Reviews from

in the past

a rerelease that absolutely blindsided me when I heard about it; if I drafted a list of games I thought would get remade, crystal caves would probably not have even made the top one thousand. nevertheless, the apogee platformer is a style that deserves to be preserved, even though it's pretty much the epitome of a hack sitcom writer's ideas about video games ("I have to get all the gems and blast the aliens to reach the next level, mom!"). the "jokes" are so bad they would make a borscht belt comedian retch, but the actual gameplay is warm and fuzzy, never too high-stakes but not totally toothless either. will give you an idea of what growing up in the early 90s with a pc as your only gaming platform was like.

Creature design? Fantastic. Level design? Fantastic. Sound and graphic design? Fantastic. I have every achievement. While Secret Agent is both more nostalgic for me and more up my street in terms of genre, both games are absolute top notch.