Reviews from

in the past

Royal Rat Authority is the best boss of all time

Un buen juego, un mal dark souls

The most disappointing gaming experience I think I've ever had. This clearly feels like something made by marketing execs whose entire idea of Dark Souls boils down to "it's frustrating and you die a lot".

having played it, it's no surprise why fans of the series say this is the best one

I was so excited for this that I digitally pre-ordered it. I eventually got to the end and was like "WTF was that all about".

Gets almost everything about DARK SOULS wrong and is unspeakably ugly.

better than people think, brings a lot of original and creative ideas to the dark souls table.

overhated, the game is fine, compared to other souls games, it's true it is the worst, too many bosses and enemy placements are horrendous sometimes, and areas feels like you teleport between them for how non sensical it is
but I still like the game, it has so many things to do combat wise due to being a souls game that you can't help but enjoy it

The game is good shut the fuck up nerds

ميزو معملهاش بس هو فوق برضو

the king's field of dark souls, the only problem is that king's field is worse than dark souls

I accidentally deleted my save file for this game twice and had to play through the majority of it three times so I have it on good authority that this game is genuinely pretty great

Yes I want a stat to influence my dodge iframes

Dark Souls 2

Tão inovador em certas partes, porém nas coisas básicas de um jogo ''Souls Like'' ele falha de mais, tendo bosses ridículos e sem graças e seu Level design muito repetitivo e fraco. Bem eu não posso ♥♥♥♥♥ que me diverti em certas horas nesse jogo, mas em muitos momentos foi apenas frustração por eu estar perdido ou estar totalmente decepcionado com quase todos bosses do jogo.

No meu ver ele é o ''Souls Like'' com a pior história de todas tendo poucos NPCS memoráveis.

Bem... essa é uma das partes que mais me irrita em Dark Souls 2, tem tantos bosses com hit box podres que chega a ser irritante, fora que o jogo é muito lento forçando vc a upar ADR para rolar mais rápido/tomar estus mais rápido, e eu também odeio a mecânica de quanto mais eu morro menos vida eu tenho.

Muitos bosses poucos de qualidade.

Bem essa é uma parte interessante do jogo afinal os melhores bosses do jogo estão nas DLC e tem umas áreas legais, mas nada que salve o jogo.

Preço e Qualidade gráfica-
acho que se tu curte muito dark souls vale a pena comprar afinal ele é barato e longo, mas não quer dizer que ele é bom, afinal acho o contrário disso.

Nota Final-

I am one of the freaks that likes this one a lot? Honestly appreciate it more than 3 and about on par with 1.

At launch this game was quite rough and frankly not a fun experience. After patching the game to remove bugs and releasing the dlc which is fantastic, the game become quite good as is on par with the rest of the series.

Rushed, mandated sequel that misunderstands why the first game is so great. Even the graphics feel worse than the original and the movement and combat are just wrong. Also started the terribly stupid "muh honorable battles" PVP culture of the Dark Souls series.

Aesthetically not my favourite but weirdly the one I spent the most time on.
Great for cosplays builds and some fun covenants.

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yeah thats right its better than 1

The pinnacle of the series and the superior version of the game. Though it struggles with direction in its first half, it makes up for it in spades with its charming level design, stunning art direction, and weighty, satisfying combat. Some of FROM's best environment design to date lies in Drangleic Castle, and the areas that follow.

Trash. I want to say "at least it works" but it barely does that.

some dumb shit, lots of really great shit

A flawed gem that gets harder to return to with every passing year. Content rich, and yet none of the content is that great. Mechanically stodgy, yet rich. Strangely incomplete, and yet with the DLC's it's huge and satisfying.

A truly bizarre game, whose fundamental black sheep status will only make it weirder as time goes on. Mystical atmosphere. Daring in ways that 3 didn't dare be. Iconic fragments of lore and character buried under snide writing and fan service in its sequel.

A sunrise or a sunset? Accidental genius or dogshit rescued to be something half decent? Likely both. A special game despite itself. Unforgettable, both for the ways in which it is average and the ways in which it excels.

A crucial playthrough for a new and voracious From Soft fan.