Reviews from

in the past

É um adventure bem legal pros fãs do CP original (até porque parece bastante as missões de agente secreto), mas a interface te enrola demais em algumas coisas...

i can't even think of a good score i can't even remember if i liked this or not.

you guys are talking shit but don't pretend that you didn't feel like a badass when you got to go inside the secret room within the PSA

Herbert is posting nsfw in general we have to euthanize him.

half the reason I got this was so I could get the clothes without needing a membership so I could flirt with my club penguin boyfriend when I was like 9

I mostly remember the game having a super sudden ending and being kind of upset you couldn't "free roam" after you were finished the story. Still not a bad alternate look at the Club Penguin world.

If you can tolerate the subpar story and remember this is meant to be a game for, mostly, children, this game actually slapped so hard

Fun little point and click adventure game.

why is the puffle a troll face

Okay this game and it's sequel were actually pretty good.

I remember asking my Grandma to buy me this, solely so I could unlock exclusive gear in Club Penguin. However, when I got it, it turned out to be a very creative game, one which I enjoyed tons.

the minigames were simple, nothing special, but i liked being able to transfer my coins to my actual club penguin account

baby's first point n click

the bonus content you got in club penguin for playing this was baller tho

I never actually connected this to my club penguin account

why was this game SO fuckging hard

This game was the best man. Rest in piece Club Penguin man.

i used to 100% this game like weekly because i could finish it in a day lmao

this was the first ds game i ever played so its very special to me :)

i want to fuck herbert the bear

I'm rating this 5 stars because I know that's what my child-self would do

i played the shit out of this as a kid. would do it again as an adult.