Reviews from

in the past

Great atmospheric game. I recommend to anyone who’s interested for a layback experience and anthology-like storytelling.
(P.S. make it so you always sprint in the settings.)

Let me start off by saying I heavily enjoyed this game. It tells some decent, even if predictable, short stories. The music and visual aesthetic come together to create a really good atmosphere in each of the short stories.
However, as a "Video Game", it has a lot of negatives that could bog down the experience for many people. Meaningless back tracking, next to no actual gameplay, and obscure objectives.
There's a lot of traveling to and from specific locations. All the notable locations are too spread out, with next to nothing in between them. Specific objectives only unlock once you've done the previous step, so you can't optimize time by doing many things at once in a location.
Most of the gameplay is aimless wandering. The problem here in comparison to another backtrack heavy game like Resident Evil, is there's nothing to do when backtracking. You're simply backtracking for the sake of it. Maybe there's a puzzle here or there, but never anything too complex.
The objectives are mostly obscure. The objective list gives notable hints to where they are, but I didn't find this out until my 2nd chapter. I really just went back to different directions hoping they would give me something.

Cineris Somnia uzun süredir oynamak için beklediğim ama zaman bulamadığım eserlerdendi sonunda oynama fırsatı bulabildim.

Atmosferik oyunların genel olarak bir aşığı olduğum için bu oyunun zaten bana hitap edeceğini en başta anlamıştım. Oyun müzik ve atmosferi elindeki imkanlarla en iyi şekilde yapmaya uğraşmış ve beni etkiledi açıkçası.

Oyunun eksilerini en baştan söylemek istiyorum. Kesinlikle çok tekrar eden ve bazen nereye gideceğim sorusunu uzun bir süre sorduran bir oyun olabiliyor. Oyunun nedense çoğu yürüme sekansında müzik yok, arkada bir melodi bile yok. Bunu atmosferik açıdan daha iyi olacağını düşünerek mi yoksa düşük bütçe yüzünden mi yapmadılar bilmiyorum ama olmasını isterdim, çünkü oyundaki müzikler gayet iyi. Çoğunlukla sadece yürüdüğünüz bir oyun olduğu için de bir eksiklik gibi geldi bana.

Hikaye olarak ise oldukça beğendiğim ve çoğu yerde duygulandığım güzel bir eser oldu. Ben trajedi eserlerini oldukça seven biri olduğum için tatminkar bir üzüntü hissettiğimi söyleyebilirim.

Atmosferik oyun aşığıyım ve trajedi hikayeleri hoşuma gidiyor, ben duygusal biriyim diyen bir insansanız kesinlikle size göre. Düz bir oyun olarak bakıldığında çok ortalama ve bazı yerleri ile ortalama altı bir eser oluyor. Ben duygusal bağ kurabildiğim için bu puanı veriyorum.

An incredibly gorgeous and atmospheric title.

This game is essentially a walking simulator disguised as an exploration puzzle game and takes place over the course over several small short stories.

The stories themselves are ok at best, they’re simple and relatively straightforward without much thematic connection or complexity but what I really enjoy this game for is its phenomenal art direction and sound design.

It’s incredibly clear just looking at the game that it did not have the highest budget nor did many people work on it. The models are relatively low quality with stiff animations, and occasionally characters actually start clipping through their clothes and the objects near them in animations. What makes this game a visual treat is really the phenomenal lighting and color palettes utilized in the various chapters. The lighting mostly uses standard fuzzy glows but makes it look particularly beautiful is its contrast against the mostly darker colored environments and player character. Because of the darker areas the lighting glows and pops out more. Sunbeams and moonlight function mostly the same except when interacting with liquids, which start to shine in contact. When combining these aspects you have some visuals I really love; a spiral staircase being illuminated from light above as glowing rose petals fall to the ground; blood positively sparkling under the moonlight reflected by a twilight blue greenhouse; a spotless white sanitorium illuminated from windows to the courtyard, silent bar your footsteps and the chirps of birds outdoors; a forest enveloped in a dark fog illuminated only by the glow of cyan butterflies; the game is full of locations like this and these are only a few of my favorites.

The sound design is also great and adds a fair amount to the experience. The OST is mostly ambient tracks played by the piano and typically has a gentle, occasionally somber feel to it. The sound effects are more pronounced and add a fair amount; the drip-drop of blood falling off a table from an overturned teacup; the bustling of curtains in the wind; the pitter-patter of fish out of water; playing the game without sound would remove so much of it.

So yeah, it’s a pretty neat game. If you care at all about either dark or joyous atmospheres in games without much else substance present, then I think you’d enjoy it.

Part of the list review series. Reccomended by Ophelia.

So this one is just a case of really not being for me. A super atmospheric adventure game that close to borders on the level of walking sim with puzzles and shit. As a monke that relies on neuron activations for pure pleasure in my games, cineris somnia has very few of them and is a decidedly slow game that's more about drenching you in that atmosphere and everything.

And that just leaves me in a very weird place to review it from. Radio Zonde isnt entirely my thing but at least I knew which ballpark I was in. The most recent game i've played that compares to this is... flower sun and rain? Maybe? Does that count.

So with that big pinch of salt in mind i'll voice my main problem with CS. It basically boils down to production value. Animation is pretty poor, the level of fidelity isn't great considering the art style the world design is going to (I was surprised to learn this came out in 2018 when it looks so very Gen-7), and there's just a lot of little things that add up. The camera and control is a bit messy and awkward, and there's a clumsiness to the levels that I find hard to quite voice. The prime example of this is in the ligthhouse right at the start, where you end up climbing this super long staircase, and it just goes on and on and on... slightly too long. Without the right camera framing to signal you're still climbing, whilst your character is blatantly lacking the right inverse kinematics to deal with stairs, and whilst the 20 second long music track loops for about the 50th time.

And these bits are all good. These 20 second long music tracks going plin plin plon are pretty good. But my overall take away is kinda based on that - Those 20 second pieces of music don't feel like they were made for that 10 minute walk down to the lighthouse, looping over and over and over. All the elements of the game kinda feel like that to me. I'm far from an adventure game stan, but this just feels kinda... off.

я готова розплакатись від витонченості та ламкості цієї гри. це було щось настільки ангельске, емоційне, ніжне та меланхолійне. медитуючи на постер я згадую всю безпорадність та сум, адже головний герой ні в одному із сюжетів не в змозі допомогти героїням. лиш спостерігаючий мовчазний привид, виконуючий свою справу.

its a gorgeous game and has a nice ending but thats about all it has going for it unfortunately, theres no real gameplay and the exploration is sluggish and generally feels more like a task than anything. the story made me a little emotional at some points l need to be as high on my backlog as it was.

Eu levei bons dias para terminar este jogo, pois queria aproveitá-lo aos poucos e explorar cada fase com calma. E posso dizer que foi uma das melhores experiências que tive com jogos.

Mas o primeiro de tudo : Cineris Somnia não é um jogo para todos. Se você tem “pressa” para terminar as coisas e não gosta de personagens com um andar mais lento, você provavelmente não vai ter paciência para jogar. O que é uma pena; pois para mim foi uma experiência incrível.

Comprei este jogo sem muita esperança de gostar, mas resolvi confiar na minha intuição.

O jogo tem quatro capítulos, todos tem histórias diferentes que não tem relação entre si; Os capítulos são o Prólogo, Blue Butterfly, White Butterfly & Black Butterfly ( também recomendo jogar nesta ordem, sendo o mais fácil para o mais difícil ). Como o esperado de um walking simulator, você anda bastante pelo mapa, você se guia principalmente por papeis espalhados por eles; contam grande parte das histórias e muitas vão da interpretação pessoal do jogador para entender o que aconteceu. São histórias “simples” mas bonitas e dramáticas , te deixam pensando o que aconteceu e qual é o significado de tudo que você viu, já que os cenários também contam partes da história e o que você entende vai de pessoa para pessoa.

A ambientação do jogo me passa fortemente uma sensação de nostalgia, é de primeira vista calmo, “inocente” — Mas não demora muito para que aos poucos o ambiente vá ficando mais pesado, obscuro . Isso é algo que eu gosto muito e o jogo faz muito bem.

Gostaria também principalmente de ressaltar a fotografia estonteante do jogo, muitos podem considerar os gráficos “datados” porém, na minha opinião, é isso que deixa tudo ainda mais bonito. Tem alguns bugs visuais, mas não teve nada que me incomodou ou deixou o jogo menos encantador, é um jogo indie de uma equipe pequena (aparentemente o primeiro jogo deles) então é normal coisas do tipo. A OST também contribui demais ao ambiente, acabei não comprando ela mas escutei algumas faixas ao longo do jogo e confesso que teve algumas que apreciei demais.

Com certeza, este é um jogo que vai ficar marcado em mim. Foi uma experiência audiovisual linda, que merece muito carinho e reconhecimento. ♡