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This was the first RTS I had ever played and I absolutely LOVED it, even though I initially played on the PS1 which isn't as good as the much better mouse movement, which I wouldn't get to experience until years later.

It was one not the first game I played with multiple discs (Grandia, FF7, FF9 and ect) but it was the first that had two entirely seporate campaigns depending on the disc.

Disc One you play as the GDI who are coded as "The Heroes" as their motivation is to protect innocents and collect Tiberium to not only research, but remove it from populated areas. They represent all the large and stable nations who are banding together to explore this new resource whilst fighting off the Brotherhood of Nod.

Disc Two is for the Brotherhood of Nod (if you couldn't guess, my preferred group) who are viewed as a terrorist group who woreship Tiberium and follow a figurehead known as Kane (played in the FMV sequences by the game director, I believe) who has grand and mysterious plans involving the mysterious green crystal.

The main story of the universe is that a meteorite has struck the planet that contained a radioactive green crystal named Tiberium which also grows organically like a plant, but due to how hardy it is, quickly impacts the environment and spreads like an invasive species.

Though not covered in detail in this game, it's deadly to humans and marching your troops through it will result in their health draining and then dying due to it's radioactive nature. This new resource has attracted multiple people and groups who wish to obtain and control this weapon to their benefit and that's no more obvious than the selection of deadly weapons Kane manages to create, utilising the powers of the crystal and a mysterious item in his possession.

I'm glad this game has become available due to collector's editions and such and I would love to get back into playing this again and have a whole lot of fun with it!

There's not much that I can say here to do the game justice that hasn't been said already, but I'll give it my best shot anyway.

Dungeon Keeper 2, the sequel to the original game that redefined strategy genres, is more of the same, though improved graphically considering the difference in what one was released and with lots of fun little tweaks that the first didn't have, including having Horney as a summon, but taking up a whole lot of mana and being the most deadly force you can unleash!

Just like the previous game, you can shape rooms by placing down tiles often meaning that the larger the room, the more stuff that can be done and the more of that type of creature can work in there. You have your dungeon heart to defend and your little imps who run around and knock away at stone when you command them to, even giving them a little slap to motivate them if they slow down. All the mean time, you are attempting to build up your army, ready to fight and kill the forces of good who are ready to fight you at every turn, but something I always found very fun was that you can knock them out and then torture them either for gold or brainwash them. If you do the latter, their uniform changes to a more badass evil appearance which I always loved!

The first-person view is much more fun and clear, considering now the improvement to graphics, though something I pointed out in my review of the previous game is that the majority of the creatures in this are humanoid. You do have the Dragonfly that acts as a scout, but almost all of them are humanoid, usually bipdeal (apart from the bile demon which has no legs, but still has arms and head, ect) which isn't a major issue, but as someone who is a big fan of monsters I wanted to see something like Nagas or Driders, giant spiders and so on! Again, this is only a minor complaint and not a big on in the scheme of everything.

One really fun secret tip is that if you build rooms in a certain formation, usually mixing tiles, you can unlock and summon a superior version of the units you can normally get, being automatically at max level and doing their jobs REALLY well.

The Narrator is also a huge part of what makes the game fun, commenting on what you do and giving your mission briefs. I did love this one line that's stuck with me. "There are too many dominatrixes in your dungeon. There's a word for Keepers like you." which always gave me a fun giggle really.

This game should be one of those that helped change the entire gaming landscape and was the inspiration for many similar games that borrowed and built-upon it like Evil Genius, Dungeons, Impire and War for the Overworld. The last one being a spiritual successor to this as EA own this and they've already messed up the IP with a terrible mobile game, but they won't be letting go of it anytime soon!

I occasionally enjoy returning to this game to have some fun and being evil, however, there aren't too many of those games around since it's a fairly niche genre and the best so far has to be War for the Overworld!

As this one contains three minigames I'll cover each one in turn, each one is quite fun within it's own right and I've certainly been replaying the last one on this list a lot.

21: A sadistic game of Black Jack where the person who is involved is, you guessed it, Lucas. Each section has a different set of rounds where punishment is dealt to the loser each and every time. He even gives you special cards to play to improve your advantage, disadvantage or can raise the stakes against your opponent and making them take a much heavier hit than what they were originally up for. Neither person wants to be stuck in this, but what do you expect? Lucas watches from the screens, shows himself up and modifies it each time for him to have a good laugh at the two flail around.

Daughters: This one I initially played on steam because it was story based and focuses on the events of the Baker home at the very beginning where you play as Zoe with two separate endings involved. One that is the actual ending and another which is a bad ending.

Jack's 55th Birthday: This is a unique minigame where you have to run around the house, fighting off molded who are all wearing goofy hats and get food to bring back for Jack. It's quite addictive and there's multiple combinations of what you can do with the food and what you can mix it with to improve it, including a secret hidden recipe that makes the best food in the game, takes up only one slot and is also kind of disgusting when you know what it is.

You start out in different areas and the items are in different locations depending on the stage. To make things a little more difficult, certain coloured molded need to be killed to get access to the rooms that have some useful items in, not just rare food but also ammo for your weapons.

The game is heavy on the inventory management here as when you unlock different skills, they also take up room in your inventory with the best taking up two slots, but also causing a disadvantage too so you need to be careful with what to choose as each stage is time-limited too, so it is a little stressful at times, however, the more molded you kill and the quicker, the more time you get for each kill and ect.

Certainly worth checking out after you finish the main game and really makes me want to keep returning to RE7 for this reason.