.

i’m like 9 hours in but i didn’t finish it it was really cutesy and enjoyable though

Provavelmente uma das ideias mais ambiciosas na indústria dos jogos até hoje. Juntar 3 eras em apenas um jogo, interligando-as e extraindo ao máximo o conteúdo de cada uma, com seu próprio contexto, seus próprios personagens, até mesmo seu próprio jeito de vender e comprar itens, cada zona temporal se torna única dentro dos limites do jogo, toda sua atmosfera muda mesmo sendo o mesmo mapa. O nível de detalhes é surreal, é uma quantidade ampla de ações que o jogador pode fazer que vai influenciar de maneiras diferentes os períodos de tempo do jogo, por exemplo a sidequest da moon stone, em que você leva a pedra do futuro para a era pré histórica para faze-la esquentar por 65 milhões de anos... Além das suas personagens , sendo super carismáticas, conseguiram conquistar meu coração em pouco tempo. E as dinâmicas entre eles são elevadas com o sistema de combo, simplesmente muito foda o Frog e o Crono cortando em X, ou o Robo Frog e Crono com seu ataque triplo. Sua história apesar de simples é fechadinha, pensada e conectada perfeitamente do início ao fim, como dito antes com uma quantidade imensa de detalhes sendo elevada pela relação que o jogador tem com o cast. Enfim um jogo exímio, tanto em gameplay quanto em narrativa, apesar de ser de um gênero que eu sempre evitei, consegue ser divertido, difícil e instigante, me fazendo utilizar de diferentes estratégias sempre que um boss novo aparecia, além do sistema de você poder prever os seus encontros e só tendo alguns que são realmente obrigatório,me poupou de muita frustação (VAI SE FODER WORLD MAP DE FF7). 10/10 superestimado.

The dream team huh
Crazy how they made crono say "I am the crono trigger" at the end.

my beloved. fan since before i could read

I don't think so, but it's still pretty great.

This was my first playthrough and I had so much fun. Right from the beginning I thought it was perfect, and at the end I still thought the same!

Blog post -

Finalmente parei pra jogar. E é tão bom quanto todo mundo fala, quem diria.

O impacto de jogar ele em 2023 com certeza é muito menor do que na época mas é sem dúvida um jogo incrível e muito a frente de seu tempo, com uma história e personagens realmente muito bons. Não tive paciência pra fazer o ng+, acabei vendo os finais no YouTube, mas definitivamente é um jogo que eu teria ficado fissurado se tivesse jogado quando era mais novo. Junto com Live A Live na categoria "RPGs que eu queria muito ter jogado uns 20 anos atrás"

fun combat, engaging fights a good amount of content for an older game. really good game all around and a really good final boss to boot

Love this game. This version gets a lower rating due to issues with crashing in animated cutscenes, etc.

Works better with my girlfriend's malware controller.

A surprisingly good RPG that still holds up in 2023. apparently the steam release had a troubled past but as it stands today, with all the work the devs have put into patching out the bugs, its a totally viable way to play this classic masterpiece.

It felt like a breath of fresh air going back to a more classic JRPG with a shorter story and simpler mechanics.
I've been growing tired of the genre after having played several 100h+ games with convoluted battle systems, endless grinding, and irritating anime tropes, but this game reminded me why I love the genre in the first place.

The thing I feared going into this was the multiple time periods and having to search endlessly for the next place to go in order to progress the story. This fear was essentially never realized since it was almost always clear where the game wanted me to go next. The only times that I got stuck and had to turn to a walkthrough were when I didn't pay enough attention to the dialogue.

The battle system is simple, almost to a fault, where I found that my best strategy was to spam my most powerful techs 90% of the time during the latter half of the game. However, I don't really see this as an issue.
Speaking of combat, there were some annoying boss fights during the course of the game, with the Golems being the worst of the bunch in my opinion. If you play in active mode (which you most likely will do, let's be honest here) some bosses can spam attacks on your party, without giving you any possible chance to recover, which felt downright frustrating. Once again, I'm looking at you Golem and Golem Sisters.

Other than that, I feel like the game manages to tell a riveting story that doesn't overstay its welcome and feels satisfying to see through to the end. This is a must-play.

Very wonky game with no fun value to it once so ever. Overrated in my opinion.

While I think some of the mechanisms of Chrono Trigger have aged really well, I can't say the same about the whole game. But even after all that, I think it is a must-play for every JRPG fan.
Unlike many SNES-era JRPGs, Chrono Trigger doesn't have random encounters, which is a big highlight for this game as random encounters tend to get annoying. Most of the Turn-based mechanism is much more real-time based, which was quite rare for its time. The bosses are also unique and distinctive. And the most important(for me at least), this game isn't frustratingly difficult, unlike other classic JRPGs, it's fairly balanced and doesn't get repetitive. This game truly nails when it comes to its gameplay and mechanism.
The Plot is simple, and even generic at times, but is far from being bad. In fact, I did enjoy it a lot even when I saw most of what was going to come from miles away. I think it does handle the time travel mechanisms quite well which is the charm of this game.
The Characters are the weakest part of it in my opinion. While none of them can be considered annoying or bad, they are mostly tropes, and even after having potential none of them feels well written. Half of the characters feel like they aren't even necessary in the plot and are just there. I think Frog is the best one as he gets so many moments to shine and develop in the plot. Also, I wish the party would have interacted with each other a bit more, like they had that campfire scene.
Overall this game is a Timeless Classic when it comes to its mechanism. But a Product of its time when it comes to its Plot and Characters. But a must-play for any JRPG fan.