Reviews from

in the past

I could jump really high and I talked to girls on the internet

Stumbled onto this game at Best Buy in 2004, and the cashier warned me how addictive it was.

I played it every day for about the next five years!

Yea, it was the first Video Game I took time off of work to play. But wouldn't be the last. And City of Villains was also pretty great.

If you love Super Heroes and MMORPGs, City of Heroes not only set the bar, they created it!!

mmo's will straight up have some of the most amazing character creators of all time and then have everything else be boring as shit

Amazing character creator and opportunity to RP with your friends. Outside that, pretty standard MMO fare. Some decent build customization, fun environments, and break from the "holy trinity" team style offer some staying power.

Best MMO I played as a kid and the best MMO I still play now. Viva La Private servers.

This was my first MMO and it was a blast.

Despite being old and jank, it's still the best MMO in terms of compelling you to create many alts to try out different builds while letting you play with your friends of any level right out the gate.

This was one of those crazy idea games that actually worked well.

Maybe this is carried by nostalgia in my mind, but this was easily my favorite MMO ever made, and I still sometimes play the fan servers that still exist.

The concept is so well executed, and it had so many quality of life mechanics that didn't exist in other games at the time of its release.
The expansions only further improved this game, and to me it stays the best PvE MMO to ever exist.
On top of that, the community was mostly friendly and welcoming, and I cherish the Task force races, costume contests, raids (Even when Kronos bot ambushed) the massive ordeal that was spawning Caleb in the Nerva Archipelago, and all other great community moments.
Eventually they even added tools for players to create their own missions and quest lines, and this made community involvement even better. Not all of them were gems, but some were absolute gold involving long time members of the community and really allowing people to become a part of the game world they played in.

The PvP was pretty lacking, but that is truly the only thing I can ever hold against this game. Even then though, most PvP zone ended up just becoming excuses for the heroes and villains to work together until that became a feature in a future expansion.

First and probably only MMO I have ever played, love this game, was so sad when servers died, but so happy to learn that it came back with homecoming. Easy to jump back into

Thanks to the power of a private server, City of Heroes had come back! I loved this game back in the day and the idea of a server bringing it back I was ecstatic!

The huge variety of customisation, the collectable badges that work like achievements before they were a thing on PC and the world was vast with such great lore with a PDF comic tied into the game.

I don't think I'll ever find a replacement for this game that has no microtransaction bullshit.

Stream + gameplay