Reviews from

in the past

This is actually pretty fun.... for the first 2-3 levels. Then it gets stupidly difficult (your car gets destroyed so quickly!) while missions take more than half an hour of aimlessly "patrolling" around.

However, I really do like the music, the graphics and the stable 60fps this game showcases. It's fun for a bit.

Fun and challenging car combat game, albeit with some problems. Gameplay loop involves patrolling city hubs to find criminals breaking the law to blow up. Its fun, but fairly simple. Main problem is that some of the levels are just too long. Beating one of them the whole way through (not counting retries) can take between 30-45 minutes. Part of this is because it can take awhile to find what cars you have to chase. There is a radar that you have that can cut down on the time between chases by auto-highlighting the cars, but its still too long. Its also fairly difficult, as your patrol car's health can be melted away if your not careful. Game has a couple of health pickups in each level though, so it is somewhat forgiving. However it takes some time for them to respawn though, so it does balance it.

What keeps it engaging are the maps and the different vehicles that both you and the criminals use. You use three different vehicles throughout the campaign; a regular squad car, a motorcycle and a futuristic jet. Each one has their own alt-fire that deals damage depending on the car it fires on. The enemies also have a decent variety in their catalogue. Some require different approaches to destroy, such as the high powered van, which you have to fire at a distance or their machine gun will do heavy damage to you. Some chases may also require you to just pacify them with your stun weapon for arrest. Some chases also will have both where you have to destroy some cars and stun others for arrest. This adds just enough variety from keeping the gameplay loop from getting too stale. I could see an appeal as well in replaying the game by "min-maxxing" to get the best time by studying and utilizing the map in the most efficient way.

Overall I liked it, as there aren't too many games in this sub genre (twisted metal and mario kart are really the only games that come to mind).